Yun Xi from Tianshen Mountain saw the opportunity and immediately took advantage of the opportunity and said: "Why don't you return the spiritual weapon to me, so that I can have an explanation and get you some elixir then. How about that?"

"Your calculation is pretty good, but if you really want to change, just use the Holy Spirit elixir. How much are a few Spiritual Herbs elixir worth?" Huanghao Lion opened his mouth and said in one sentence: The other party fought back.

Yun Xi was so angry that her face turned red. It seemed that she had been taken over by the young man in front of her. Although there was a little anger in her heart, the entire desolate realm had not been able to remove the holy medicine. It was completely forcing her to make things difficult.

"If we can't get it out, there's no need to talk about it. Then don't mention this "957" thing." Huang Hao shook his head with a smile.

However, just as the words finished, another familiar voice came from outside the courtyard. The Supreme Elder Wang Kun looked aloof again, standing outside the courtyard and shouting.

"Kid, if someone wants to see you, go with God."

Seeing this old guy come back again, have you forgotten the embarrassing escape just now?

Although this guy's Cultivation Base is high, he is obviously no match for him. He deliberately came to ask for a beating this time, and it was not just a simple cry.

"Could it be that you rummaged through the box and found the treasure at the bottom of the box? Seeing how confident you are now, you think you can do it again?" Huang Hao sneered.

"I accidentally read your way before. But don't forget that this is the territory of my God's Medicine Sect in the Medicine City. Not only did you break the rules, but you also arrogantly blasphemed some of the rules set by my God's Medicine Sect. You will definitely You punish me, come with me quickly and receive your punishment." The Elder puffed his beard and glared, full of confidence.

Huang Hao didn't talk nonsense to him. He raised his hand and saw a flash of lightning, like a dragon, directly hitting the old guy.

At this moment, a blue light lit up on the Elder's chest, forming a natural protective barrier that actually blocked the dragon's impact without being hurt.

When everyone saw this, they felt bad. Such a powerful defense could be due to the Magical Item that reached the sky and got into the chest.

The two completely different looks shocked others.

In the next moment, Huang Hao swiped his five fingers towards the void, like the claws of a golden dragon, directly breaking through the void. Its power was so powerful that even a mountain would be leveled.

However, the light flashed again, still without wind or waves, and all the power it moved was absorbed by the light barrier.

When Huang Hao saw this, he was moved, and he actually achieved Wanfa's unbreakable posture.

He was also guessing in his mind what kind of Magical Item it was that made this Supreme Elder feel like a different person, especially the impregnable defensive power, which he had never seen before.

"Children, don't think that you can act arrogantly just because you have gained some good fortune. The strong will have their own strong masters, and every mountain is higher than the other. I saw that you were a talent before, so I couldn't bear to destroy this seedling. Don't be stubborn. ." The Supreme Elder was also shocked. He didn't expect that the few talismans that the woman made lightly would be so magical.

"You guys leave first." Huang Hao frowned at this moment. To ensure that everything was safe, he could only ask the people on the side to leave first, otherwise he wouldn't even have a chance to escape.

"We share blessings and share hardships. How can we leave at this time? We must fight side by side." The big red bird is a master of temperament. When facing a strong enemy, he opens his mouth to attack.

At this moment, Huang Hao had already drawn out the sword in his hand and struck it directly without saying a word...

The Supreme Elder's body shook, and another blue light curtain appeared, and the sword light flew away again.

When Huang Hao saw this, he was not in a hurry. The sword in his hand drew several circles in the air, and a blue Sword Qi spurted out from the tip of the sword, condensing into a spear-like Magic Treasure in mid-air, heading towards The blue light curtain pierced through.

This time, the blue light curtain finally reacted. A beam of light rose into the sky and faced the long spear Magic Treasures. The two attacks collided with each other and made a huge explosion sound, which made the entire square tremble.

There was a loud bang, the blue light curtain instantly shattered, and the spear Magic Treasures also dissipated.

Magic Treasures is so awesome, it really has a few brushes. It's a pity that you met someone from the Divine Medicine Sect, so you are destined to fail. The Supreme Elder said with a sneer.

Really? That's not necessarily true. Since you are the leader of a faction, you naturally know how powerful I am. If you are not convinced, just give it a try. Huang Hao said.

Huh! I will let you know what the real strength of the Divine Medicine Sect is, look at the palm! After saying that, the Elder moved his hands together, a dazzling light bloomed in the air 0.9, and an unparalleled pressure moved towards Huang. Hao enveloped him and left.

Huang Hao didn't show any weakness. With a wave of his hand, he took off the white clothes he was wearing, revealing his strong upper body.

There was a loud bang, and Huang Hao and the Supreme Elder retreated a few steps at the same time, but there was no scratch. Although Huang Hao's clothes were in tatters, there was no damage at all.

Good boy, you are indeed a cultivator who has been inherited. Interesting, really interesting! After saying that, the Elder slapped the Qiankun bag, and pieces of jade pendants the size of a palm flew out. There were eighteen pieces in total, each one shining light blue. The brilliance of color. .

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