Fantasy: Return of the Disciple, Starting with Recruiting the Demon Clan Empress

Chapter 341 The Human Emperor arrives and the enemy attacks

As the Nineteenth Demon Race Ancestor sang the salute, the forces whose names were called dared to sit down one after another.

The singing alone lasted for half an hour, until finally some not-so-amazing treasures of heaven and earth were left, and they were omitted.

At that time, everyone will be seated and the conferment ceremony will officially begin.

Suddenly, a crack appeared in the sky, and a palace pulled by nine black birds emerged from it. Eight loose immortals were enshrined in various directions to protect the palace.

"Human Emperor!?"

Seeing the palace pulled by the birds, few people from the four regions could recognize it, but many powerful powers from the Western Regions who originally existed in Zhongzhou could recognize it.

They were suppressed by His Majesty the Human Emperor back then to the point where they are now.

Even the many forces from Zhongzhou looked sideways when they saw the appearance of the palace.

At first they thought that His Majesty the Human Emperor was not going to attend the empress' conferment ceremony, but they did not expect that His Majesty the Human Emperor would actually show up at this moment.

A Sanxian enshrined him, and after slightly arching his hands towards the palace, he took the lead and headed towards the Nineteenth Ancestor of the Demon Clan.

The three demon clan ancestors suddenly frowned slightly. The eight loose immortals on the other side had beaten them very uncomfortable at first.

They came here today, and they didn't know whether they were looking for trouble or to observe a ceremony.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the scene couldn't help but become a little more solemn.

However, when the Sanxian worshiper came to the Nineteenth Patriarch, he smiled and cupped his hands and said, "Nineteenth Fellow Daoist, you are well."

"Here is the congratulatory gift from His Majesty the Human Emperor for this ceremony."

After saying that, the Loose Immortal Worshiper who belonged to the Human Emperor handed over a space ring.

Seeing this, the Nineteenth Ancestor took the ring, looked into his consciousness and took a deep breath.

The Human Emperor is so generous!

Even though he was surprised, he also did not forget to sing a salute: "The Human Emperor of Zhongzhou, I would like to congratulate His Majesty on the enthronement ceremony. Ten pieces of Renyuan Fruit, a thousand catties of blue-grained meteorite gold, Ksitigarbha flowers..."

A variety of treasures, totaling nearly a hundred kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, were reported one after another from the mouths of the Nineteenth Ancestor.

The many forces present were more and more surprised as they listened. He was worthy of being the Emperor of Zhongzhou. He was usually unassuming, but yet he was so generous with his money. It was even more precious than the treasures of heaven and earth produced by any holy land.

There are many natural and earthly treasures in Zhongzhou that are hard to come by.

However, everyone can also see from this that His Majesty the Human Emperor is not here to cause trouble this time, but is really here to observe the ceremony.

"Fellow Taoist, please."

The three ancestors of the demon clan looked at each other with a complicated look. It was clear that the demon clan had been suppressed by the opponent before.

But now, the grudges have dissipated this time, and the demons will return to Zhongzhou after this time.

At least if the other party comes to attend the ceremony, he has already accepted the demons and will not continue to be enemies of the demons.

As for the reason for all this, the three demon clan ancestors know very well in their hearts that it is all because the current demon clan has boarded the giant ship of Tiandao Pavilion.

The three ancestors brought the loose immortal to a place of worship, which was even higher than those in Zhongzhou holy places.

"Your Majesty, please."

The Sanxian worshiper bowed his hands towards the palace above the sky.

Everything was fine, everyone suddenly returned to smiling faces, and even many elders from Zhongzhou Holy Land expressed their goodwill toward the palace.

From beginning to end, everyone in Tiandao Pavilion was very dull.

An incomparably majestic figure slowly walked out of the palace. He was dressed in a golden dragon robe and wore a crown. His movements revealed his solemn aura in heaven and earth.

As soon as they walked out, they turned around unconsciously and looked around. Everyone was nervous when they saw this scene. Are they looking at Leng Yanran, the empress who will be crowned today?

Leng Yanran showed no timidity at all and looked at the other party calmly.

But when they looked at each other, Leng Yanran frowned slightly. Others couldn't feel it, but she could detect that the other person was not looking at her at all, but the master beside her.

Isn’t this the Human Emperor of Zhongzhou like Longyang?

Could it be that Master's temperament is even different now, and even men have evil intentions towards Master?

Countless thoughts flashed through Leng Yanran's mind instantly.

His Majesty, the Human Emperor, is still regarded as an extremely majestic king in the eyes of all the great powers in Zhongzhou, and he has never even taken a concubine.

Feeling the Human Emperor's gaze, Pavilion Master Chen turned his head, smiled and nodded slightly.

The Human Emperor had done him a small favor in the beginning. Although he was forced to do so, didn't matter.

Without any further delay, the Human Emperor prepared to take his seat under the leadership of several Sanxian.

Suddenly, another space crack appeared in the sky, and everyone was confused.

"Is there anyone else who hasn't come?"


"Enemy attack!!!"

"Ahem, calm down and don't be impatient. Taoist friend, please sit down and don't get excited."

"Don't even think about it. Whose eyes are you on now? Even if it's an enemy attack by immortals, what does it have to do with us?"

"Hiss...that's right, that's right."

In the crack of space, a scroll of calligraphy and painting suddenly appeared. In an instant, it spontaneously ignited and turned into ashes. The magical power within it burst out.

Everyone who was already seated suddenly realized something was wrong and stood up in fear. However, they were suddenly comforted by the people around them. After a moment of surprise, they all sat back down.

Although the magical power is extremely extraordinary and definitely not something that a loose immortal can do, but... they are worried about their eggs in front of Pavilion Master Chen.

The magical power in the calligraphy and painting exploded, and an isolation formation with a radius of eight hundred miles appeared in an instant, covering everyone.

Even the void was sealed and no one could go out.

In the void, three figures in black robes slowly appeared. One of them also held a calligraphy and painting in his hand, which recorded the magical power of attack.

At the beginning, the Lord Judge gave them seven people, a total of three paintings and calligraphy, one each for attack, isolation, and teleportation.

However, after arriving in the lower realm, they were separated from the other four companions because they had another mission!

Kill the Human Emperor of the Lower Realm.

The Human Emperor frowned slightly and looked at the three black-robed immortals, anger flashing in his eyes.

"It seems that someone doesn't want me to go back."

Without waiting for the Human Emperor's instructions, the seven loose immortals were already like a human wall, standing between the black-robed immortal and the Human Emperor.

The three black-robed immortals inadvertently glanced at the being sitting on the Taoist throne.

"I'm the black-robed envoy of the Palace of Purity, please don't interfere."

"We are only here to take the Human Emperor's life, and we have no grudge against you."

Obviously, these three black-robed envoys did not know that their other companions had already taken action against Tiandao Pavilion and had ended up dead.

He actually bowed his hands respectfully to Chen Daoxuan.

Having said that, he directly pointed the last calligraphy and painting containing magical attack power towards the Human Emperor. The calligraphy and painting ignited, and a terrifying judge's pen condensed out of the calligraphy and painting, moving towards the Human Emperor with every stroke!

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