After the old cripple left, he soon prepared the spiritual fruit that Dongfang Han wanted.

Even if he wasn't worried enough, he took the initiative and prepared several spiritual fruits with similar effects.

[Dongfang Chen: I have prepared six to seventy kilograms of each type for you. Is it enough? 】

In order to prevent the little ancestor from being dissatisfied, Dongfang Chen summoned another person and asked.

[Dongfang Han: Take fifty kilograms of each type to make wine and keep the essence. 】

Looking at the message sent back by his little ancestor, Dongfang Chen couldn't help but frown slightly.

Forget these spiritual fruits, why do you need to concentrate the essence to make wine? What on earth does this girl want to do?

If you take this bite, you won't be able to make up for people's faults.

Even if a donkey is given wine concentrated from these things, it will probably take him three days and three nights to stop.

"Tsk, this girl is so brave, she looks just like her mother!"

Just when everyone was confused, the old cripple's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but praise.

"What kind of medicine are you selling in your gourd, old guy?"

"Why does Yan'er need these things? You already know?"

"You should tell me, Ma De, believe it or not, I'll break your other leg too!"

The other three people were originally curious about what Qian'er wanted these things for. When they heard the old lame man's words, everyone raised their eyebrows and looked at him unkindly.

"Don't say it, don't say it..."

"You guys know a lot about hammers, just prepare them for Ji'er."

The old cripple smiled mysteriously and refused to tell the three of them what Jinger wanted to do.

Recalling the time when he was still in Fengliang City, he was trying to find a way to hug Pavilion Master Chen's thigh, and he happened to meet Yan'er.

He still remembered that Yan'er said that she wanted to marry Pavilion Master Chen home as her husband.

I originally thought that Yan'er would have given up such thoughts after becoming a disciple of Pavilion Master Chen, but today's strange behavior made the old cripple instantly think of her purpose!

This girl is really courageous...

However, the lame man admired Pavilion Master Chen's character, and it would be a good thing if Jier could succeed.

Furthermore, the four regions of Zhongzhou are now under the command of Tiandao Pavilion. With Xun'er's temperament, the husband she has always wanted is the strongest man in the world, and there is no one else but Pavilion Master Chen.

Compared to leaving Yan'er alone all the time without a husband to take care of her, if she can successfully win over Pavilion Master Chen, why not?

"You are riding a horse, you really don't want to tell me?"

Dongfang Chen's forehead was throbbing with veins, and he stepped on the table with one foot, as if he wanted to break the old cripple's other leg.

"Did not say."

"If you want to know, just ask Yan'er directly."

"I am an old cripple. I am old and have a bad memory. I have forgotten what I just thought of."

"Hehehe, if you really like my good leg, old lame, I can take it off and let you hold it to sleep."

The old lame pig is not afraid of being scalded by boiling water. The worst he can do is a beating. How can he withstand it?

Can Xiaochenzi and his two brothers kill him?

"Okay, be tough!" Dongfang Chen nodded and looked at each other with the other two.

"The tiger rips out the heart!"

"Long Ao Jiutian!"

"Red Flame Tao Tao!"

The three of them took action instantly and began to attack the old cripple crazily.


"You guys are serious!"

"Should I tell you, I ask you again, tell me or not!"

"Fuck, don't kill me. I haven't used up the spiritual stones I saved in Zuixian Tower yet. Jiaojiao is still waiting for me tonight!"

For half an hour, the old lame man was stunned without revealing a single word.

The three of them were tired from fighting, so they stopped.

"Hmph, old cripple, I'm famous for being tough-tongued, but I still want to get my way by submissiveness?"

The old lame man was lying on the ground with footprints all over his body, but he still refused to surrender.

"Oh, it doesn't matter. The general didn't expect you to say anything. I just wanted to beat you up to vent your anger."

"Well, we both think so too."

Dongfang Chen and the two brothers from the Xu family showed their hands indifferently.


"Fuck, I'll fight you!"

Crackling, the old cripple was beaten for another half an hour, and lay on the ground shedding silent tears.

I just regret that I am not strong enough to defeat these three weaklings!

But for the sake of Yan'er's great cause, this old cripple will never reveal a word!

After the farce, a few people didn't ask the old cripple any more questions, and ordered people to turn the spiritual fruit into fine wine.

Send a message to Dongfang Han: [In one month, your lame grandpa will send the things to Xuanshan Mountain. 】


Mountain of Illusion.

Dongfang Han looked at the message from home and couldn't help but waved his fist excitedly.

"With these, the chance will increase by 20%!"

"Now the 40% chance is still not safe enough. Master wants to be careful first, and then make some preparations for me!"

Dongfang Han's eyes sparkled. From that day on, in addition to practicing, she took some time to lean under the Enlightenment tea tree, pretending to be enlightened.

But out of the corner of his eye, he kept paying attention to Ao Lan's every move, glancing and smiling.

As well as the tone, tone and vocabulary used when talking to the Master, everything was silently written down by her.

Even the technique and intensity used by Ao Lan when she massaged Chen Daoxuan were firmly remembered in her mind.

No one in the entire Tiandao Pavilion noticed Dongfang Han's intentions and plans.

After all, this is how it is on weekdays, and Dongfang Han has never shown anything strange.

Time flies, and a full month has passed.

During this period, except for Pavilion Master Chen himself, everyone else's cultivation levels have increased significantly. After all, after returning to the mountain this time, Pavilion Master Chen spent a lot of money on various cultivation resources and did not care about system points at all!

On this day, Dongfang Han said hello to his master and said he was coming to deliver some things from home, so he flew down the mountain from the Temple of Heaven with his sword.

"Now I have learned about 80% of Aunt Lan's every move."

"The success rate of the chicken stealing plan is now 55%!"

"If there is another suitable time, there will be at least another 20% chance!"

When Dongfang Han was flying with his sword, he couldn't help but grin, and a light flashed in the corner of his eyes.

"It's a pity that Senior Sister will definitely not help me in this matter. Otherwise, the chance will be increased by 10%!"

"Hehe, even though I started late, I'm afraid I can succeed in some things before my senior sister!"

Dongfang Han had so many thoughts in his mind that he had already arrived at the foot of Xuanyuan Mountain.

The old lame man has already been waiting here.

"Lame Grandpa!"

"Have you brought anything?"

As soon as she saw the old cripple, she couldn't wait to ask.

"Take it, take it, oh, don't worry, little ancestor, can you loosen my beard first?"

The old cripple took out a space ring while dealing with the little ancestor's nonsense.

"I've prepared three jugs of fine wine for you here. Even Sanxian can't hold back after drinking it."

"In addition, I have prepared fifty kilograms of various spiritual fruits for you."

After handing the space ring to Yan'er, the old cripple said with a smile.

"Okay, got it!"

"Ahem, there's been a lot of food on the mountain recently, and the monsters haven't reproduced fast enough, so that's why, you understand?"

Dongfang Han pretended to be serious and took the ring and said.

"Yeah, I understand."

"Go back quickly, old cripple. I plan to take a detour to the Moro Kingdom and find Deacon Chiyun to drink heavily for a few more days."

"Come on, Lame Grandpa supports you, hehe!"

After saying this, the old lame man walked away quickly. Although he only had one good leg and seemed to have difficulty moving, he ran at an alarming speed. With one step, Dongfang Han could only see a small black dot.

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