Until Chen Daoxuan and the others disappeared, no one could recover from the shock for a long time.

His wild words even made everyone feel crazier than all his actions just now!

Rejecting the Immortal Emperor's solicitation was nothing.

But... disrespecting the Immortal Emperor and recruiting the Immortal Emperor in reverse would be a bit too arrogant!

The key is that the Immortal Emperor went to his place, what was his place called, Tiandao Immortal Palace, yes, the Tiandao Immortal Palace that I had never heard of!

Do you have to perform well enough to become a deacon?

If you make a huge contribution, it will take you a thousand years to become an elder! ?

When the Immortal Emperor first went there, he had to start as a handyman! ?

After everyone heard this, they were stunned for a long time and licked their dry lips.

"I have lived in the Immortal Realm for ninety-seven thousand years, and I have never seen anyone crazier than him..."

"But it doesn't matter. This guy is so rampant. Even if he has a chance to become an Immortal Emperor, he is destined not to live until that time."

"That's fine. This guy's methods are too terrifying. Now that he has offended the Immortal Emperor, we will be able to face one less terrifying Immortal Lord."

Many immortals secretly smacked their lips.

Lord Huo Lingxian was so angry that he gritted his teeth for a long time and could not speak a complete sentence.

She is not angry at the other party's arrogance. How arrogant the other party is has nothing to do with her. After she returns, she will report it to the Human Emperor and the Immortal Emperor will make his own decision.

What makes her angry is that... she is an immortal king, but she has never been so poor that she can't afford to wear clothes!

This guy obviously got an advantage and acted like a good boy. He saw her cool clothes and now he's still making fun of her!

"Damn it!"

Fire Spirit Immortal Lord finally waved his hand and turned directly into a ball of blazing Dao Yun, and disappeared in Nanzhan Buzhou.

Many immortals who were watching from Nanzhan Buzhou saw that there was no excitement and simply went home.

However, an Immortal Lord suddenly appeared in the Fallen Immortal Realm, and he was extremely rampant and his methods were extremely terrifying. He even brought Chaodu and those who burned paper money to destroy the family, but the news spread from their mouths.

Even Chen Daoxuan himself did not expect that he had only appeared for the first time and had not even spent a day in the Fallen Immortal World, but he had already begun to become famous.


The Palace of the Human Emperor.

Immortal Emperor Wu Shou was frowning, very confused.

It was clear just now that the destiny was moving, and there had even been moves to accommodate the soul, but for a long time, the soul had not been integrated into the operation of the rules of destiny.

Even Tianming fell into silence after a short period of time, as if everything just now was an illusion.

But this is fine, if there is no new Immortal Emperor, it will naturally be a good thing for her, the veteran Immortal Emperor.

"His Majesty."

A fiery red Dao Yun slowly gathered in the hall and turned into the figure of the Fire Spirit Immortal Lord.

As an Immortal Lord, she only needs to bow her hands in salute when meeting the Immortal Emperor, without having to kneel down.

"He refused."

When the Immortal Emperor Human Emperor saw his return, he took the lead and spoke calmly.

Although she did not use her spiritual consciousness to check the situation in Nanzhan Buzhou, based on her understanding of the master of Tiandao Pavilion, it was obviously not easy to conquer him.


"That hateful guy not only refused to be courted by the Human Emperor Palace, but even threatened to let His Majesty go to his Tiandao Immortal Palace to work as a handyman."

When Huolingxianjun thought of that young man, he couldn't help but get angry.

I’ve never seen anyone so irritating!

She originally had a hot temper. After she became the Immortal Lord, everyone in the Fallen Immortal World kept a distance from her and did not dare to provoke her easily. No one would take the initiative to make her angry like this.

"It's definitely his style."

"Immortal Lord, please step back."

When the Human Emperor heard this, he could already imagine the other party's posture when he spoke, and the corners of his mouth curled up imperceptibly.

"Your Majesty, won't you blame him?"

Fire Spirit Immortal Lord was quite surprised when he heard this, and asked with wide eyes in disbelief.

The other party is making such nonsense, if the Human Emperor does not take action to punish the other party, or uses strong methods to subdue the other party and join the Human Emperor Palace, someone will definitely use this to make irresponsible remarks!

"I have my own plan."

The Human Emperor said with a hint of impatience in his tone.


The Fire Spirit Immortal Lord did not dare to say any more. Although he had some doubts in his heart, he still surrendered.

Until she left, the Human Emperor also disappeared into the hall and returned to the palace where he lived.

"Haha, it's fun to have a temper."

The Human Emperor looked at the mirror and smiled slightly. She was extremely majestic in front of outsiders, but now she was very different every time she returned to the palace. The image of herself being pinched by Chen Daoxuan always appeared in her mind.

But when he thought about how special that guy was, the Human Emperor frowned slightly.

If she really had to take action by force, she felt that her chances of winning were only 80% at best.

Chen Daoxuan is too mysterious. Although he has not become an Immortal Emperor, he cannot achieve immortality and coexist with heaven and earth.

But her powerful strength may not mean that she cannot fight against the Immortal Emperor. Even if she does not know the opponent's full strength, it is entirely possible for the opponent to kill the Immortal Emperor!

But in the Fallen Immortal Realm, the Human Emperor is not worried. The reason why the Immortal Emperor can span the ages is because they imitated the ancient saints and inhabited the soul within the rules of destiny. They are immortal and coexist with the heaven and earth.

"It won't be long before I come to find you."

The Human Emperor looked in the mirror, as if there was a familiar young man standing behind her reflection, with a kind smile.

She herself didn't realize that something was not normal since she returned from the Tianxuan Realm. She always thought of that figure that made people both happy and hateful every day.


Several other Immortal Emperors are also wondering why there is a change in destiny but no soul among them.

However, even if they rely on destiny calculations, they can only see a fog. If they forcefully want to find out who is behind the fog, they will suddenly feel a great crisis in their hearts, as if if they continue to investigate, a great terror will come!

As a result, many immortal emperors could only ignore the matter for the time being and send people to investigate.

Immortal Emperor Golden Crow, on the other hand, had already guessed that it would be the unexpected person...

He was not careful at the beginning and was almost hit hard. If it weren't for the imperial soldiers to resist, the opponent could even cross the world and hit him hard!

Now that that person has come to the Fallen Immortal Realm, his strength has improved to an unknown extent.


After Chen Daoxuan led a group of disciples to leave Nanzhan Buzhou, they did not choose to go to Ruyi Mountain.

Ruyishan's mistakes made him feel that they were not enough to exterminate the family. A gentleman loves money and gets it in the right way. Naturally, he had to give up some Origin Points, but he would not go around exterminating families just for the Origin Points.

His crimes in the Palace of Purity should be punished, so of course there is no problem, but Ruyi Mountain can still be watched temporarily.

“It seems like it’s time to find a place to house the Tiandao Immortal Palace!”

Chen Daoxuan touched his chin and muttered silently.


Before I knew it, it was four hundred chapters!

There are 400 chapters with 84,000 words, and the average number of words in each chapter is 2,100+. We have never stopped updating for a day, and we will continue to keep up the pace!

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