"Please ask the immortal master... to make it happen!!!"

Dongfang Chen raised his head, looked at Chen Daoxuan pleadingly with his bloodshot eyes, and then slammed his head on the ground.

For half an hour, he thought a lot, a lot...

If you want to resurrect Gongsun Mingyue, you will need to kill millions or even tens of millions of living beings.

This must also include many cities and many mortals within the sphere of influence of their General Mansion!

Dongfang Chen's heart felt as if he was being cut by a knife when he thought of the farmers who respected the General's Mansion like gods and worked hard to pay taxes every year.

And these tens of millions of creatures will inevitably involve nearly 80% of the forces in the entire Tianxuan Realm!

As long as this thing is done, the General's Mansion will cease to exist from now on, and will become an existence despised by everyone in the entire Tianxuan world, like a rat crossing the street!

But...he doesn't care about any of this.

Even after doing this, it doesn't matter if you pay for it with your life.

What's the point of letting the many great powers of the Tianxuan Realm punish him with a thousand cuts?

He just wants Mingyue to live, and he just wants Yan'er to have a mother!

He only has one chance. If he does it, he may become a sinner who will be despised by the entire Tianxuan world for eternity. But if he doesn't do it, he will spend his whole life in regret. Even if he really cultivates to the ninth level of transcending the tribulation realm in the future, Dao Even if the heart is defective, it is impossible to overcome the calamity and become an immortal and ascend to the upper world!

Even if the Tianxuan Realm allows him to ascend to the upper realm in the realm of overcoming tribulation, he will not be able to reach the fairyland. The day he overcomes the tribulation, he will fall!

"He...he really wants to do it!?"

"I have had four or five children and grandchildren in my family in the past seventy years. Isn't it very likely that something will happen to me!?"

"This is ridiculous, this is absolutely ridiculous!"

"How could he persecute millions of living beings for his own selfish desires? The most abominable evil cultivator in the world cannot do this!"

"I hope the Master of Tiandao Pavilion can treat it as appropriate..."

After hearing General Dongfang Chen's decision, the entire Northern Territory was instantly in an uproar, and the powerful officials from countless forces opened their mouths in disbelief!

He actually wants to kill tens of millions of creatures in order to resurrect Gongsun Mingyue. This is simply ridiculous!

Chen Daoxuan couldn't help but look sideways slightly, his eyes a little complicated.

To be able to become a general, one's character is beyond the reach of ordinary people. The courage to resurrect Gongsun Mingyue even though he would rather be cast aside by millions of people is beyond the reach of ordinary people!

Now that the other party has made a decision, he naturally has nothing to say. He only needs to give him a magic weapon that can locate the location of Gongsun Mingyue's true spirit.

Just when he took out a bronze mirror and planned to refine it into a magic weapon for finding the true spirit, two figures walked out of the hall.

"I disagree."

Gongsun Mingyue came towards the small pavilion with a cold face.

"Yue'er, as long as you can live and stay with Yan'er, I don't care about any of this."

"As soon as I can see you today, I, Dongfang Chen, am satisfied."

"However, Yong'er cannot live without her mother. I made a wrong judgment when you died and didn't have time to block that magical power for you. I should have been responsible for all this!"

When Dongfang Chen saw Gongsun Mingyue, his expression became obviously calmer, but the bloodshot eyes in his eyes did not fade away.

"My mother is now a remnant soul and can't do anything."

"Guaichinger, go and slap this guy twice and wake him up hard!"

Gongsun Mingyue raised his eyebrows, pointed at Dongfang Chen and said.


Dongfang Han scratched his head. Although she didn't respect her father much and even hit him, slapping him twice was obviously not appropriate.

"Xu Laizi!"

Seeing that his daughter didn't take action, Gongsun Mingyue suddenly became a little angry. He happened to catch a glimpse of the old lame man among the people in the General's Mansion.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

"The old cripple is here, here!"

The old lame man immediately rolled and crawled towards the temple. If he hadn't saved the Xu brothers, Gongsun Mingyue would not have died.

If it weren't for Gongsun Mingyue, the four brothers of the Xu family would have been reincarnated as a whole family. Only the fourth child died, and he was lame.

"Go and slap him twice to wake him up!"

Gongsun Mingyue ordered to the old cripple.


"Xiao Chenzi, I am only following the words of our eldest lady Gongsun. You can't hold grudges."

The old lame man smiled flatteringly, just like when they got along before, then turned around, raised his palm and used all his spiritual energy to slap Dongfang Chen on the head without any hesitation.


Dongfang Chen didn't hide, he was slapped hard, and his whole body flew far away before hitting the palace wall and stopping.

Leaning against the wall of the palace, Dongfang Chen shrugged his head, and everyone could not see his expression.

But...it hurts so much!

This slap was so hard on the face that it turned into a pig's head!

"I listen to you every time."

"Can't you just listen to me this time?"

"I am also Dongfang Chen after all. I am the general of Zhongzhou General Mansion. Can't you just listen to me?"

Dongfang Chen leaned against the wall of the palace, his body shaking a little, and his voice was choked when he spoke.

"Xiao Chenzi."

"Do you think it's enough to take your life?"

"What should I do with my son in the future? How should I behave?"

"Even if I am resurrected like this, how can I, Gongsun Mingyue, be the living swordsman, shouldering the lives of thousands of living beings, and being humiliated for thousands of years!"

Gongsun Mingyue covered his forehead and was obviously very angry. His remaining soul could not help but twist a few times. Dongfang Han was so frightened that he quickly asked his mother to calm down.

"what can I do......"

"I just want to save you."

Dongfang Chen's voice became softer and softer as he spoke. Just now he only wanted to save his wife, but now that he has calmed down, he also understood that if he really did it, both Yan'er and Yue'er would become eternal sinners in the Tianxuan world, and they would be The death of a living eternal sinner cannot offset people's hatred at all.

"Xiao Chenzi, raise your head!"

"Don't you, the General, be respected by thousands of people?"

"It's a shame to lower your head and shed tears, you bitch!"

Gongsun Mingyue walked forward quickly, fiercely, and shouted fiercely.

Hearing this, Dongfang Chen raised his head very cooperatively, touched his face twice casually with his big hands, and sniffed.

Seventy years ago, when Madam was still alive, he was not as rough as he is now. He was even a young talent and young general who was pursued by many fairies throughout Zhongzhou!

At that time, Gongsun Mingyue was just as fierce and eccentric as he is now. He was the number one swordsman genius in the world, and was called the genius with the best chance of becoming a real swordsman!


Dongfang Chen thought the lady was going to scold him, but when Gongsun Mingyue came quickly to him, she bent down and whispered in his ear, and then kissed his forehead with a smile.

It's just a remnant soul, he doesn't feel it, but it seems very familiar...

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