Looking south at Buzhou at this time, there was an extremely wide square, the ground was paved with extremely hard black jade, and totems stood around the square.

Above the square, there are rows of seats hanging high. Only those who have received the imperial edict from the Immortal Court and are above the Immortal King Realm can take their seats.

Depending on the level of cultivation, the seats will also be different.

However, at the top of these seats, there are six thrones that look down on all living beings like kings lording over the world, suspended above all the seats.

Immortal Martial Arts Conference, thousands of immortals come to court!

Many immortal families have come to participate with their descendants. If they can stand out at the Immortal Martial Arts Conference, they can hope to be recruited by the Immortal Emperor's forces. By then, both themselves and their family's status will be turned upside down. Change, one person attains enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven!

But as for those who want to compete for the top ten, most of them are the descendants of the Immortal Emperor or even the Immortal Lord.

The Immortal Martial Arts Conference is held every thousand years, and the place where it is held is not fixed.

It is held alternately among the four continents: Nanzhanbuzhou, Dongshengshenzhou, Xiniuhezhou, and Beijuluzhou.

The organizer this time is the Renhuang Palace, which is in charge of Nanzhan Continent.

Therefore, the throne of the Human Emperor Palace is the center of the many thrones this time. The reason why it is held in turn is precisely because each immortal emperor is dissatisfied with the other. Only in this way, the sphere of influence of each person's turn will be determined. Who is on top.

But this time there was something different. Many immortals looked at the highest throne in confusion!

"Six...six thrones!?"

"How come there are six? There must be a mistake, right? No, things like the Immortal Martial Arts Conference are related to the Immortal Emperor, so there can be no mistakes!"

"We fell into the Immortal Realm. When did the sixth Immortal Emperor appear?"

In the past, there were five thrones every time, but there was always a vacant seat, which was reserved for the Immortal Emperor Dayi of the Nether Clan. Although he was unconscious, none of the cards that should be given to the Immortal Emperor could be used. Less, nothing can be carried.

Otherwise, there is no guarantee that the Immortal Emperor Dayi of the Underworld will one day regain his consciousness and make a fuss about this matter.

After all, that Great Yi was rumored to have nine lives, and his strength was more than that of other immortal emperors!

However, who are the six thrones prepared for this time?

Although everyone was talking about it, no one dared to guess who the seat would be for.

As the time came to noon, the clear bell rang, spreading throughout Nanzhan Buzhou!

Everyone cheered up in an instant, their bodies straightened, and they looked excitedly at the thrones!

This is one of the few opportunities for them to meet the Immortal Emperor!

Although it was just a glimpse from a distance, for many immortals, it was enough for them to brag when they returned to the mountain gate!

After all, not everyone can participate in this Immortal Martial Arts Conference. Only one elder can come each time to lead the qualified junior geniuses.

Tianjiao requires that he be within five hundred years old and be above the realm of transcending tribulation.

This requirement is not too high. Even in the Immortal Realm, there are only a few thousand geniuses who can come to participate every thousand years.

As the bell rang, streams of light gathered from all directions.

It landed on the seats that had been placed and transformed into an Immortal King, Immortal Emperor, or even an Immortal Lord or Immortal Lord!

Three thousand Immortal Kings each took their seats.

Eight hundred Immortal Emperors appeared on the futon exuding a terrifying aura.

Forty-nine immortals were also present, and the auras emitted by each one shot straight into the sky, making people dare not look directly at them.

Even the Ten Immortal Lords, who were rarely seen in ordinary times, turned into waves of Daoyun and appeared on the futon second only to the Immortal Emperor's throne.

"See the Immortal King!"

"See the Immortal Emperor!"

"Meet the Immortal Lord!"

"Kowtow to the Immortal Lord!"

As many powerful people entered the square, the immortals with their descendants in the square, as well as the young geniuses, all saluted to the futons in the sky.

When you reach the realm of the Immortal Lord, you are already second only to the Immortal Emperor. Ordinary immortals must bow and salute even if they just meet him!

As for the Immortal Emperor, he was not present at this time. Instead, the host of the event, the Fire Spirit Immortal Lord of the Human Emperor Palace, stood up slowly and explained to everyone.

"No gift."

Immortal Lord Fire Spirit stood up from the futon, came to the throne, and said to everyone.

"Thank you, Immortal Lord!"

After hearing the words of the Immortal Lord, many immortals and juniors dared to express their thanks and stood up, looking up with fiery eyes.

In addition to the opportunity to stand out every time in this Xianwu Conference, the rewards are naturally extraordinary!

"I believe you all already understand the rules of the Immortal Martial Arts Conference."

"I just want to say this briefly."

"It's still the same as usual. The two sides will enter the ring according to the drawing of lots. Those who have a bye can be directly promoted to the next round."

"It is prohibited to use external help that exceeds one's highest strength, such as high-level fairy weapons, high-level talismans..."

"On the arena, no matter life or death, no one is allowed to intervene. Of course, if he surrenders, the elders in the family can rescue him. This is not against the rules."

The Fire Spirit Immortal Lord explained the rules of the Immortal Martial Arts Conference to everyone with an expressionless face. Naturally, everyone below had some understanding of this, and they just kept nodding to express their understanding.

"As for the rewards from this Xianwu Conference."

"Ranked fifty-one to one hundred, and will be rewarded with one thousand high-grade immortal spirit stones."

"Ranked thirty-one to fifty, and will be rewarded with ten thousand high-grade immortal spirit stones."

"Ranked twenty-one to thirty, you will be rewarded with one thousand top-quality immortal spirit stones."

"Ranked eleven to twenty, you will be rewarded with 10,000 top-quality immortal spirit stones."

After the Fire Spirit Immortal Lord explained the rules, he told everyone about the reward. A thousand high-grade Immortal Spirit Stones were almost equivalent to the entire foundation of a Human Immortal.

As long as you can get into the top 100, your trip will be fruitful, and you will receive rewards from the sect alone after you return to the Immortal Sect!

But what’s truly precious are the rewards for the top ten!

"The tenth place will be rewarded with 100,000 top-grade immortal spiritual stones and a first-grade immortal weapon."

"Ninth place will be rewarded with 200,000 top-grade immortal spiritual stones and three first-grade immortal weapons."

"Eighth place will be rewarded with 300,000 top-grade immortal spiritual stones and a second-grade immortal weapon."

"Seventh place..."

"The top three will be rewarded with one million top-quality immortal spiritual stones, a fifth-grade immortal weapon, and will be granted the status of the Immortal Court in advance."

"In addition, the top 100 people will be eligible to participate in the opening of the tomb of the ancient gods five hundred years later."

After the Fire Spirit Immortal Lord finished speaking, he glanced at the many immortals with fiery eyes and the many geniuses who came to participate, "Do you have any questions?"

After waiting for three breaths, no one raised any questions, and the Fire Spirit Immortal Lord returned directly to his futon.

"Everything is ready for the Immortal Martial Arts Conference. We sincerely invite the Immortal Emperor to come!"

The Ten Immortals all bowed respectfully to the six emperors.

"I'll wait and invite the Immortal Emperor to come!"

Except for the Ten Immortal Lords, even the Immortal Lords were all prostrate on the ground at this moment, kowtowing to the throne of the emperor with utmost respect.

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