Chen Daoxuan looked at Dongfang Chen and asked about the coordinates of the Human Emperor.

Hearing this, Dongfang Chen and others were stunned. Some of them didn't quite understand. What kind of gift was it? Do they still need the help of the Human Emperor?

Could it be that the Immortal Master still knows the Human Emperor?

But this doesn’t make sense. If the Immortal Master knew the Human Emperor, there would be no need to ask him about the Human Emperor’s whereabouts.

"Normally the Human Emperor is in the Imperial Capital, but I am not sure whether he is in the Imperial Capital at this time."

Although there were many questions in his mind, Dongfang Chen did not dare to ask, so he honestly gave the immortal master the coordinates of the palace where the Human Emperor usually resided.

Dongfang Han on the side heard that her husband was going to give her a small gift, and she was also curious. She didn't know what his husband would give her.

Given your master's level, even a small gift can be considered a heaven-defying opportunity, right?

"You should pack up what you need to pack, prepare what you need to prepare, and we will leave in an hour."

Chen Daoxuan was not in a hurry, and after speaking, he motioned for everyone to go their separate ways.

Naturally, the two disciples had nothing to prepare, so Yan Ran simply took out some tea leaves, made a new pot of tea for the master, and served him quietly.

Yourong has had enough fun these days and is no longer as interested in Fengliang City as she was at the beginning. She has eaten everything she should eat several times.

Even Dongfang Han did not move around, but stood quietly behind the gentleman, with thoughtful eyes in his eyes. He didn't know what he was thinking.

On the contrary, Lao Laizi and Dongfang Chen need to do some aftermath work.

The old lame man wanted to step forward and ask how much he had spent on his recent stay at the hotel, and make up for the difference if there was any shortfall, but Dongfang Chen waved his hand and said that he had bought the Chenyue Building so that the immortal master could rest in the future.

Even without the treasures of heaven and earth in the treasure house, the general's normal operation of finances was not too urgent for a while. A mere Chenyue Tower was not worth mentioning in front of such a huge thing as the General's Mansion.

There are more than 800 cities under the command of the General's Mansion. Taxation alone is a large amount of revenue every year, which is enough to maintain the normal operation of the General's Mansion, but it has lost the foundation it has gained over the years.

"These days, old cripple, I have also spent more than a thousand top-quality spiritual stones, and I have to reimburse myself for this."

The old cripple came to Dongfang Chen and asked for money.

He didn't report too much. He was trying his best these days. No matter it was thousands of miles away or how expensive the food was, he would find a way to buy it for Li Yourong. As long as it could bring him closer to the adults, it was simply Don’t be too cost-effective!

"Hey, look at you now, how can you still have the slightest bit of style from back then?"

Dongfang Chen casually took out two thousand top-quality spiritual stones and threw them to the old cripple. Although his words were full of disgust, he also knew that if the old cripple hadn't ignored the damage, it would be difficult for the General's Mansion to develop to where it is now.

"By the way, there is also the debt of Zuihua House in Fengliang City. You have to settle it."

The old lame man chuckled. He had just taken two steps when he suddenly thought of something and couldn't help but turn around and remind him.


"No way, can the immortal master like those ordinary women in Zuihua Tower?"

Immortal Master Dongfang Chen was stunned for a moment, and then he touched his chin and his eyes flashed with tears. If Immortal Master liked women, he wouldn't mind giving in to her and summoned a hundred of the best women in the general's palace to stay with him. serve.

However, it shouldn’t be. In terms of appearance, the two disciples beside the immortal master can be called the moon-shy flowers sinking the fish and the geese. They are simply two flawless pieces of jade. Even their posture and temperament are impeccable in every aspect. .

How could he like the ordinary woman in Zuihua Tower?

Do all immortals like something special?

"That's not true. Don't talk nonsense. If the master hears it, he will break your legs and become a cripple with me."

"Ahem, old cripple, I walk around the world, and I need to warm my body occasionally. If I want a wife but don't have one, then I can only go to this land of fireworks to be happy?"

The old lame man quickly made a sign of silence, and then said without blushing and without a beating heart.

Hearing this, Dongfang Chen's face twitched and jumped wildly. No wonder, he said that the immortal master shouldn't have such low expectations!

"If you don't go, you can be happy on your own, why should the General's Office pay you a bill?"

Dongfang Chen snorted coldly and decisively refused.

"It's okay. Anyway, the old cripple used Tianyu Army's token to pay the bill on credit. If you don't go, it will also be the face of the general's mansion. Old cripple, I don't care about face."

The old cripple didn't pay attention at all, but went back to his room humming a little tune.

"I ♦..."

The blood vessels on Dongfang Chen's forehead were beating wildly, but when he thought that Yan'er had been cured now, and his meridians were astonishing, he lost his anger.

Naturally, he, a great general, would not deal with the tent in Zuihua Tower himself. He took out the messenger talisman and ordered the secret guard to deal with it.


An hour later, it was completely dark.

Everyone also gathered in the lobby again.

"Let's go to the imperial capital."

Chen Daoxuan then put down his tea cup, stood up slowly, straightened his clothes, and said with a chuckle to everyone.

"Master, where is Aunt Lan?"

Li Yourong blinked and asked curiously.

Ao Lan disappeared two days ago. Li Yourong thought he had gone somewhere secretly to play without her. But now that he was about to leave, Ao Lan was nowhere to be seen, so she couldn't help but ask.

"She returned to the Dragon Clan's Little Cave Heaven two days ago."

"After two days, I will take you to the Dragon Clan's Small Cave Heaven to play." Chen Daoxuan explained casually. In order to ensure that Ao Lan would not encounter any accidents, he also specially asked Yu Youwei to go with him. When Li Yourong heard that they could go to the Small Cave Heaven to play, her eyes lit up and she called Master the best! He pointed his hand like a sword and gently drew it in front of him. The space was torn apart like a fragile piece of paper, and a space crack appeared. The two disciples were already accustomed to this method of crossing the void. If it were not for the small place here, the master could directly open the door of space! Dongfang Chen, as a great man in the Tribulation Period, could also break through the void by bursting out the ultimate power in an instant, but it was definitely not as simple as Chen Daoxuan's casual drawing. But he had already regarded Chen Daoxuan as a real immortal in his heart, so he was obviously not too surprised. "Let's go." Chen Daoxuan stretched his waist and flicked his sleeves directly. The invisible force swept everyone and took them into the space crack together. With the coordinates, it was much more convenient. In just a few breaths, he led everyone across billions of kilometers and arrived at the Imperial Capital.

Even at night, the Imperial Capital was brightly lit, and countless masters were responsible for guarding it.

Suddenly, a terrifying space gate appeared above the Imperial Capital. The gate was hundreds of feet high and was made of the bones of the demons. Countless demons gathered on it.

All the great powers in the entire Imperial Capital were shocked by this scene and looked at the terrifying giant gate above their heads in shock.

Ps: I am not in good condition and write slowly. I couldn’t finish it all today. I can only write slowly until after ten o’clock and start one chapter at a time.

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