Upper Bound.

In a dark mountain range, there is a large hall shrouded by several low-grade immortal formations. The entire body is made of jet black special meteorite iron, and a plaque "Palace of Rebirth" hangs above the main hall.

The personnel in the Palace of Purity are not complicated. Although there are more than ten thousand believers, the believers do not know the true location of the Palace of Purity at all.

Even the Messenger of the Past who was sent to the lower realm did not know the location of the Palace of the Past. Normally, if you want to return to the Palace of the Past, you need the Lord Judge's permission to open a space channel and teleport there. There are formations all over the Palace of the Past for thousands of miles. Can't block perception.

Even the messengers of the past who have been here cannot tell where they are at all. It is extremely mysterious.

"Your Majesty..."

"Over there in the lower realm, four of our brothers have been killed."

"As for Messenger Yin, although the soul lamp has not been extinguished at this time, there is no news, so something must have happened."

"It would be too dangerous to go to the lower realm at this time!"

The seven envoys were currently in the study room of the Palace of the Past, each with respectful expressions and bitter expressions on their faces.

The original twelve messengers have now been reduced to five.

In the lower realm, they were originally god-like existences. As long as they were not discovered by the rules of heaven, they could do whatever they wanted.

But now, a Tiandao Pavilion suddenly appeared out of the sky. The existence in the Tiandao Pavilion made them, humans and immortals, afraid of them.


"You mean you plan to disobey Your Majesty's decree?"

A young man who looked elegant and scholarly was looking at the poem he had just written. Without raising his head, he asked softly in a calm tone.

"No, I dare not."

"It's just...if we continue like this, I'm afraid it will be difficult to complete the mission given by Your Majesty..."

As the leader of the messengers of the dead, although he was frightened, he still held his hands and bowed his waist and opened his mouth to defend.

"Well, there is some truth to this."

"That's fine."

"Bring these three calligraphy and paintings with you. If you are in danger, your lives can be saved."


"Li, no matter what means you use, if you fail to fulfill your Majesty's decree before escaping, you will know the consequences."

Judge Li nodded when he heard what the other party said, and casually took down three bamboo tubes containing calligraphy and paintings from the bookshelf on the side, and threw them to the messenger casually.

All of them contain magical magical powers, two of which can explode with a full-strength attack from the heavenly realm, and one which can teleport across the void back to the Palace of Rebirth.


"Thank you, Lord Judge!"

When the seven envoys saw the three calligraphy and paintings, their eyes lit up. With this treasure, their safety factor and success rate in completing His Majesty's decree will be greatly improved!

"Then go ahead."

"Remember, you can't deal with that guy. You must choose to attack when he is not around."

Upon seeing this, Judge Li didn't say anything more. He picked up the pen and drew a slight circle on everyone, then teleported them away from the Palace of the Past and back to the gap in space.

After seeing off the seven envoys, he looked at the poem he had just written, nodded with satisfaction, framed it, and hung it in his study.


"I've been feeling uneasy lately. Why is Your Excellency so concerned about the lower world? It's strange, it's really strange."

Judge Li looked at the room full of poems and murmured for a moment. He did not dare to continue guessing about His Majesty's true purpose. He took out another piece of spiritual paper and began to create with concentration.


(Human Immortal, Earth Immortal, Heavenly Immortal, True Immortal, Mysterious Immortal, Golden Immortal, Immortal King...)

The Palace of Purity, the most magnificent main hall.

Lu Qiu, the master of the Palace of Rebirth, who was known as the Supreme Being, was also troubled at this time.

In the past, the Palace of the Past was actually an unpopular force in the upper world. Even he, the master of the palace, was just a moderate Xuanxian. Although the Xuanxian could already establish a sect in the upper world, it still didn't count. Not as powerful as the top.

But thousands of years ago, an Immortal King suddenly found him and asked him to send people to the lower world to deal with all the people who might be able to overcome the calamity and ascend. Once a genius with enough talent to become an immortal appeared, he would kill them in the world. In the cradle.

The reward is to provide him with a large amount of cultivation resources in the Palace of Rebirth.

Lu Qiu agreed without thinking at the time. After all, the other party was an immortal king-level existence. If the Palace of Rebirth rejected the opponent, there would be another force willing to accept it, but the Palace of Rebirth might not exist anymore.

That's all in the past. For thousands of years, his Palace of Purity has been invincible in the lower world. With the method of shielding Qi provided by the Immortal King, even the rules of heaven and earth can't do anything to the people in the Palace of Purity.

But just recently, in just one year, their Palace of Rebirth lost five messengers from the Immortal Realm.

But now, the Immortal King asked them to intercept and kill the terrifying disciples of Tian Dao Pavilion. He, the master of the palace, thought that he might not be stronger than the mysterious young man in Tian Dao Pavilion, and there was a high probability that he would not be able to compare with him.

No matter what, I can't refuse the Immortal King's instructions, so I can only take the risk!

At least, in the upper realm, as long as he is protected by the Immortal King, he is absolutely safe. Even if he catches up with the Twelve Envoys, if he can complete this mission, he will make a lot of money and will definitely get a lot of heavenly materials. Earth treasure reward.

Envoys can be trained again, but it’s hard to find such an opportunity again!


"Has it been sent to the lower world?"

Feeling the aura of magical teleportation appearing in the Palace of the Past, the master of the palace, Lu Qiu, took out the token and reported the situation to the Immortal King, saying that this move would never fail!

He has placed restrictions in each messenger's spiritual platform.

When the time comes, even if these seven messengers cannot do it, he can force the seven immortals to self-destruct, and the immortals will be hard to save!


In the Temple of Heaven, Chen Daoxuan, who was sleeping, frowned slightly.

I always felt that there was an extremely weak, bad feeling that was so weak that I couldn't feel it clearly. A danger as big as... a grain of dust was approaching.

Hmm...seven dusts, maybe.

"Is it possible that someone wants to take action against me, Chen?"

"That terrifying presence from last time?"

"Or are you taking action against Yanran and the others?"

After Chen Daoxuan woke up, he frowned and thought hard. The danger as big as a grain of sand cannot be ignored!

Such a great danger is at least equivalent to an ordinary person being bitten by an ant. It is very dangerous!

However, after thinking about it, he estimated that there was a high probability that he would take action against his disciples. After all, there was no danger at all for him in the lower realm.

As for the disciples...

"The dozens of magical powers left on the disciples' altars before always feel unsafe."

"It just so happens that their strength has improved recently. Let's give them dozens of magical powers to stabilize them when they come out of seclusion."

After thinking everything through, Chen Daoxuan's brows finally relaxed.

When Mr. Chen acts, there is no room for any surprises!

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