Western Region, Imperial Capital.

Zhao Baizhou has already set up a banquet, and many powerful masters of the demon clan are already seated.

When the two elders from Yin Yue Holy Land arrived, he had already received the communication talisman from the master who had transcended the tribulation period.

Seeing three figures coming from a distance, Zhao Baizhou hurried forward to greet them.

"Are you...the third elder, the sixth elder?"

"Why don't you see Headmaster Xu?"

Zhao Baizhou, who took the initiative to greet them, began to look at the identities of the two people from a distance. Based on his original memory, he was able to distinguish their identities.

However, this time he was directly contacted by the leader of the Yin Yue Holy Land, Xu Xiuyuan.

The other party did not come in person, but sent two elders to come. Presumably...it was deliberately staged to let him know the gap in status between the two at this time?

Humph, Xu Xiuyuan is indeed very scheming!

When the two elders of the Holy Land heard each other mentioning Xu Xiuyuan, their expressions suddenly became a little ugly.

He raised his eyebrows slightly and ignored him.

You can't say that the headmaster of Yin Moon Holy Land is a loser in public, right?

Even if the former head coach Xu Xiuyuan died, he did make a lot of contributions to the Holy Land and could be called a generational hero!

"Hahaha, it's Guduo who asked."

"You two, please take your seats quickly!"

When Zhao Baizhou saw the two of them frowning and saying nothing, he felt quite unhappy. Since he became the Demon Emperor, he has really never been shown off by anyone!

No, I was almost killed by that scary guy a few days ago...

"No need, we are not here as guests."

"I'm waiting for you in the study."

The third elder directly raised his hand to refuse. With a sweep of the palace, he found the location of Zhao Baizhou's study.

He directly took the Sixth Elder, took one step in the air, and disappeared from everyone's sight.

The atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

Zhao Baizhou still maintained the posture of inviting people, and the many demon masters in the banquet square were originally smiling, with their hands clasped in fists, ready to greet the elders of Zhongzhou Holy Land.

But now, the other party is not polite, as if this Western Region is their home territory of Yin Yue Holy Land.

He left them where they were and went to His Majesty's study without permission.

"His Majesty!"

Uncle Zhao Yizhen immediately came to His Majesty's side with a dark face, obviously very angry.

"No problem."

"After all, they are scattered immortals."

Zhao Baizhou's expression remained as usual, and he raised his hand to stop Zhao Yizhen from continuing to speak.

Nowadays, the demon clan is weak and cannot compete with the behemoths in Zhongzhou such as the Yinyue Holy Land. The party that is suffering from this negotiation is already at a disadvantage.

What’s the big deal about suffering some grievances in order to survive the biggest crisis at the moment?

"My uncle is here to invite you all to a banquet, so I can go and negotiate alone."

After Zhao Baizhou said this, he pressed his hands slightly towards the many demon masters in the square, and at the same time, he took one step and disappeared.

Seeing this, the uncle Zhao Yizhen could only sigh helplessly, and waved his hands to the many demon masters in the square in displeasure, indicating that everyone could help themselves.

They had carefully prepared this banquet for a month, and the powerful demons present had put down everything half a month in advance and were waiting in this square for visitors from the Holy Land.

But now, the other party has no intention of attending the banquet, making their preparations go to waste.

Although everyone was unhappy about this, they also knew His Majesty was helpless.

They are not afraid of breaking up with the Holy Land. The Demons have retreated to the Western Region. No Holy Land is willing to fight with their Demons, but now they have something to ask for.


Wait for Zhao Baizhou to come to the study.

Seeing the scene inside, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

The third elder was sitting casually on his usual seat, and the sixth elder was looking at the many furnishings in the study with great interest.

However, when looking at it, the Sixth Elder always made a sound of disgust, as if he felt that everything in his study was garbage!

"Haha, two elders."

"I don't know about this alliance, what does Master Xu mean?"

Zhao Baizhou still had a light smile on his face, sat casually on a chair nearby, and asked.

"The person named Xu has no meaning in this matter and will not have any meaning."

The third elder glanced at Zhao Baizhou and said.


Zhao Baizhou was a little confused. Weren't the two sent by Xu Xiuyuan to negotiate? What was going on?

The surname is Xu?

How many years has it been since he led the demons to leave Zhongzhou? Has the Holy Land of Zhongzhou changed?

Isn’t Xu Xiuyuan in charge of Yin Yue Holy Land anymore?


However, these three elders seemed to have always had their own strength in Yin Yue Holy Land. Could it be that they have completely controlled Yin Yue Holy Land now?

For a time, countless conjectures flashed through Zhao Baizhou's mind.

"I won't explain too much to you about the affairs of Yin Yue Holy Land."

"I came here this time just to help you solve your trouble."

"From now on, we will be allies!"

The third elder stroked his beard and said nonchalantly.

When he said the word "ally", his tone was slightly frustrated, which was intentional. As the Demon Emperor, Zhao Baizhou was very thoughtful, how could he not understand?


"If you two can solve the problem, I guarantee that the demons will be the best allies of the Yin Moon Holy Land."

Zhao Baizhou became more serious. He recalled the words of the Sanxian Ancestor back then. The terrifying existence in the Dao Pavilion that day was definitely not an enemy of the Sanxian. If he added the Yin Moon Holy Land and the three Sanxian Ancestors of his own demon clan, There are ten loose immortals, so it shouldn’t be a problem!


"Tell me who needs to be dealt with."

The third elder finally smiled slightly when he heard the other party agreed.

As long as the trouble is solved, the demons will basically be conquered by their Yin Yue Holy Land. More than half a month later, at the Zhongzhou Conference, they will be able to give the Pavilion Master a small unexpected surprise.

"Haha, actually the other party is not very powerful, there are only a few people."

"Compared with the Noble Holy Land in Zhongzhou, it is definitely inferior."

"It's just a small force among our four domains."


"Tiandao Pavilion."

Zhao Baizhou has no intention of directly telling the true strength of Tiandao Pavilion. If he can fool these two elders to Xuwu Mountain in the Northern Territory, let them suffer in Tiandao Pavilion, and have a grudge with Tiandao Pavilion, then that would be really safe!

Otherwise, after the other party learns about the horror of Tiandao Pavilion, it will be difficult for them to continue to advance and retreat with their demon clan!


The third elder's hand stroking his beard froze.


The hand of the Sixth Elder who was looking at a treasure suddenly shook, and the collection fell to the ground with a sound.

The two elders turned their necks stiffly and slowly looked at each other.


Ps: The New Year is over, and the status has almost been adjusted. Three updates will be resumed tomorrow.

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