Everyone present thought that Chen Daoxuan had something unspeakable, otherwise he would refuse an Immortal Emperor to become a mount.

Although the Immortal Emperor is nothing to a being who has reached the realm of transcendence.

But, is there any reason to refuse the mount that I picked up for free?

The key is, is this reason? ? ?

too ugly! ?

"too ugly.."



Jin Wu's eyes were dull, Chen Daoxuan's words echoed in his mind.

The damage of these words was tens of millions of times greater than the slap that turned him into a bloody mist just now!

As an Immortal Emperor, coupled with the noble bloodline of the innate ancient gods, Jinwu's heart is extremely proud!

But today, it has made up its mind to embrace the lap of this transcendent being, and it will not hesitate to become his mount!


The other party actually rejected him casually just because he thought he was ugly?


What's so ugly about him? He's obviously handsome and extremely brave!


“Actually, it’s quite cool to receive an Immortal Emperor’s mount!”

After Dongfang Han was silent for a moment, he gently pulled the master's sleeve and murmured in a low voice.


Chen Daoxuan looked at the young disciple.

"It's my disciple who took the liberty!"

Only then did Dongfang Han realize that he was actually opposed to his master's intention, and he quickly came to his senses and cupped his hands.

Master must have his own deep meaning in doing this!

But this time, Chen Daoxuan did have his own ideas.

When he first arrived in the Fallen Immortal Realm, if he accepted this Golden Crow as a mount, it would be detrimental to his development!

So far, the fastest way to earn Origin Points is to kill people and release... ahem, help with the Transcendence business.

If the outside world knew that he had conquered the Immortal Emperor and became his mount, how could there be so many people coming to deliver Origin Points?

You might as well let the Golden Crow fly for a while, and when the time is right, it won't be too late to enter the Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace!

Moreover, he also wanted his disciples to gain more experience in this world of fallen immortals. As a master, it would be better for him to keep a low profile, otherwise his disciples would have a smooth life, which would be detrimental to their cultivation.

It is also detrimental to harvesting origin points!

As for the deeper reason... He still has doubts about his destiny of falling into the immortal world.

"This pavilion master will accept this imperial soldier."

Chen Daoxuan did not explain too much to everyone, and took the imperial weapon held by Immortal Emperor Zhanzhi.

It is a strange-looking golden bell that has a breathtaking effect. It can affect the enemy's mind during battle. If it is used on an immortal under the Immortal Emperor, it can easily kill the divine consciousness!

"Haha, Mr. Chen, please don't look at the humble appearance of this imperial soldier."

"This is a real six-marked imperial weapon, called the Heart-Terrorizing Bell. Even if you face two immortal emperors at the same time, you can rely on it to remain invincible on ordinary days!"

Zhan Zhi introduced his imperial soldiers with a flattering look, and a hint of physical pain flashed in his eyes.

Today may be the last time he touches the heart-stopping bell...

As for taking it back from Chen Daoxuan in the future?

He never thought that since he saw his transcendent strength, he no longer had any distracting thoughts. It would be a great joy to be able to save his life!

Such existences should not appear in Zhongqian World!

But he ascended from the Small Thousand Worlds. Could it be that all transcendent existences are so weird! ?

Instead of enjoying yourself in the big world on weekdays, do you like to go to the small world to cultivate yourself?

"Well, that's right. With this treasure, the grudge between you and me can be put to rest."

Chen Daoxuan played with the frightening bell in his hand and nodded to the Demon Zhanzhi Immortal Emperor.

"Thank you, thank you senior!"

The war was over, and the stone in my heart finally fell to the ground.

Although the imperial soldiers are gone, at least they still have their lives!

The Immortal Emperor is immortal, but after all, there is a limit. When they are both Immortal Emperors, naturally no one can really kill the other, but if they are faced with a transcendent existence, then immortality becomes a joke!

Chen Dao

Taking the gourd in his hand, Chen Daoxuan frowned slightly.

"Mr. Chen, this is a magic weapon passed down from our ancestors. It is said that it was one of the innate magic weapons at first, and then it was refined by countless generations of ancestors before it became what it is today!"

"Although I have only refined it into a five-marked imperial weapon now, the power of this precious gourd is definitely not comparable to the ordinary five-marked imperial weapon. Emperor Wu can testify!"

"And the name of this treasure gourd is also the name given by the ancestors that has always been used, Immortal Killing Gourd!"

Although Jinwu was still bitter in his heart because the other party thought he was ugly, he still quickly introduced his imperial soldiers.

After hearing this, the Human Emperor who had not spoken a word also nodded.

Indeed, as a Five-Life Immortal Emperor, her imperial weapon also has five patterns, but in terms of strength, it is not as strong as the Golden Crow's Immortal-Slaying Gourd!

"Oh shit....."

"Spoil this good thing!!!"

Chen Daoxuan frowned, looked at the Immortal Killing Gourd in his hand, and complained in a very unhappy manner!

The Immortal-Slaying Gourd was the treasure of Taoist Lu Ya in ancient times, and it was obtained from Buzhou Mountain by his father, the Lord of the Demon Tribe’s Immortal Courtyard!

However... Chen Daoxuan originally had doubts about the Fallen Immortal World, but now that he saw the Immortal-Slaying Gourd, his doubts were somewhat cleared up.

It seems that this fall into the immortal world should be somewhat related to ancient times, but it was too long ago!

For a long time, the Immortal Killing Gourd has been continuously refined and transformed by the Three-legged Golden Crow clan.

I thought I was increasing the power of this treasure, but in fact, now it cannot exert even one ten thousandth of its original power!

However, Chen Daoxuan did not explain this to everyone.

On the contrary, it was Jin Wu. Seeing him frown, his heart suddenly lifted!

Could this Mr. Chen be angry because he only took out the five-marked imperial weapon, not as good as the six-marked imperial weapon that Emperor Zhanzhi took out? ?

"Mr. Chen, although this imperial weapon is only five-marked, it is definitely not much worse than that guy Zhan Zhi's six-marked imperial weapon!"

"In addition, after the Immortal Martial Arts Conference is over, I will definitely go to the East China Sea to send a heavy gift to the Tiandao Immortal Palace and thank Master Chen for his forgiveness!"

Jinwu gritted his teeth and quickly cupped his hands.

"You misunderstood. This treasure is indeed extraordinary."

Chen Daoxuan raised his hand to interrupt Jin Wu's intention to continue speaking, and casually put away the immortal-killing gourd.

After hearing this, Jinwu breathed a sigh of relief.

"But since you have this intention, this Pavilion Master is also very pleased."

"Remember to say hello when you come, and I will treat you well."

Chen Daoxuan added with a smile.

Gotta... I shouldn't have said anything if I had known earlier!

Jinwu felt bitter in his heart. Mr. Chen was obviously a transcendent existence, so why was he so greedy for money?

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