For a moment, many immortals present instantly guessed the ‘truth’!

This young man looks good!

It is indeed only this possibility that can make the other party have no fear of the Immortal Emperor.

If he is sure of it, the Human Emperor and Immortal Emperor will support him!

However, how could this guy dare to talk nonsense on such an occasion, without fearing that the Human Emperor and Immortal Emperor would be angry because of it?

How could they know about the Immortal Emperor's private life?

For a moment, many immortals pretended not to hear, not wanting to be noticed by the Immortal Emperor.


The other three Immortal Emperors could not help but be slightly stunned when they heard Chen Daoxuan's words, and they were obviously shocked.

Even Ming Xin, the Immortal Emperor of the Nether Clan who had been very calm just now, could not help but look at the young man in surprise.

Immortal Emperor Zhan Zhi kept switching his eyes between the Human Emperor and Chen Daoxuan.

This young man is a ruthless person...

Even Emperor Wu can figure it out! ?

Only the Golden Crow Immortal Emperor felt that it was not that simple.

After all, that mysterious young man's strength is indeed extraordinary, and he has a deep understanding of it!

"Pavilion Master Chen..."

"Please take your seat first."

The Human Emperor's face couldn't help but froze. He didn't expect this guy to tell what happened in front of so many people.

But she couldn't explain it yet.

Could it be possible to tell everyone directly that it was not what they thought, but that she was choked by Chen Daoxuan and almost forced to fly up to escape for her life?

Wouldn't that be even more embarrassing!

"Huh, Emperor Wu, I'm just a pretty boy you raised. How can He De sit with us?"

"If you really want to sit down, you might as well just squeeze into one seat."

The Demon Clan's Zhanzhi Immortal Emperor snorted coldly and said.

However, his eyes would look at the demon woman among the women behind Chen Daoxuan from time to time.

The blood purity of this demon woman is even higher than his!

Unheard of!

The entire Fallen Immortal World has never heard of the existence of such a descendant of the Demon Clan. We must find a way to bring him back to the Demon Clan and serve him!

As long as they are carefully cultivated, it won't take more than ten thousand years for them to become immortals and make the demons even more powerful!

After all, the Human Emperor has roped in a pretty boy, and it seems that he can also possess the strength of the Immortal Lord Realm. Now the balance has tilted towards the Human Emperor Palace.

"Do you really think I have a good temper?"

When the Human Emperor heard Zhan Zhi's words, his face turned cold instantly.

He turned around and looked coldly at the Demon Zhanzhi Immortal Emperor.

She has a good temper towards Chen Daoxuan just because he is special and she still wants to conquer him.

But why should she be polite to other Immortal Emperors!

Chen Dao .

"No need to argue."

"As long as I don't take a seat, the master of the pavilion will do so."

Chen Daoxuan couldn't help but yawned and waved his hands when he saw the two of them facing each other tit for tat.

Originally, if he were directly allowed to sit on the throne, he would just do as he pleased.

But since some people are unwilling, Chen doesn't want to waste time on this kind of thing, so it would be better to start the conference early and win the rewards for the top three and return to the mountain.

"Haha, it seems that your Excellency is much more knowledgeable than Emperor Wu. No wonder you are favored by Emperor Wu."

Immortal Emperor Zhan Zhi couldn't help but smile and nodded to Chen Daoxuan.

In this way, he had won the secret battle with Emperor Wu, and he was naturally very happy.

"Pavilion Master Chen."

The Human Emperor frowned, a little confused.

She was obviously supporting the other party, but why did the other party suddenly give in, putting her in a very embarrassing situation.

However, she also knew Chen Daoxuan's character and shouldn't be so weak!

Is it possible that you are really afraid of the Immortal Emperor?

Don't you dare to compete with the Immortal Emperor even with her support?

The many immortals on the square, as well as the many great powers sitting on futons in the void, couldn't help but sneer in their hearts after hearing Chen Daoxuan's words.

It seems that this guy dares to speak quickly. Now that things really come to pass, he still has to bow his head and give in to the Immortal Emperor.

I think highly of him.

"Take out the master's Taoist throne."

Chen Daoxuan waved behind him casually.

Dongfang Han responded quickly and picked up the master's Taoist throne made of the enlightened tea tree from the jade pendant!

Although it didn't look as luxurious as the Emperor's throne, the moment the Taoist throne appeared, everyone present shrank their pupils!

What a magic weapon is this! ?

There are actually three thousand Taoist rhymes emerging on it. If you sit cross-legged on it and practice, wouldn't it be like making great progress with each passing day, and there will be no inner demons at all!

"Innate spiritual roots!!!"

Several Immortal Emperors took a breath at the same time and narrowed their eyes when looking at the Taoist throne that Dongfang Han took out!

Innate spiritual roots are also extremely rare treasures in the entire Fallen Immortal World!

And the Taoist seat that Chen Daoxuan took out was obviously not an ordinary spiritual root. It had to be at least top-grade. No, it was made of the best innate spiritual roots that had never been seen before!

What a waste! ! !

What a waste of natural resources! ! !

This top-grade spiritual root was only used to make a grand master's chair!

Even though they are Immortal Emperors, they can't help but feel their hearts twitching at this time. Although it is not their own thing, they feel very distressed!

The Human Emperor, on the other hand, was very calm. She had already experienced the shock in the lower world.

Looking at the other three people, he couldn't help but show a mocking expression that he had never seen in the world.

"Ahem, the Human Emperor is really willing to give up!"

Immortal Emperor Zhan Zhi couldn't help but clear his throat, and teased after coming back to his senses.

I don’t know where the Human Emperor got this top-quality innate spiritual root, but he didn’t even use it himself, but gave it to the pretty boy instead!

This young man has something, he can handle the Human Emperor so well! ?

Regardless of what everyone was doing, Dongfang Han directly placed the master's Taoist throne in a position that was higher than the imperial throne.

In an instant, the expressions of everyone present changed!

Is this guy going to ride on the Immortal Emperor’s head?

How could the Immortal Emperor let him go so easily?

Not only did the faces of the immortals change, but the many immortal kings, immortal emperors, and even the immortal monarchs who were sitting cross-legged in the sky all stood up.

Fire Spirit Immortal Lord was no exception. Even though he had dealt with Chen Daoxuan twice, he was ridiculed several times.

But it would be too rude for this guy to sit on the Immortal Emperor's head!

"Jinger, this is your fault."

Chen Daoxuan couldn't help but frown slightly and said.

Everyone heaved a long sigh of relief after hearing his words. It turned out that his disciples were just ignorant. It seemed that this guy still didn't want to break up with the Immortal Emperor.


"Master, you don't really want to be on an equal footing with others, do you?"

Dongfang Han looked surprised and asked incomprehensibly.

"Oh, that's not true."

"If you put it here, it's too low. These thrones will easily block the teacher's view, which will inevitably make you feel uncomfortable while watching the battle."

"Put it a hundred feet higher. My teacher likes to have a wider view and doesn't like to have his view blocked."

Chen Daoxuan gave instructions casually.

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