Everyone in the Tianxuan Realm looked at Tianwai for a long time and couldn't come to their senses.

Chi Yun was the first to react, waving to everyone and saying, "It's time to disperse. Let's all go back to our homes."

After hearing this, everyone came back to their senses, bowed to Chi Yun, and then left one after another.

Although the Saint Master has ascended, Tiandao Pavilion still exists in the Tianxuan Realm.

The status of Tiandao Pavilion in the Tianxuan world has not only not weakened, but has even reached an unparalleled peak!

In the past, many forces may have surrendered due to the influence of Tiandao Pavilion.

But after what happened today, all the practitioners in the entire Tianxuan world were impressed by the Saint Master's work.

Not only does it provide the opportunity to ascend, but it also opens up a boundless path of cultivation for future generations.

If anyone today dares to say something bad about Shangtian Dao Pavilion or the Holy Master Chen Daoxuan, they will at least end up being torn apart!

In the future Tianxuan world, as more and more people obtain the skills from the Saint Master Statue, Chen Daoxuan will receive more and more rewards.

Spend these 10,000 Origin Points and earn money with your blood!

"Master Tea, Elder Zhang Xuan, I won't stay here any longer."


Chi Yun glanced at the place where Master Tianwai disappeared and felt a little emotional.

After bowing his hands to Xiao Chacha and Zhang Xuanyi, the incarnation of Tiandao, he rode away directly on his own corpse.

After Zhang Xuan and Xiao Chacha nodded slightly, they also turned into phantoms and disappeared.


"I didn't expect that after transforming into a spirit, I would still be left alone on the mountain."

Xiao Chacha was sitting in the small pavilion where the owner usually sat, holding her chin in both hands and muttering a little aggrievedly.

Then he turned his eyes and looked at the group of captive monsters.

"Let's have some fun first!"

Xiao Chacha's eyes lit up and he simply released all the monsters.

Although there was no spiritual circle, those spiritual beasts did not dare to escape. Instead, they all crawled on the ground and looked at the little Loli nervously and fearfully.

Although he was just a spirit transformer, Xiao Chacha's strength was not comparable.

If you want to escape, you will be absorbed by Xiao Chacha as nourishment in just an instant.

After all, they had seen it with their own eyes, and even real immortals were treated as nourishment by Xiao Chacha.

"Come here and practice!"

Little Chacha imitated her master's attitude of instructing his disciples, raised his eyebrows in a decent manner, and gave instructions to the group of monsters.


All the monsters were confused, but they still listened to the little ancestor's words honestly, came to the Enlightenment tea tree, and began to practice one after another.

The entire Tianxuan world is in turmoil and is not peaceful because of the Holy Master's opening of the Heavenly Gate and the spread of Taoism and many things.


Also unsettled is the Falling Immortal Realm.

At this time, many forces in Fallen Immortal Realm also looked confused.

In a short period of time today, people have been seen ascending in various places.

Originally, many forces were still trying to win over or blackmail them, but they soon discovered a problem!

Nearly a hundred people have ascended, but not a single one is a true immortal!

They are all in the realm of overcoming the tribulation, or they are Zhuoxian who have not succeeded in overcoming the tribulation!

In just one day, 20% of those who ascended from the Tianxuan Realm to seek a chance of survival perished.

The fairy world is not a pure land, and there are people killing people and stealing goods everywhere.

There are also nearly 30% of the ascended people who have been gathered by various forces.

As for others, they are scattered around, seeking their own opportunities.

The Palace of the Human Emperor.

"Nearly a hundred people have ascended, but not a single immortal?"

Immortal Emperor Wu Shou listened to the report of his subordinate Immortal Lord and raised his eyebrows slightly.

With such a big commotion, it seems... he has ascended!

"But this is indeed in line with his cautious nature!"

Wu Shou raised the corners of his mouth slightly, remembering the other person's character of liking a steady hand in everything, and he figured everything out in an instant.

Chen Daoxuan will inevitably take his disciples with him when he ascends, and he is a person who doesn't like to attract too much attention and likes to harvest silently behind his back.

Now that nearly a hundred people have ascended, the noise caused by them has just enough to cover up the attention that Chen Daoxuan's own ascension has received!

"Go to the Palace of Purity and wait for someone."

"Forget it, it's too dangerous for you to go. Let Immortal Fire Spirit go there himself."

Wu Shou first exuded his spiritual consciousness and felt it, but he did not feel Chen Daoxuan's aura. It is not difficult to guess that he hid himself immediately after ascending.

But this doesn't matter. According to Chen Daoxuan's temperament, the first thing after ascending to the throne must be to uproot the Palace of Rebirth.

All she had to do was sit back and wait.


When Gu Qi Xianzun heard the Human Emperor's words, he didn't react for a while.

What dangers could there be in going to that small Palace of Purity?

How could he, an immortal, be in danger?

We also need to ask Fire Spirit Immortal Lord to go there in person! ?

"Huh?" The Human Emperor frowned slightly, as if he was very unhappy.

Immortal Lord Gu Qi quickly bowed and said: "Understood, I will go and inform the Immortal Lord to go to the Palace of Life. I will resign!"

The Human Emperor's oral instructions are the Immortal Emperor's decrees. No one dares to disobey them, and the Immortal Lord is no exception.

When he slowly exited the Human Emperor's Palace, Wu Shou's eyes flashed with blue waves, and he showed a rare smile.

The fairy world seems to be getting interesting!

What changes will be caused by his arrival in the unchanging pattern!


Sitting in the Golden Crow Hall of the Immortal Courtyard.

The Golden Crow Immortal Emperor also recruited a Demon Clan Immortal Lord.

"Go to the Palace of Life. The Human Emperor will definitely send someone there. Let's see what the human race is doing."

"Remember, if you meet a young man who smiles very kindly, you must not take action."

Emperor Yi said one after another to his subordinates, the Immortal Lord.

His incarnation was killed by Chen Daoxuan back then. Now that sudden changes have occurred in the Tianxuan world, such as the successive ascensions, that guy must have also arrived in the Fallen Immortal World!

Based on the terrifying strength that guy showed at that time, Di Yi didn't want to be an enemy of him, so it was best to win over him.

No matter how bad it is, we can't let him prefer to be in the same lineage as the Human Emperor!


Although the Demon Clan Immortal Lord was doubtful, he still surrendered and resigned.


As for Chen after his ascension.

He immediately concealed his aura and found everyone one by one according to the location shown by the token.

Since Yu Youwei's true strength is the strongest, she is naturally regarded as the last person to look for her.

When Chen Daoxuan led the rest of the people to where Yu Youwei was, his face turned cold.

"The best, the best, the best!"

"I didn't expect that I would be so lucky. When I went out looking for fairy grass, I would encounter such a regular existence!"

"And it happens to be in an abnormal state, as if it is sleeping, so it can be obtained without any effort!"

A flash of light flashed in the eyes of a powerful person from the Mysterious Immortal Realm. He looked at Yu Youwei who was curled up in mid-air as if sleeping. He raised his hand and formed an extremely huge aura palm to grab it!

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