When Li Xuansheng heard the words of the pavilion master, he had some bad premonitions in his heart.

But after thinking about it, with this adult's realm and strength, there must be no danger or difficulty in helping him.

After all, although he is the most pinnacle existence in this world, a powerful immortal, in front of this person, he is no different from an ant, and he can be beaten to death with ease.

If the other party wanted to harm him, there would be no need for such troublesome words and good breaths, and he even gave him this cup of divine artifact that could lead to enlightenment! ?

Thinking of this, Li Xuansheng stopped thinking about it. After casting a grateful look at Pavilion Master Chen, he carefully took a sip of the enlightenment tea in the cup.

Immediately, after the Enlightenment Tea fell into my throat, a mysterious and mysterious feeling came to my heart. It was as if my spiritual consciousness left my body and came to a world composed of three thousand laws. All the things that I could not figure out before were here. It was like a sudden enlightenment.

Unfortunately, he woke up in less than half a cup of tea. After recalling the feeling just now, Li Xuansheng no longer hesitated and drank the entire cup of Enlightenment Tea.


Three hours later, Li Xuansheng slowly opened his eyes, a divine light flashed in his eyes, and the aura exuded by his whole body increased.

In just an instant, he quickly restrained the aura he exuded and the divine light in his eyes. This was the Tiandao Pavilion, and he was not allowed to show his shame.

At this time, the people in the small pavilion who were enlightening had already dispersed.

After Dongfang Han woke up, he said hello to his master and continued to practice swordsmanship in the Immortal Tower.

After the two sisters, Li Yourong and Li Shenruo, woke up, they also said goodbye and returned to the temple.

At this time, the stone table had also been tidied up by Ao Lan.

Only Yu Youwei and Xiao Chacha were left lying next to their master, squinting their eyes and sleeping happily. From time to time, they would be touched by their master, which was very comfortable.

Leng Yanran originally planned to enter the Duxian Pagoda to start practicing after she woke up, but she was left behind by her master. As for why, Leng Yanran didn't ask, she just stood behind her master and pinched his shoulders.

"Li Xuansheng cannot repay your kindness, Lord Pavilion Master!"

After Li Xuansheng came to his senses, he stood up quickly, took two steps back, and bowed deeply to Pavilion Master Chen with a very pious expression on his face.

"Haha, a cup of tea is nothing. If you like it, ask Elder Ao to get some for you to take with you when you leave."

Chen Daoxuan chuckled and waved his hand.

For a moment, Li Xuansheng felt like he was spinning with happiness.

It was a great opportunity to have a drink of such a divine thing, but the master of the pavilion actually generously asked him to take some with him when he left! ?

At this moment, he only regretted why it was so late for Tiandao Pavilion to conquer Yin Yue Holy Land!

If Tiandao Pavilion had conquered Yin Yue Holy Land for thousands of years in the morning, maybe he could take advantage of Tiandao Pavilion's various opportunities to overcome the catastrophe and succeed in ascension, instead of ending up as a loose immortal!

At the beginning, many elders of Yin Yue Holy Land still had some helplessness and resistance in their hearts about being accepted by Tiandao Pavilion.

But now, if anyone dares to say anything bad about Tiandao Pavilion or speak ill of the master of the pavilion, Li Xuansheng will be the first to express his displeasure!

No wonder he took out a top-quality heaven-level magic weapon and wanted to give it to the deacon of Tiandao Pavilion, but no one accepted it.

In Tiandao Pavilion, if something comes out from the fingers of the Pavilion Master, it is a great opportunity!

"I'm sorry! I'm ashamed!"

"To be honest, I am looking for the Pavilion Master this time for the sake of the demon clan in the Western Region."

"Our Yin Yue Holy Land has had close contact with the demons thousands of years ago. Recently..."

Li Xuansheng looked guilty. He was originally thinking about what kind of explanation he should use when he came to Tiandao Pavilion so that the master of the pavilion would not be angry and involve the Yin Yue Holy Land.

But now after getting in touch with him, he found that the structure and ambition of the master of the pavilion were definitely beyond what they, the Sanxian elders, could guess and compare with.

After being given the opportunity by the Pavilion Master, he simply told the truth and told everything he knew.

"It's out of the way."

"This pavilion master has known about these for a long time. He has known about them since you two came to the Western Region."

"There is nothing wrong with you at Yin Yue Holy Land in this matter, and this Pavilion Master has no intention of reducing the blame."

Chen Daoxuan raised his hand to interrupt the other party's intention to continue speaking.


"Thank you, Master, for your generosity!"

Li Xuansheng smiled bitterly. With the master's ability, it was indeed the case. If he lied, the consequences would be more serious. On the contrary, it would be more reliable to tell the truth.

"By the way, the Pavilion Master said before that I need my help with something. I wonder what it is?"

Suddenly Li Xuansheng remembered the words of the pavilion master just now and asked quickly.

"Haha, it's just a trivial matter."

"This pavilion master needs to lend you this life."

"Well, just give it a try. It'll be quick. Don't worry, it won't hurt."

Chen Daoxuan chuckled, his tone was very amiable, as if it was indeed a small matter.

"Of course there is no... problem?"



Before Li Xuansheng heard the words clearly, he already responded with a serious face, but when he reacted, he was confused.

A small thing can kill him, all at once, very quickly, doesn't it hurt?

How do these words come together?


No, even if you want his life, why bother giving him a chance just now.

He can still understand giving a sweet date and beating him with a stick, but giving a sweet date and beating him to death with a stick, what kind of operation is this?

"Don't be nervous, I'll count to three, two, one."

Chen Daoxuan was too lazy to explain too much to the other party, and then he really started to count down.

For a moment, Li Xuansheng was trembling, and his mind had begun to replay his life's experiences. He never thought that what he would have to face after this great opportunity was death!

Pavilion Master Chen's words were obviously not joking with him, a little Sanxian, they were definitely going to kill him!

"Pavilion, Pavilion Master..."

Li Xuansheng stuttered a little, and felt even more bitter in his heart. It seemed that the master of the pavilion said he was not angry about the demon clan in the Western Region, but in fact he was still angry!

Not only that, but he also wants to kill people and kill his heart. First, he will be happy in the sky, and then he will be beaten to hell with a stick!


After Chen Daoxuan finished speaking, as soon as his thoughts moved, Li Xuansheng's whole body suddenly lost all life, his eyes remained frightened, and he slowly lost his spirit.

[The host kills the Half-Step Immortal and is rewarded with 9.5 billion system points. 】

After the system prompt sounded, Chen Daoxuan pointed his finger at Li Xuansheng.


Li Xuansheng's whole body came back to life instantly, and he took a few deep breaths. He was very sure that he had really died just now!

The true spirit has begun to be pulled by the rules of heaven and earth, and is about to leave the body.

"This this......"

"Am I dead or alive?"

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