Suddenly, the news that Pavilion Master Chen of Tiandao Pavilion was going to personally confer the title of empress for his eldest disciple in the Western Region spread throughout the Tianxuan world.

Regardless of whether it is Zhongzhou or the Four Regions, all practitioners talk about this matter!

Northern Territory.

Chi Yun, who was refining corpse puppets in seclusion, suddenly felt someone approaching outside the seclusion room and woke up with a frown.

"Wu Feiyang?"

"Master Leng is here too?"

The atmosphere outside the door was that of Emperor Wu Feiyang of the Moro Kingdom, and the head of the family where the aunt belonged to was having a cold war.

If there was only Wu Feiyang, he could put on airs, but he didn't dare to neglect that family head. After all, it was the family that his aunt belonged to.

So Chi Yun immediately removed the formation and went out in person.

"Master Leng, do you need help with anything?"

As soon as he left the gate of the cave, Chi Yun had a kind smile on his face, raised his hands in greeting and asked, even though Cold War was just a return to ruins realm, he was very polite.

As for Wu Feiyang, Chiyun just nodded slightly as a greeting.

"Master Deacon, don't you know that Yanran is about to be crowned empress in the Western Region?"

"This time it was handled by the pavilion master himself."

After hearing Chi Yun's question, Cold War was still a little confused, so he cupped his hands and said.


Chi Yun was immediately stunned. The master of the pavilion is going to the Western Regions in person to accept the title of empress for his aunt?

How come it was such a big matter that even Wu Feiyang and the Leng family master knew about it, but he, the deacon of the Northern Territory, didn't get wind of it?

Ignoring the doubtful looks in their eyes, Chi Yun immediately took out his butler's token.

As expected, the notification came in the token a few hours ago, but he was too obsessed with refining corpse puppets to notice it!

"Damn it, old boy, I really deserve to die!"

Chi Yun immediately beat his chest and feet angrily, holding the token in both hands, kneeling on the ground and kowtowing in the direction of Xuwu Mountain.

It was an unforgivable sin for him not to see the notice issued by the master of the pavilion himself at the first time!

After kowtowing for a while, until the two people on the side tried to persuade each other and said it was okay, Chi Yun stood up with a look of displeasure on his face.

"Both of you, how many monks are there in the North Territory above the Tongxuan realm now?"

Fortunately, the time of being sealed was not today, but ten days later. Chi Yun accepted his mistake and silently reminded himself that if there is a next time, he must let the master of the pavilion reduce the blame!

"The Northern Territory has developed extremely rapidly in recent years. To be honest, sir, there are now more than 300 monks in the Tongxuan Realm, more than 70 people in the Guixu Realm, and nearly 20 people in the Nirvana Realm."

Wu Feiyang was the first to take over the conversation. As the emperor of the Moro Kingdom, he had a relatively good understanding of the situation of many forces in the Northern Territory. Except for some reclusive people, he knew them all.

"According to my oral instructions, the monks above the Tongxuan realm will gather here within three days and go to the Western Region to observe the ceremony of the chief disciple of my Tiandao Pavilion being crowned empress!"

"Except for those who are in solitary confinement and have extenuating circumstances, I, Chiyun, will personally come to invite anyone who has not arrived in three days."

After Chi Yun gave the order to Wu Feiyang, he cupped his hands towards Cold War, said that he still had something to do, and turned around to leave.

When his eldest aunt was granted the title of empress, he couldn't go there empty-handed. He took advantage of these few days to prepare the highest-level congratulatory gift within his ability.


Eastern Region, Holy Mountain.

Several elders of the Holy Mountain also received the news from Li Shenruo.

Immediately, several elders came out of seclusion and gathered together to discuss.

"Now Yourong is the direct disciple of Tiandao Pavilion, and Shenruo is the deacon of Tiandao Pavilion. Speaking of which, our Holy Mountain is backed by the great Buddha of Tiandao Pavilion."

"Because of this, the status of our Holy Mountain has become more transcendent than before. We must not neglect it this time!"

"Third brother, please go and inform all the second-rate and above forces in the Eastern Region to gather at my Holy Mountain and prepare to leave for the Western Region to observe the ceremony."

"Fourth, go and take stock of the treasure house of my Holy Mountain, keep the expenses within three years, and pack up all the other treasures of heaven and earth as gifts from my Holy Mountain."

"Lao Wu..."

The great elder assigned everyone their tasks in an orderly manner, and everyone left one after another after accepting the order.

"And me?"

The second elder waited until he was the only one left, and he couldn't help but pointed at his nose and asked with a puzzled look on his face.


"Haha, God Ruo said in the communication talisman that he will name you to be the chef this time. You should have a good rest for a few days and think about what delicious dishes you will cook at that time. It is such a big thing to be named , don’t just burn the white goose!”

The great elder stroked his beard and smiled.


Southern Territory, Feixing Palace.

It is no different from other two domains.

It's just that in the Southern Territory, Tiandao Pavilion has not arranged special deacons to manage it.

Therefore, under the call of Huaiyi Zhen, the master of Feixing Palace, all the major forces gathered together to prepare for the top disciple of Tiandao Pavilion to be granted the title of Empress.


Zhongzhou is the busiest.

The third elder and sixth elder of Yin Yue Holy Land immediately spread the news to various forces after returning to the Holy Land.

In the Mangu Kingdom, an army that had just won was counting the spoils.

"Master Immortal personally titled his disciple the title of Empress?"

"Old lame man, please inform me that 30% of the harvest in the ancient country will be given to the soldiers as usual. The remaining 70% does not need to be sent back to the treasure house. Pack it up and prepare to leave for the Western Regions!"

General Dongfang Chen wiped the fresh blood on his sword and felt the vibration of the communication talisman. After checking the information inside, he said in a deep voice.

The treasure house of the General's Mansion had already been emptied out, and they had already planned to attack the Mangu Kingdom.

Especially since Tiandao Pavilion has given three months to come to Zhongzhou, it must be to conquer all the forces. How could their General Mansion not prepare a generous gift?

But since the eldest disciple of the Immortal Master is about to be granted the title of empress, this great gift can be given in advance!

The other holy places also took action after receiving the news from Yin Yue Holy Land.

Fortunately, with their numerous strengths, they have already prepared a large amount of heavenly materials and earthly treasures. They were originally intended to be given as certificates of surrender when Tiandao Pavilion came to Zhongzhou, but now they just come in handy!

The Palace of the Human Emperor.


"Haha, wouldn't it mean that all his disciples are on an equal footing with me?"

"Am I still going to put him down?"

"That's all, I won't stay in this lower realm for long anyway."

When the Human Emperor looked at the information in the communication talisman, he frowned at first, then slowly relaxed, and a smile couldn't help but form on the corner of his mouth.

As long as we reach the upper realm, shouldn't we just let her control it?

The last time he pinched her neck, she remembered it in her heart. When they reach the upper world, it's not certain who pinched whom's neck...

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