After a whole day.

Looking at Yan'er who had fallen asleep, with his brows furrowed from time to time as if from the pain just now, Chen Daoxuan silently covered him with a quilt.

[Ding, the system repair is completed and has been restored. 】

The system's prompt sounded as promised, and it turned out to be exactly one day.


Chen Daoxuan walked out of Yan'er's room silently. After closing the door, he did not choose to go to the small pavilion, but went directly back to his room.

"Tongzi...explain, did you do it on purpose or accidentally?"

Chen Daoxuan sat in his room, casually setting up an isolation formation, looking at the few patches of bright red on his neck in the bronze mirror, and silently asked.

[Ding, I was careless on purpose. 】

The system prompt sounded, as if I had finally gained the upper hand in the hands of this hard-hearted guy, and I was very proud.


"You hurt me..."

Chen Daoxuan held his forehead and let out a long sigh. He really didn't expect that the system would stab him in the back at that moment.

[Ding, the host is obviously very comfortable, and this also fulfills the wishes of the host’s third disciple Dongfang Han. How can it be considered harming the host? 】

[Ding, obviously the host and the disciple are very satisfied. 】

Chen Daoxuan could hear his pride in the system's cold prompt.

"You know shit."

"I, Mr. Chen, am a role model for others, but now I have been harmed by you!"

"Next time, don't do this kind of thing. Mr. Chen can't stand such trouble, otherwise his reputation will be ruined sooner or later!"

Chen Daoxuan rubbed his forehead and said with some distress.

[Ding, I dare you next time. 】

The system said it didn't matter. Besides, the host didn't have any reputation. All he did was in vain. His only job was to save people and wipe out his family. What reputation did he want? ?


Chen Daoxuan's eyes twitched and he stopped talking to the system. This was the first time he suffered a loss from the system.

In addition, under this billion-fold increase, his actions were inconsequential. If he hadn't retained the last trace of sanity, it is very likely that Chu'er would have been seriously injured and bedridden for half a year!

But the most important thing at the moment is that both he and Yan'er took the great tonic fruit and spirit wine that nourished yin and yang, and this happened...

When Yan'er wakes up, how should he face him? How should he, the master, face his disciple?


Sure enough, the word "sex" has a knife on its head.

If I had known better, I shouldn't have let Jian'er do what he did. After he retrieved the treasure from the small space, he saw through everything immediately.

Yan'er transformed into Ao Lan's appearance through the magical power in the Chaos Sword Sutra, but his understanding of the Chaos Sword Sutra has already reached perfection. Even if Yan'er can deceive Yu Youwei and Xiao Chacha, You can't fool him.

Even when he was eating those spiritual fruits and fruit wine, he was always strategizing, just to teach Yan'er a profound lesson.

Let it eat some spiritual fruits, then send it back to the room, let it suffer for a few hours, and then help it out of the state.

But now, the system suddenly intervened, multiplied the power by hundreds of millions, and could not eliminate the big replenishment state. This made him, an invincible Tianmen realm power, fall into trouble!

"If Yanran knew about it, her heart wouldn't be broken..."

Suddenly Chen Daoxuan remembered another problem that caused him great headache.

Originally, he had always owed Yanran an answer, and felt that Yanran's cultivation was more important now. Even if he really wanted to stay with him forever, he would have to wait until Yanran could cultivate to the point where he could live as long as heaven and earth, or even be ranked as the Immortal Emperor. Isn’t it just a matter of calming down and talking about love?

But now, before he has even ascended, his home has been stolen by his young disciple Dongfang Han.

If Yan Ran finds out, the third junior sister has already secretly eaten the master dry, tsk tsk... it's scary.

Fortunately, Yanran had been cultivating in the Duxian Pagoda during the period and had not gone out, nor had she become suspicious. She only thought that something had happened to Jian'er's family, so Ao Lan went to Zhongzhou first.


Zhongzhou, General Mansion.

A gigantic dragon arrived at the sky above the General's Mansion at an extremely fast speed, without waiting for many of the General's Mansion's masters to stop it.

He transformed into a human form.

Many experts from the General's Mansion immediately bowed their hands when they saw that the person coming was Elder Ao Lan from Tiandao Pavilion.

"Elder Ao Lan!"

The two Xu family brothers also noticed Ao Lan's arrival and hurriedly stepped forward to greet him.

"How is General Dongfang doing?"

Ao Lan slightly raised his hands to greet the two of them, and then asked with concern.


"My general is suffering!"

"Oh no, the traitor attacked me secretly. Now I am seriously injured and am bedridden. I won't be able to get out of bed in three to five years."

The eldest son of the Xu family suddenly showed a bitter look on his face and said sincerely, his words full of hatred.

The second son of the Xu family on the side also nodded repeatedly, equally angry.

In Dongfang Chen's room, he saw this scene through the window and silently wiped the moisture from the corners of his eyes.

He really is a good brother who has passed his life...Brothers of the Xu family, I really have you!

When Ao Lan heard that Dongfang Chen was accidentally attacked, he immediately raised his eyebrows and said, "Don't worry, everyone, our Tiandao Pavilion will definitely give the General's Mansion a satisfactory result in this matter!"

"Someone dares to sneak attack my father who is the third descendant of Tiandao Pavilion. This is too bad!"

"The sin is unforgivable and the crime must be punished!"

Ao Lan snorted coldly and followed the two of them to Dongfang Chen's room, while promising them that they would definitely catch the thief and implicate the nine clans!


"It's actually not that serious."

"Xiao Chenzi, this guy is thick-skinned and doesn't get in the way. As long as he's not dead, there's no need to bother Tiandao Pavilion to take action."

The corners of the Xu family's two brothers' eyes twitched wildly, and they spoke unnaturally.


"No matter who it is, anyone who dares to touch my father, who is the third descendant of Tiandao Pavilion, will be punished without mercy!"

"Don't worry, you two. The third relative will bring the Pavilion Master to Tiandao Pavilion in the near future. By then, the Pavilion Master will be able to easily find out who committed the murder!"

Ao Lan thought that the other party was afraid of causing trouble to Tiandao Pavilion, so he spoke again with certainty and seriousness.


"This, this is it..."

The two Xu brothers looked at each other and twitched their mouths. If they had known it was so serious and would be taken so seriously, they would have been gentler.

But Yan'er will explain it to them when the time comes, so it's not a big problem. But in this case, wouldn't it mean that they are cheating?

If the Immortal Master reshapes the scene, shouldn't we see the two of them crushing Dongfang Chen?

"General, look who is here, Elder Ao Lan has brought you the best healing elixir!"

"The past few days have really worried us two brothers to death!"

Arriving in the room, the boss of the Xu family quickly changed the topic.

"Well, thank you..."

Dongfang Chen turned his head with difficulty, looked at the Xu family boss and smiled bitterly.


Ps: Here comes the first update. Try to finish the next chapter before nine o'clock.

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