"There is a lifeless smell everywhere. How long do I have to stay here?" Yun Xi didn't want to stay for a moment longer. She wanted to stand on tiptoe when walking, for fear that the bone fragments would cut her own feet.

This is indeed the case. You can hear the sound of running water, but there is no running water. You can only vaguely see a touch of green after walking ten steps. You can't see any life at all. They are sparse and scattered in twos and threes, just like the many forces hidden in the Immortal Cave. .

No one can touch the other, but the risks encountered are the same. If you are not careful, you will be drained.

Cao Ye and the Fire Emperor were watching Huang Hao and others through the hazy lenses, following Wang Kun "697" to the next place, the Immortal Cave with countless mysterious colors.

This was the second array they conquered. The situation here was unusual compared to before. There was actually room for rune. The two borders were obviously very far apart, but they crossed over within a few steps.

There is almost no grass growing here, you can't even hear the sound of insects pecking at the soil, and there are almost no valuable traces and fragments.

Cao Ye's expression suddenly became tense, and he looked a little nervous.

At the same time, the leader Wang Kun began to remind: "The road becomes more and more difficult from here on. The pile of bones found is in the Third Stage formation, and only half of the forbidden spells and arrays have been broken."

"Lead the way quickly, don't talk so much." Huang Hao snorted coldly, who didn't know that the risks ahead were even greater.

After they entered the third group of arrays, they came to the first relatively safe area, which was already filled with hundreds of disciples of the Divine Medicine Sect, and many Elder-level figures were studying countermeasures.

Among them are some big shots with close contacts, each bringing their elite children and descendants here to bet on their future.

The opened safe zone is very narrow. Looking in all directions, it is still dark and hazy, and it is impossible to see it clearly.

At the boundary of the field of vision, broken Magical Items can be seen everywhere, as well as many discarded sacred objects, and even a newly broken array flag, but there are more bones that have just been buried here.

"The senior's bones are right in front. Let's go over and take a look." Wang Kun raised his hand and pointed straight ahead.

Since it is white bones, there is no flesh and blood, but there is some black and gray color in the broken parts of the bones, which is very abnormal.

Huang Hao just touched it tentatively, and the bones cracked instantly, as if they had been subjected to a penetrating force, and they were instantly defeated. The seemingly complete bones had actually turned into dust.

"Master, there seems to be traces of Spirit Gathering Formation here."

"It's true. This guy's death was worse than you imagined. All his energy was sucked away." Cao Ye said.

When he first arrived here, Huang Hao felt that there seemed to be many whirlwinds buried in all directions, secretly absorbing the energy and spirit in their bodies bit by bit. Although this feeling was very slight, this first layer of wind had not yet been completely broken. The three formations are therefore full of murderous intent all the time.

"Elder Lin, you are finally here. I thought you didn't care." At this time, someone came up and said hello.

"Master Shenyao's adopted son has already reached the divine level many years ago [he came with part of the array diagram at that time."] Another old man who was about the same age as the male protagonist Kun was seen.

But these simple words revealed an astonishing aura. A great man who reached the level of god in his later years actually died here...

At this time, Huang Hao found a piece of Blacken's incomplete bone among a pile of fragments. There was still a light of charm on it, which had not been completely swallowed.

"As Master said before, there are no gods in this world, just deified ordinary creatures." Huang Hao was a little disappointed and did not find the value contained in it.

Cao Ye hesitated for a quarter of an hour, then suddenly remembered and said: "The son of the God of Medicine must have died unnaturally. If nothing else, the other bronze piece should still be on his body."

Huang Hao understood in an instant and used one piece of bronze in his hand to sense the existence of another piece.

As expected, the result made him immediately overjoyed. Under those bones that had completely swallowed up his spirit, there was really a surprise buried, and the result was unexpected.

The copper piece was not big and was covered with green rust. It was under everyone's feet and no one noticed it.

Huang Hao spliced ​​the two important clues together. 5.4

But it's a pity that he is not a double-eyed person, so there is no way to see the strangeness in it immediately.

"It's a pity that I don't have eyes that reach the sky, otherwise I should be able to see the truth in nothingness." Huang Hao said to himself helplessly.

However, before he could finish his words, the other half of the bronze fragments broke apart and instantly turned into a pile of green iron powder.

This scene shocked his jaw.

Now is not the time to be distracted by Divine Partition, but how can we control it!

"This is too..."

"No, look there." Cao Ye's voice pointed to a silvery corner, which seemed to be hiding something. .

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