Ao Lan slapped the three of them sixty times, then stopped and returned to the Pavilion Master.

"Sir, the fight is over."

After Ao Lan said that, he saw the master nodded slightly and stood back to his position.

"Three of you, I have forgotten what you just said. Can you say it again?"

Chen Daoxuan looked at the three black-robed immortals who had turned into pig heads and wore crystal necklaces with a smile.

Threatening him Chen, I haven't seen such a brave person in a long time.

The last time I was threatened was the last time!

After all, Pavilion Master Chen could no longer remember the last time he was threatened.

Oh, I remembered that Xiao Tiandao threatened him and said that he would send him to the upper world. Tsk tsk. If he hadn't resisted the urge to punch at that time, Xiao Tiandao might have exploded. Now the new Tiandao might still be there. Consciousness could not be born.

"Wrong... I just said it wrong."

"As long as the adults are willing to let us live, we can do anything."

"What the adults say, we will do..."

Three black-robed immortals held a swollen pig's head on their heads and begged for mercy with somewhat unclear speech.

I thought that when the other party heard about the Immortal King's backing, he would definitely be a little scrupulous, but unexpectedly, the other party didn't take the Immortal King seriously at all!

This time, I only slapped them sixty times. If I keep talking harshly, I might lose my life!

"Hey, indeed, the words of the ancients are so simple and unpretentious."

"Yanran, you must memorize and study carefully."

"This, it's called, sixty and smooth ears."

"If someone says something that makes you uncomfortable, slap him sixty times first, and the next thing he says will be more pleasant to your ears. Do you understand?"

When Chen Daoxuan heard the other party's decisive plea for mercy this time, he couldn't help but look at his three disciples with a smile.

Well, this is called teaching by words and deeds. As a master, he still has to teach his disciples some principles of life.

"take note of it."

Yanran nodded decisively, and decided in her heart that she would write down the master's teachings in her notebook after the conferment ceremony was over.

"Master, Yourong also noted it down, hehe."

Li Yourong said with the same smile.

"Well, disciple has questions."

Dongfang Han raised his hands weakly.

"Speak and ask if you don't understand. It's a good habit."

Chen Daoxuan looked at the young disciple with great admiration. If he is so eager to learn, why worry about not becoming a talent?

"Does it have to be sixty slaps?"

"Can I have sixty sword energy?"

Dongfang Han looked at his master seriously and asked.


"Not bad, not bad, haha, I have learned to draw inferences from one example."

Chen Daoxuan nodded heavily, and the conversation between master and apprentice made everyone present fall into silence.

The rules of Tiandao Pavilion are always so simple and unpretentious.

"Pavilion Master Chen, can you leave these three people to me?"

The Human Emperor was shocked when he heard Chen Daoxuan's words. Is this what he meant?

I read a lot, don’t lie to me!

However, she still wanted to take those three black-robed immortals back for interrogation. After returning to the upper realm, she could find someone to perform surgery. Her target was not the Palace of the Rebirth, let alone a little immortal king, who dared to The person behind the plan to attack her must be the most pinnacle existence in the upper world.


"You guy, this pavilion master just saved you, but you don't want to repay the kindness, but you are still begging for someone from this pavilion master."

"Hey, it's a pity that you are not a beautiful girl, and you can't commit yourself to me. If you repay your kindness, I, the Pavilion Master, can avoid it. You are just a human being. I, the Pavilion Master, have his own arrangements."

When Chen Daoxuan heard this, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly, and immediately rejected the Human Emperor's proposal.


The Human Emperor was silent for a moment, and a blood vessel on his forehead beat a few times. He was obviously very angry with Chen Daoxuan.

But at the moment, she really had no way to snatch people away from Chen Daoxuan. She could only flick the emperor's robe and turn around to go to her seat.

She was reincarnated in the lower world, and she deliberately took the body of a man, just to deceive her ears.

However, she retained her memory from beginning to end, and would return to her daughter's body whenever she was alone. Even Chen Daoxuan could not discover her daughter's body.

" many of us are there?"

The three black-robed envoys were lying on the ground. Seeing that Chen Daoxuan did not hand him over to the Human Emperor, they were relieved and asked cautiously.

After all, they are also real masters of human immortality. The other party will definitely not be willing to kill them and will keep them to serve under their men. However, saving their lives is important right now, and your Majesty will definitely send someone to save them from the sea of ​​misery!

"Oh, it's okay. Just wait for now. You will be useful later."

Chen Dao

At the same time, he lightly snapped his fingers, and the 800-mile barrier that had been laid down by the three men in black robes was instantly shattered like a lens.

"Sir, everyone is here, do you want to give the order to start?"

Seeing that the trouble was resolved, Ao Lan leaned over and asked.

"There's still one person who's not here."

Chen Daoxuan thought for a while, then shook his head.

Hearing this, everyone present could not help but be stunned. There was actually one person who had not arrived, and the Master of Tiandao Pavilion could specifically record him?

Who is treated like this?

Even the immortals are like ants in front of the Tiandao Pavilion Master, who can be manipulated and dealt with at will. Who will be cared about by the Tiandao Pavilion Master!

Chen Daoxuan did not leave everyone confused for too long, and he shouted casually, "Xiao Tiandao, do you want me to invite you personally?"

"The eldest disciple of my pavilion master has been conferred the title of emperor. If you, a little Tiandao, don't come to participate, are you not giving this pavilion master this face?"

Chen Daoxuan's voice was not loud, but it was like a thunder exploding in everyone's heart!

God, the way of heaven! ?


Putting aside the fact that Tiandao personally participated in the conferment ceremony, it was already outrageous.

Just the tone and words of Pavilion Master Chen calling for Tiandao to show up showed that he didn't take Tiandao seriously at all!

There are many holy places in Zhongzhou that have long heard that Pavilion Master Chen can call upon the heaven and earth, but most people guess that Pavilion Master Chen has some kind of magical power that can use the rules of heaven and earth, so he can do it.

But letting the way of heaven take the initiative to show up is completely different from using the rules of heaven and earth to act!

The name Tiandao Pavilion, in most people's minds, means that it is following the footsteps of Tiandao, but now it seems that it is wrong, completely wrong, very wrong!

Tiandao Pavilion simply didn't take Tiandao into consideration, and had to worry about Tiandao when it came.

Everyone held their breath and concentrated. To be honest, everyone present had never seen what the Dao of Heaven was. They only knew that the Dao of Heaven existed. Even the immortals present had been struck by the Heavenly Tribulation, but they had no chance to witness the Dao of Heaven!

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