Hearing Chen Daoxuan asking him to deal with the heavenly punishment that was about to condense, the will of the Heavenly Dao fell silent.

This is completely treating it as a servant!

"What, little Tiandao, do you have any objections?"

Chen Daoxuan raised the imperial seal in his hand, which was engraved with "The Emperor's Mandate from Heaven and Longevity", and shook it twice in front of the will of the Heavenly Dao, and asked casually.

In response, the will of the Heavenly Dao still did not respond, but just waved his hand, and the heavenly punishment in the sky instantly dissipated, as if it had never appeared.

"I have two words to say."

Seeing Chen Daoxuan nodded with satisfaction, the will of the Heavenly Dao finally couldn't help but speak.

Hearing this, Pavilion Master Chen looked at him with some surprise. It was not easy for this guy to speak on his own initiative, so he nodded slightly to show that he was all ears.

"First, my name is Zhang Xuanyi, not Little Tiandao."

"At the beginning, I was born in the chaos, and then..."

Unexpectedly, the first sentence of the will of the Heavenly Dao was to remind the other party that he had a name.

After all, he was also very unhappy to be called Little Tiandao every time.

"Stop, stop, stop. This Pavilion Master knows. Your name is Zhang Xuanyi. As for how you were born, there is no need to tell me." Chen Daoxuan saw that he was going to talk about how his will was born in the chaos, so he immediately raised his hand to stop him and said that he knew. "......", Tiandao was suddenly choked. He didn't expect that the other party was unwilling to listen to his experience. "Second, when will you ascend?" Tiandao Will, Zhang Xuanyi, asked as if he was helpless. Others are eager to ascend and risk falling to survive the tribulation, but this guy makes him, Tiandao Will, eager to ascend quickly. If possible, it doesn't matter whether there is a tribulation or not. He can send this guy away personally! "Haha, no hurry, no hurry." "Let's talk about this another day. If this Pavilion Master is in a good mood, maybe one day he will voluntarily ascend." "If you are in a bad mood, well... maybe you will settle down in this world forever." Chen Daoxuan said with a chuckle. Seeing this, the incarnation of Heavenly Dao lost his temper and could only sit cross-legged with his eyes closed and stopped talking.

Many powerful people who heard the conversation between the two had their eyelids twitching wildly at this time. How could the difference in treatment between people be so big!

They wanted to ascend at the beginning and paid so much for the ascension, but in the end they only failed to ascend and had to settle for the next best thing and became scattered immortals.

But when it came to Pavilion Master Chen, it became Heavenly Dao begging him to ascend, and it also depended on Pavilion Master Chen's mood!

Sure enough, the gap between people is really much greater than the gap between people and dogs. If the Heavenly Dao Pavilion raises dogs, then this gap will be even more terrifying...

Chen Daoxuan didn't care what everyone thought, but just stood up slowly.

He handed over the modified Merit Emperor Seal again, and Yanran took it respectfully with both hands.

This Emperor Seal was originally connected with her cause and effect. Now after the change by the master, she can feel that the Emperor Seal has undergone earth-shaking changes, especially in terms of merit and luck, which has more than ten times the blessing.

Even through the Emperor's Seal, she can call upon some of the rules of heaven and earth, which is extremely terrifying!

"Everyone, it's time to express your views."

Chen Daoxuan looked down at all living beings, and his gentle and elegant voice reached everyone's ears.

Suddenly, everyone stood up together.

"My General's Mansion is willing to be loyal to the Heavenly Dao Pavilion forever, accept the orders of the Emperor's Seal, and follow the will of the Heavenly Dao Pavilion!"

Dongfang Chen was the first to express his views, his voice was like a bell, and he brought 80,000 elite soldiers from the General's Mansion. When they heard the general's statement, they also shouted, "I am willing to be loyal to the Heavenly Dao Pavilion forever, accept the orders of the Emperor's Seal, and follow the will of the Heavenly Dao Pavilion!"

As the voice fell, a military flag slowly condensed on the location of the General's Mansion. It was formed by the luck of the General's Mansion. There were black and red lines on it, and the word "General" was written on it.

Yanran turned around and held the Emperor's Seal in one hand, looking at the direction of the General's Mansion. The Emperor's Seal hummed, and a silk thread slowly appeared from the luck condensed in the General's Mansion, which was bound to the Emperor's Seal.

As long as you hold this imperial seal of merit, you can share the blessing of the luck of the General's Mansion.

Many other forces looked at Dongfang Chen with a complicated look.

This guy said it all at once!

Eternal loyalty to Tiandao Pavilion, this is not a joke!

However, it seems that Tiandao Pavilion is unlikely to decline in the future. After all, even Tiandao has obeyed Tiandao Pavilion. Who else can threaten Tiandao Pavilion's position in Tianxuan Realm?

"I, Yinyue Holy Land, am willing to be loyal to Tiandao Pavilion for generations, accept the orders of the imperial seal, and follow the will of Tiandao Pavilion!"

Seeing that the General's Mansion had expressed its position, the elders of Yinyue Holy Land looked at each other, and did not dare to fall behind. They bowed respectfully to the imperial seal and swore loudly with the many inner disciples of the holy land they brought.

As the voice fell, a crescent moon appeared above the location of Yinyue Holy Land, which was also condensed by the luck of the holy land.

The imperial seal hummed, and a thread was drawn out from it, sharing the blessing of the luck of Yinyue Holy Land!

Immediately afterwards, the dragon clan also spoke up, and this time not only the Longyang clan, but also Taixuan Dongtian and Gulong Dongtian all swore at the same time.

The luck in the sky condensed into a nine-clawed golden dragon...

"I, Lingtian Holy Land, am willing to be loyal to Tiandao Pavilion for generations..."

"I, Haiteng Holy Land, am willing to be loyal to Tiandao Pavilion for generations..."

With the beginning in place, the other remaining holy places naturally did not dare to delay. For a time, ten kinds of visions of merit and luck appeared in the sky, including the General's Mansion and the Nine Holy Lands.

Without exception, they have all been bound by the Imperial Seal of Merit.

The luck blessing of the ten holy places made Leng Yanran feel that the world seemed to be different for a while. It seemed that it was much closer to her, and she could even faintly sense where opportunities existed.

For a moment, everyone looked at the Human Emperor.

Now those who participated in this conferment ceremony, the Four Regions have long been under the command of Tiandao Pavilion, and many forces in Zhongzhou have now expressed their stance.

But the Human Emperor sat in his position from beginning to end, seemingly not intending to participate.

"I will ascend in a hundred years, and I will not participate in the battle of destiny."

Naturally, the Human Emperor didn't pay attention to everyone at all. Even the new demon empress Leng Yanran, who was now blessed by the luck of the four regions of Zhongzhou, didn't feel much. It could even be said that there was a huge gap between these people and her. Too big to be worth mentioning.

But Chen Daoxuan, she couldn't handle it in the lower realm, so she could only explain.

For a moment, all eyes turned to Pavilion Master Chen again.

"Yanran, what do you think?" Chen Daoxuan didn't care about a human emperor. It would be almost a hundred years before he was ready to go back to the mountain to retreat and wait for his ascension.

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