When the Human Emperor heard Chen Daoxuan's shameless words, he couldn't help being stunned, a little dumbfounded, and a little confused.

Are there really such shameless people?

Are there really people who tell lies without blinking an eye?

Is this his own thing, just buried here and forgotten?

Believe it or not! ! !

Chen Daoxuan obviously has something when it comes to lying seriously.

"Pavilion Master Chen is joking, I have been looking for this thing for a long time."

"In addition, this is only a forbidden object. Pavilion Master Chen cannot take out the treasure inside without the key. If he forcibly opens the magic weapon inside, he will fall into endless void and chaos, with no trace to be found."

"Even if you keep it, it's of no use. Why don't you give it to me. In addition to the previous promise, add a sixth-grade immortal weapon. Pavilion Master Chen, please think about it carefully!"

The Human Emperor's eyes twitched, but in the lower realm she had no way to fight Chen Daoxuan, so she could only take a step back and increase her chips.


"Who said this pavilion master doesn't have a key?"

"Since the master of this pavilion has said that it is specially buried here and belongs to the Tiandao Pavilion, of course there is a key."

Chen Daoxuan smiled disapprovingly.

When he saw the millstone seal and the shape of the keyhole in the center, he felt familiar.

"???" Several question marks suddenly appeared on the Human Emperor's head.

Even if she gets the imperial weapon's forbidden millstone, she still has to return to the upper realm and send someone to find the key to unlock it.

Where did Chen Daoxuan get the key?

Hissing flow————

Hissing flow————

Dongfang Han on the side was holding a bowl of Tiandao Pavilion's secret cold skin, eating silently while constantly exchanging glances between the Master and the Human Emperor.

"I didn't expect that the master of the Tiandao Pavilion who is now in charge of a world would lie for the treasure."

"I didn't expect it..."

The Human Emperor raised his eyebrows, naturally not believing Chen Daoxuan's lies.

"This Pavilion Master respects you for leading the human race through the most difficult and dark moment, but if you continue to slander this Pavilion Master, tsk, this Pavilion Master will still help you correct your temper."

Chen Daoxuan sighed.

Having said that, he took out an object from the system space with his backhand, which was a short blade with an immortal light. The blade faintly exuded a cold light, and the handle was engraved with two words, "kill the immortal."

It was precisely when the young disciple Dongfang Han had not become his disciple that he wanted to exchange an immortal weapon for the high-grade immortal magic weapon that he used to avenge his mother!

At first, he did not choose to exchange it for system points because of the special name of this dagger. Unexpectedly, it would be useful today!

"Well, can this pavilion master still lie to you?"

"I, the Pavilion Master, can swear to Heaven that I will never lie. Otherwise, Heaven will punish me!"

"The forbidden items are in my Tiandao Pavilion, and the key to lift the ban is in the hands of this pavilion master. If you say this is not my pavilion master's, who else could it be?"

Chen Daoxuan played with the dagger in his hand and looked at the astonished Human Emperor with interest.

Dongfang Han looked at the familiar dagger in Master's hand. Isn't this the reward she gave to Master?

But of course she won't expose the Master at the moment, and will continue to tease Liangpi, quietly watching the Master show off!

Now that Tiandao is the elder of their Tiandao Pavilion, the Tiandao oath can still take effect?

Even if it takes effect, can Heavenly Punishment hit Master?

They were immediately treated as snacks by Yu Youwei...

Human Emperor:? ? ?

When meeting Chen Daoxuan on weekdays, this guy always behaves like a master from this world, but when he saw him today, the Human Emperor changed his view of him greatly!

She couldn't believe it at all that there were such shameless people in the world!

If she hadn't known the origin of this imperial soldier, she would have believed Chen Daoxuan's lies!

But for this guy, the opportunity is a little too outrageous, right?

The imperial weapon she was looking for was hidden in Tiandao Pavilion, waiting for this guy to discover it. Even the key she had not started looking for had been obtained by Chen Daoxuan early.

Could this guy be doing this on purpose, to test her on purpose? ?

Thinking of this, the Human Emperor suddenly focused his eyes. Chen Daoxuan's strength was already extraordinary enough, at least comparable to the Half-Step Immortal Emperor. Even if he did not reveal all his strength before, it is very likely that he already possesses the strength of the Immortal Emperor!

How could someone as strong as her not have her own plans and plans?

Could it be that all of this was under Chen Daoxuan's control, just to lure her here and test her, or maybe he was deliberately teasing and humiliating her! ?

"Let me, the Pavilion Master, see what I forgot here before."

Chen Daoxuan didn't know the complicated thoughts in the Human Emperor's mind, and he had already inserted the dagger into the center of the millstone.

As the dagger was inserted into the hollow, the millstone began to slowly rotate, turning into a void door that could lead to a small space within it.


Hearing Chen Daoxuan's words, the corner of the Human Emperor's mouth twitched again. This guy was so cruel that he even lied to himself. Even now he keeps saying that it was something he forgot!

However, seeing Chen Daoxuan enter the small space with one step, the Emperor simply stepped into it directly.

"Master, wait a minute, I'll go in and see what's going on..."


"No, good opportunity!"

Dongfang Han was holding Tiandao Pavilion's secret cold skin, and she was about to step forward to have a closer look, but the moment before entering the small space, she suddenly stopped!

A glimmer of light flashed in her eyes, wasn't this the opportunity she had been waiting for!

After waiting for so long, she could finally send Aunt Lan away when her master was gone!

Thinking of this, Dongfang Han was holding the unfinished cold skin. Even though the distance was only a short kilometer, she still chose to fly with her sword, turning into a stream of light and escaping directly into the Duxian Tower.

As soon as he entered the Duxian Tower, he quickly came to Ao Lan's side.

"Aunt Lan..." Dongfang Han called softly.

Ao Lan slowly opened his eyes and exhaled a breath of dragon breath.

He looked at Dongfang Han with soft eyes and asked with concern: "What, do you want to eat something?"

"Aunt Lan will do it for you."

Ao Lan stood up with a smile and said as he walked.

"No no no."

"Aunt Lan, can you do me a favor?"

"I heard that my father was seriously ill and I was very anxious. Could Aunt Lan help me send the elixir to the general's mansion?"

"Aunt Lan is in the Tribulation Realm and can travel much faster than me. Please..."

Dongfang Han shook his head repeatedly and stopped Aunt Lan who was about to leave the Duxian Tower. He anxiously took out a bottle of healing elixir prepared by Master and stuffed it into Aunt Lan's arms with a pitiful and pleading look on his face.


"That really shouldn't be neglected. Let's go, Aunt Lan will take you back to the General's Mansion in Zhongzhou!"

When Ao Lan heard this, he had no doubt that he was there, so he pulled Dongfang Han and took him back to Zhongzhou. If General Dongfang Chen was seriously ill, things would not be simple!

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