Fantasy: Return of the Disciple, Starting with Recruiting the Demon Clan Empress

Chapter 436 The End of the Immortal Martial Arts Conference

Li Yourong looked at Jin Xian who stepped forward to intercept him, and then at Ming Chen who was lying half-dead in the pit.

He smiled awkwardly, scratched his head, and took two steps back.

"Elder referee, please announce the result."

After hearing Yourong's words, the elder referee wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

He had just wanted to interfere, but thinking that each of the three disciples of the young man was more aggressive than the other, if the aunt just got jealous and smashed him into this miserable state, she would be in trouble!

He could only watch silently in the sky as the genius of the underworld was smashed to death like a dead dog.


"Tiandao Immortal Palace, Li Yourong, wins."

The elder referee announced the result, and many geniuses and immortals present recovered from their shock.

Unexpectedly, apart from Leng Yanran, the other two disciples of the Tiandao Immortal Palace also defeated the geniuses of the Earth Immortal Realm!

Isn't this really going to be the top three places occupied by Tiandao Immortal Palace?

Leng Yanran saw that the two junior sisters had finished, and then looked at the last genius of the Earthly Immortal Realm, Xu Hongye of the human race.

"Challenge Arena No. 1, Xu Hongye."

Leng Yanran said to the elder referee, and turned into a black afterimage from her own ring. Everyone's eyes were blurred, and she had already arrived opposite Xu Hongye.

Like Leng Yanran, her magic weapon is also a spear.

"I surrender."

"Challenge the fourth arena."

Xu Hongye looked at Leng Yanran who suddenly appeared on his stage and couldn't help but sigh. Without any hesitation, he directly asked the elder referee to admit defeat.

She had no way to compete for the top three spots. The other two geniuses from the Earth Immortal Realm had been easily defeated by the two Tianmen Realm disciples from the Tiandao Immortal Palace.

And what she faced was the most terrifying chief disciple of the Tiandao Immortal Palace. If a war broke out, whether she could survive or not was a matter of doubt.

In this case, it is better to preserve our strength and rank fourth.

Hearing Xu Hongye admit defeat, the referee elder did not have any surprise and directly declared Leng Yanran the winner.

Many geniuses and immortals present looked at the top three Tiandao Immortal Temple disciples silently, and couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

I thought they were three arrogant and arrogant people, but I didn't expect that these three people all won the top three with their strength below the Immortal Realm!

This Tiandao Immortal Palace seems a bit scary...

Xu Hongye faced the fourth place and naturally won easily.

Although Shi Kelang, the genius of the demon clan, had just been defeated by Dongfang Han, his injuries were not serious. After adjusting for a moment, he directly challenged the No. 5 arena and achieved fifth place.

As for Ming Chen from the Nether Clan, he lost the opportunity to continue the challenge because he had passed out. He was ranked eleventh, but did not make it into the top ten.

Fortunately, the tenth person in the ring is also a member of the Underworld.

His name is Shi Xiyu.

Shi Xiyu, who was still congratulating himself for entering the top ten, suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of his family elders.

The elder nodded to him helplessly.

At this time, the referee elders have already planned to announce the ranking of the top ten.

"I declare a challenge, number 11, Ming Chen."

Shi Xiyu sighed and suddenly raised his hands.


The elder referee was stunned for a moment.

Generally speaking, challenges are launched to players with higher rankings, but there are no rules that prohibit challenging players with lower rankings.

After hesitating, the elder referee nodded directly.

However, Mingchen is now unconscious, how can he still compete?

The powerful man from the Golden Fairy Realm who brought Mingchen here bowed his hands to the elders of the Shi family, and then put Mingchen on the ring.

"I surrender."

When Shi Xiyu saw Mingchen on the ring, he immediately announced his defeat and jumped away.

The back looked a little lonely. He did not return to his elders at home, but left the Xianwu Conference Square directly.

Seeing this, Mr. Shi wanted to catch up, but he could only hold back. Someone had to come and help Shi Xiyu receive the eleventh place reward.

The Shi family could not refuse the promise made by Mingchen's family, so they had to make some sacrifices for their descendants.

This is not an uncommon thing in the world of immortality, and many immortals present did not pay too much attention to it.

On the contrary, many talented people felt pity and resentment towards Shi Xiyu who was similar in age.

However, if Ming Chen hadn't fainted, he would have easily won if he challenged the sixth-ranked immortal, and Shi Xiyu would have been pushed out of the top ten by the sixth-ranked immortal.

In general, good luck has befallen the Shi family, but in the world of immortality, the fist is not big enough to even hold its own ranking.

"Is there anyone who wants to continue to challenge?"

The elder referee looked around at the ten remaining arenas. Each of them had a genius standing on it. Oh, no, Ming Chen was lying on the tenth arena.

Leng Yanran, Li Yourong, and Dongfang Han, each occupying arenas one to three, occupy the top three.

The three of them belong to the same sect, and the rewards for the top three are also the same. The difference is just a matter of nice names, so the three of them naturally do not challenge each other.

After waiting for a while, seeing no one continuing to challenge, the elder referee stood up and bowed his hands respectfully to the Fire Spirit Immortal Lord.

Immortal Lord Fire Spirit slowly landed not far above the ring and glanced at the ten people.

Especially when his eyes came into contact with the top three, he paused slightly.

Now that she finally understands the Human Emperor's intention, no wonder she was allowed to operate in secret to prevent these three guys from encountering other immortal geniuses before the top ten finals.

These are not the three disciples who are protecting the Tiandao Immortal Palace. They are clearly protecting others!

Xu Hongye, Mingchen, and Shi Kelang were already the top three in everyone's minds, but now.

The one who gave in before taking action ranked fourth, the one whose life was mercilessly spared by the other party ranked fifth, and the worst was Ming Chen from the Nether Clan. Before he even had time to admit defeat, he was knocked unconscious by a Chaos Bell. If the elders in his family hadn't come forward, he would have been smashed into a pulp, and in the end he would only be ranked tenth.

After the Fire Spirit Immortal Lord glanced at everyone, he slowly said:

"The tenth place will be rewarded with 100,000 top-grade immortal spiritual stones and a first-grade immortal weapon."

"Ninth place will be rewarded with 200,000 top-grade immortal spiritual stones and three first-grade immortal weapons."

"Eighth place will be rewarded with 300,000 top-grade immortal spiritual stones and a second-grade immortal weapon."

"Seventh place..."

"The top three will be rewarded with one million top-quality immortal spiritual stones, a fifth-grade immortal weapon, and will be granted the status of the Immortal Court in advance."

After the words fell, the Fire Spirit Immortal Lord handed each space ring to the referee elders beside him, and asked the referee elders to distribute them to everyone.

However, the top three were distributed by her personally.

Slowly falling down and coming to the three of them, the Fire Spirit Immortal Lord gave the space ring to them with a smile on his face.

There is no difference in the heavenly materials, earthly treasures and immortal weapons among these three rings. It is just that the immortal weapons are different, but the rankings of this Immortal Martial Arts Conference are on the rings.

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