The imperial capital of the Western Regions.

Leng Yanran followed the minister to the outside of the Imperial Capital Treasure House.

Not far behind him, the Sixth Elder and the Third Elder of the Holy Land, and the two Loose Immortals were always following him.

Seeing how easily Leng Yanran conquered the Western Region and killed the Demon Emperor across three realms, the two of them were filled with wonder and joy.

The trip went so smoothly, the two of them could rest assured.

As for the three ancestors of the demon clan, they were all following Leng Yanran at this time, alongside the two holy land immortals.

The position of the Empress has been established, and the three of them still want to find an opportunity to discuss with Her Majesty the Empress when to return to Zhongzhou.

If they don't return to Zhongzhou, the three of them will have no choice but to return to the sarcophagus and seal themselves off.

Leng Yanran asked the minister to lead the way into the treasure house, while the five loose immortals were waiting outside.

"Congratulations to the three fellow Taoists. It won't be long before they can return to Zhongzhou."

"Haha, from now on we will all work for Tiandao Pavilion. We are both under that master, so we have to move around more in the future."

"When the time comes, the three fellow Taoists will come to my Yin Yue Holy Land to taste tea and discuss Taoism."

The third elder looked relaxed and smiled at the three ancestors of the demon clan.

"This is nature, this is nature."

The Third Ancestor of the Demon Clan also responded. Although the Demon Clan lost Zhao Baizhou, their genius, this time, they gained a great future.

After all, the demons still earned their fortunes. If the three ancestors had not just died of Zhao Baizhou, they would not be too happy. They were also happy in their hearts.

In the treasure house, Leng Yanran followed the minister all the way. No matter where he walked, he collected all the treasures of heaven and earth as ordered.

I saw that the minister wiped the cold sweat from his forehead several times along the way.

How come this new empress has already started ransacking her house before she officially went through the coronation ceremony?

However...the demons today are all under the command of Her Majesty the Empress. Even if their homes are ransacked, they are still ransacking their own homes. No one dares to raise any objections!

After a while, Leng Yanran had taken away 90% of the treasures in the treasure house, leaving only about 10% of the treasures of heaven and earth to maintain the normal operation of the demon clan.

Leng Yanran left the minister to collect the treasures left behind, and then walked out of the treasure house.

As soon as she walked out of the hall, the sun shone brightly, and Leng Yanran instinctively raised her hands to cover her eyes.


The five Sanxian who were polite to each other all felt that something was wrong!

Thousands of feet above the treasure house, the void suddenly tore apart. Three figures within it took action at the same time, and immortal energy surged.

A hundred-foot giant sword made of condensed immortal essence, with a golden glow all over its body, as if it was about to cut through the heaven and earth, exuding extremely terrifying power!

There was also a giant purple-gold python, exuding terrifying thunder power, swallowing snake messages, and suddenly rushed towards Leng Yanran!

There was also a vast ocean, with immortal energy billowing inside it. It was so terrifying that it seemed to submerge and destroy the entire Western Region Imperial Capital in an instant, and it also swept towards Leng Yanran!


The Sixth Elder shouted sharply and decisively stood in front of Leng Yanran.

The terrifying aura exuded by the person who took action made him, a Sanxian, extremely frightened.

Absolutely a true immortal!

They had no time to think about why the immortal appeared in the Four Realms and suddenly attacked Leng Yanran.

But no matter what happens, nothing can happen to Leng Yanran. They can die, but Leng Yanran must not have an accident!

The third elder also turned into an afterimage immediately, and together with Lao Liu, they frantically released their magic power, put up a barrier, and at the same time sacrificed their own magic weapons, trying to resist for a moment!

Even the three ancestors of the demon clan did not hesitate at all.

The moment the three figures in the void took action, they arrived in front of Leng Yanran, intending to resist with all their might.

The three old bones of them have suffered enough for a long time. Now they finally have the opportunity to return to Zhongzhou. The demon clan has such a proud daughter and has become the new empress!

There is absolutely no chance of any accidents!

The vast ocean that filled the sky hit hard on the magic barrier set up by the five loose immortals.


After a loud noise, the five people vomited blood and the barrier was shattered, but fortunately, the vast ocean of magical power had been blocked by them.

The golden holy sword struck, and five streams of light flashed across in an instant, heading towards the golden giant sword!

This is the magic weapon each of the five people sacrificed. Although they know that the giant sword is the magical power of the immortal, its power is extremely terrifying, and the magic weapon may cause accidents in a head-on collision, but the five people have no time to worry so much at this time!




With crisp sounds, the five people's magic weapons were all cracked by the sword. Even the sixth elder, Li Xuansheng, was the most desperate, using his magic weapon directly against the tip of the golden giant sword!

The cracks in the four natal magic weapons were repaired, and Li Xuansheng suffered the worst. The natal magic weapon was directly shattered. He spit out a large mouthful of blood, and his spirit fell into depression. The backlash was severe!

It will take at least a thousand years to slowly recover.

Fortunately, with the five people's desperate efforts, the golden giant sword slowly turned into stars and disappeared in the sky.


A huge purple-gold python suddenly shrank into a small snake less than three inches, but its power did not weaken at all. At an extremely fast speed, it rushed directly to the center of Leng Yanran's eyebrows, destroying her consciousness and destroying her body!

"Oh shit!"

The 19th ancestor of the demon race suddenly cursed angrily. At this time, he was the closest to Her Majesty the Empress, and everyone had lost their fighting ability.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, the Nineteenth Ancestor suddenly ducked in between Leng Yanran and the little snake that exuded terrifying thunder.


After narrowly stopping the little snake, the purple-gold snake penetrated into the demon clan's nineteenth ancestor's spiritual platform, destroying its consciousness to pieces in an instant.

Although the body in the Sanxian realm did not explode because of the little snake, the Nineteenth Ancestor's eyes were blank and he had lost consciousness.


The other two demon ancestors immediately turned into afterimages and came to the side of the Nineteenth Ancestor, shouting with grief and anger.

But no matter how the two of them shook, even if they absorbed spiritual power, they could not be saved. As the true spirit on the spiritual platform slowly dispersed, the Nineteenth Ancestor would completely cease to exist in less than half a day, and the true spirit would cease to exist. Disappear forever between heaven and earth.

"The Immortal in Black Robe."

Leng Yanran frowned and looked at the person who attacked her in the void. He was very familiar. This was not the first time she had seen him.

Seeing that these five loose immortals have lost their fighting power in order to protect her.

"Sir, contact your master quickly!"

"We can't stand it anymore!"

The third elder, Ren Qing, covered his heart and quickly reminded him.

But Leng Yanran suddenly jumped up and took the initiative to greet her. Everyone was frightened. This aunt didn't want her life!

That's an immortal. He really can't be an immortal anymore. He's not in the tribulation period of Zhao Baizhou!

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