"Go back to the mountain." After Chen Daoxuan said that, he stood up and stretched.

With a wave of his hand, a space crack was opened, and the scene inside could be seen through the crack. A majestic temple exuded endless Taoist charm, and there was a magical tea tree outside the temple, just like a fairyland on earth.

Among the many powerful people present, not many have been to the Temple of Heavenly Dao in Mount Xuwu. After just taking a look through the cracks in space, they were immediately filled with envy and yearning.

No wonder Pavilion Master Chen's disciples practice so quickly. Living in this fairyland on earth, even a donkey can practice to the point of transcending tribulations and ascending to heaven!

"Xiao Tiandao, oh no... Henry Zhang is right."

"The master of this pavilion is waiting for you at Mount Xuwu. This time, the master of the pavilion invites you in person. It's up to you whether you come or not."

When Chen Daoxuan was about to step into the crack in the void, he suddenly stopped and turned his head slightly to look at the incarnation of Heavenly Dao and said.

Having said that, without waiting for the incarnation of Heavenly Dao to reply, he took a step forward and disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Congratulations to the Master of Tiandao Pavilion!"

"I will send you off to the Master of Tiandao Pavilion!"

For a moment, many forces present bowed and bowed their hands to send the Lord off to the pavilion.

In the sound of farewell, everyone in Tiandao Pavilion also stepped into the crack and left.

"Aren't you leaving?" When Leng Yanran and Chi Yun were left, Yan Ran looked slightly sideways and saw that Chi Yun didn't seem to be planning to return from the space crack, so she asked casually.

Chi Yun quickly bowed and said: "Auntie, don't worry about me. I will sort out the aftermath of the banquet later and just rush back to the Northern Territory!"

Hearing this, Leng Yanran naturally had no objection. After nodding slightly, she took one step and left the Western Region.

"Farewell to Your Majesty the Empress!" Many forces present once again bowed and said farewell.

After everyone left, Chi Yun took charge of the aftermath, commanding the many forces in the Western Region present to send other forces away and clean up the place.

"Brother Leng, come to my Zhongzhou General's Mansion someday, and the two of us will continue drinking!" Dongfang Chen was carried by the Xu brothers while walking, not forgetting to follow Cold War behind him.

Cold War was also full of joy. He was supported by the elders of the family, "Okay! Brother Chen, please wait for me for a while. I will go to the General's Mansion and not come back until I get drunk!"

It wasn't until everyone dispersed that Chi Yun was satisfied and prepared to go home.

"Sir, please stay!" A powerful demon from the Tianmen Realm in the Western Region suddenly stopped in front of Chi Yun with a respectful expression.

Chi Yun raised his eyebrows slightly, signaling to the other party to just tell him if he had something to say.

"Sir, your Majesty did not take away the congratulatory gifts sent to your Majesty by many forces this time."

"You're tired, can you help me take you back?"

The master of the Tianmen realm demon clan said cautiously, although everyone coveted those heavenly materials and earthly treasures, no one dared to touch them. They were the things of Tiandao Pavilion!

Even if Leng Yanran had forgotten to take it, they would quickly remind Chi Yun to take it away.

Otherwise, if they stay in the Western Region, if something is lost and stolen by someone who is not afraid of death, they cannot bear the responsibility!

After hearing his words, Chi Yun slapped his forehead and realized what he said.

Immediately, he followed the other party to the many newly established treasure houses outside the imperial capital of the Western Regions.

The extremely precious treasures of heaven, materials and earth inside it were not dared to be included in the space rings by people in the Western Region. Even the space rings alone totaled nearly 10,000 pieces.

In Zhongzhou, not only the big forces such as the Holy Land and the General's Mansion came to watch the ceremony, but also many second- and third-rate forces came. However, they were not qualified to enter the central area and could only move farther and farther away from the imperial capital.

Seeing so many space rings, Chi Yun couldn't help but frown.

It’s not easy to get...

"Sir, are you worried about carrying it?"

"The little man has prepared ten flying boats outside to help you send things back to the Northern Territory."

That day, the master of the sect realm also came to the path. When he saw Chi Yun frowning, he quickly raised his hands and said.


"Yes, you are a capable person. After I leave, you can pass on my wishes and be promoted to two levels."

Chi Yun immediately showed a satisfied smile and casually promoted the other party to two ranks. He still had this right.

After all, whether it is the master of the pavilion or the aunts, they are busy practicing in the Tiandao Temple on weekdays, and have no intention of meddling with worldly affairs. Most of the time, they are left to him, the deacon, to take care of them.

"Thank you sir!!!"

After hearing this, the masters of the Tianmen Realm suddenly beamed with joy and bowed respectfully!

After a while, Chi Yun led ten flying boats away. As for why he said he was leading them, the great master of the Western Region who was driving the flying boats tried his best to invite the deacon to ride with him, but he was rejected.

Looking at Deacon Chiyun who was leading the way in front of the flying boat and flying on the corpse puppet, the great masters of the Western Regions on the ten flying boats fell silent.

"It seems that the people in Tiandao Pavilion are not ordinary people. Their hobby of flying with swords, bah, flying with corpses is hard for people to easily understand."

The Great Master of the Western Region could not understand the deacon's behavior, but he did not dare to say anything along the way.

Even, Chiyun would even give him two immortal corpse puppets given to him by the Pavilion Master every once in a while. No, to be precise, they should be called immortal puppets.

From time to time, the clothes of the two immortal puppets were arranged. The level of care and the joy flowing out of their eyes made it difficult for everyone not to think about it...

As one of the few men in Tiandao Pavilion, he has never touched a woman. He only has a soft spot for corpses...

The flying boat in the Western Region was much better than the one Li Shenruo took in the Eastern Region. It only took half a day to reach Mount Xuwu.

Although the ten flying boats were filled with heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and the halo of pearls and jewels emitted when traveling attracted the attention of countless powerful people, no one dared to snatch it, even if they saw the skinny man driving a corpse in front of them. After the old man, everyone was very sensible and took a detour, not even daring to block his path.

Chiyun directly dismissed everyone and asked them to return to the Western Region. He used his magic power to gather many treasures in the sky above his head and headed towards the temple.

In the Temple of Heaven, everyone has just returned and has not yet started retreating.

Seeing a large piece of magic weapon covering the sky and sun, floating toward the Temple of Heaven like clouds, everyone looked at the Master.

"It's okay, Chiyun is here to deliver something."

Chen Daoxuan said casually, and while speaking, he took the initiative to pick up the teapot and poured a cup of tea for the shadow in front of him.

Sitting opposite him was the incarnation of Heavenly Dao who claimed to be Zhang Xuanyi.

After a while, Chi Yun came to the temple, bowed to the master of the pavilion, left the treasure and left in a hurry.

Looking at his hurried look, everyone knew without guessing that he was going back to retreat to cultivate the two immortal puppets. Tsk, this guy's hobbies have always been the same...

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