The third elder of Yinyue came to the room of the former head coach Xu Xiuyuan. After getting the communication talisman, he casually checked many information during this period.

Most of them were messages from many people from other forces when Xu Xiuyuan had just fallen and before they had time to spread to the outside world.

But after learning about Xu Xiuyuan's death, Fu Lu no longer had any information about Zhongzhou.

On the other hand, the information about the Demon Emperor Zhao Baizhou from the Demon Clan in the Western Regions surprised the Third Elder for a moment.

After walking out of the hall, the third elder played with the communication talisman in his hand and thought briefly about whether he should accept the cooperation of this demon.

"If you annex the demon clan, it should be considered a great achievement, right?"

"I believe the Pavilion Master will be very happy."

"Haha, in that case, let's get down first and then talk."

"Those old loose immortals from the Demon Clan should be running out of life, otherwise Zhao Baizhou might not be able to cooperate with me in the Yin Yue Holy Land."

After the third elder thought clearly about the current situation, he sent a reply to the Demon Emperor Zhao Baizhou through the messenger talisman.

[One month later, our Holy City will send elders to the Western Regions to discuss in person. 】

Calculating the time, I will go to the Western Regions to discuss an alliance in a month. If it can be done faster, when the Pavilion Master reaches Zhongzhou in more than two months, he, the Yin Moon Holy Land, will be able to take credit for this matter.


Many holy places in Zhongzhou have a neutral attitude towards the demons. However, the Human Emperor forced the demons into the Western Region. Now it is still very dangerous for the demons to set foot in Zhongzhou. He can only send people to visit the four regions in person when the time comes. .

It just so happens that when I go to the Four Realms, if I have the chance, I can visit the Pavilion Master in person.

You can also personally deliver the offerings that need to be handed over to Yin Yue Holy Land this year in advance, and since this is the first time, you should give a big enough gift. The Demon Clan of the Western Regions is very suitable for this gift!

As for why Zhao Baizhou sought cooperation with him in the Yin Moon Holy Land, it was not difficult for the three elders to guess.

It must be that the immortals of the Western Region Demon Clan are about to expire. If the Human Emperor wants to take action against the Demon Clan again, they will no longer have the vitality and resistance to resist!

"Well... the Four Realms, Tiandao Pavilion is in the Four Realms."

"Hiss! Could it be that Zhao Baizhou is seeking cooperation with my Holy Land with Tiandao Pavilion..."

"No, no, haha, I really think too much."

The third elder was suddenly startled and thought of a possibility, but was rejected instantly by himself.

If the demons from the Western Regions seek cooperation with them because they have offended Tiandao Pavilion, this is obviously impossible.

All of them in the Yin Yue Holy Land were massacred by Senior Chen, and now they have become a subordinate force of Tiandao Pavilion. If the demons of the Western Regions offend Tiandao Pavilion, there will naturally be only two results: destruction or surrender.

Anyone who has seen the strength of Pavilion Master Chen from Tiandao Pavilion has absolutely no intention of resisting!

At that moment, the third elder smiled and no longer worried, and began to notify other holy places through Xu Xiuyuan's messenger talisman that they would gather in Yinyue Holy Land in three months to wait for the arrival of Tiandao Pavilion.

Although the Yin Yue Holy Land currently does not have a position of leader and is jointly presided over by many elders, the three elders are actually the ones in charge of the power.

But everyone knows that they are only doing things for Tiandao Pavilion. The Yin Moon Holy Land and the elders are now just subordinate forces of Tiandao Pavilion, and everything must satisfy Tiandao Pavilion!


After receiving the message from Yin Yue Holy Land, many holy places also summoned senior elders to discuss the matter.

"Headmaster, this time Tiandao Pavilion summoned the Nine Holy Lands, it must be... that they want us to become affiliated with Tiandao Pavilion like the Yin Yue Holy Land, right?"

"We, Qingmiao Holy Land, usually live in peace with the world, and we will not do things that go against Tiandao Pavilion. How about we show our stance and forget about becoming a subsidiary?"

The second elder of Qingmiao Holy Land frowned and said, everyone is well aware of Tiandao Pavilion's plan to summon many forces this time.

But the people who are usually the most powerful forces in this world, who are at the pinnacle of power, suddenly become affiliated forces of Tiandao Pavilion, some people will feel uncomfortable.

"Haha, the second elder said it well. I agree. We directly reject Tiandao Pavilion and say that we have nothing to do with the world. Let's see if Pavilion Master Chen will believe it. If he doesn't believe it, let Pavilion Master Chen come to us one by one. Sword, if we are all dead, we will really have nothing to contend with."

"Headmaster, what do you think?"

When the fifth elder heard the second elder's suggestion, he suddenly became angry.

On that day, the sky in Zhongzhou was full of strange phenomena, and the terror of Tiandao Pavilion had been deeply imprinted in everyone's heart.

"Fifth Elder, this is wrong!"

"One person and one sword, this is too outrageous and impossible."

"With just one sword strike, we in Qingmiao Holy Land can be on our way in good order."

The first elder, who had not spoken for a long time, could not help but glance at the second elder, and then spoke.

"Ahem, please, Great Elder, please reply to Yin Yue and tell us that we from Qingmiao Holy Land will definitely be there."

Seeing this, the headmaster cleared his throat. He had already made up his mind to pay attention. He just needed a step.

At the same time, he secretly wrote down the second elder in a small notebook. It seems that he will have to find an opportunity to abdicate in the future and take care of his old age. His vision is so shallow, it is a matter of life and death for the Holy Land, and he still cannot distinguish the situation!

In this way, the situation of several other holy places is roughly the same as that of Qingmiao Holy Land.

Although some stubborn people raised objections, they were basically criticized harshly by their fellow disciples during the discussion. The consequences of offending Tiandao Pavilion were not something that any Holy Land could bear. Even nine Holy Lands joined forces and had no power to resist. .

Simply accepting it happily and being protected by Tiandao Pavilion may not be a bad thing.

Just like the current Yin Yue Holy Land, with the support of Tiandao Pavilion, it becomes tough to talk to other holy places.

The messenger talisman asked them to gather at the Yin Yue Holy Land more than two months later, with a direct and command-like tone, without giving any dignity to other holy places.


Western Region, inside the Demon Emperor's Palace.

The messenger talisman buzzed, and Zhao Baizhou put down what he was doing and quickly checked the other party's reply.

"Haha, this way, the pressure will be reduced a lot."

"Although this move somewhat feels like luring a wolf into the house, with the help of Yin Yue Holy Land, we can overcome the current predicament and ascend to the upper world within a thousand years. This deal is not a loss."

Zhao Baizhou breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the reply from Yin Yue Holy Land saying that he would send someone to discuss it in detail in one month.

The speed at which the Tiandao Pavilion demon woman broke through the realm really frightened him.

If they don't form an alliance, the demon clan in the Western Regions may not be able to survive for a thousand years!

No matter how powerful Tiandao Pavilion is, can it still be strong enough to suppress the Holy Land in Zhongzhou?

"It only takes a thousand years to be alone, that's enough!"

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