Dongfang Han's figure was the first to walk out of the Immortal Palace.

Pretending to be casual, he walked near Master.

"Hey, it's so boring."

"I feel so bored after returning to the mountain. I feel like I have a problem with my Taoist heart."

Feeling casually, Dongfang Han passed by his master and went to sit under the Enlightenment tea tree and prepare to practice.

But he looked like he couldn't calm down and was restless.

? ? ?

Three question marks slowly appeared on Chen Daoxuan's head.

What's the meaning?

Didn't he just take his disciples to participate in the Immortal Martial Arts Conference? It's only been two days since he came back!

Why do you say you're so depressed in the mountains?

Moreover, looking at Yong'er like this, he is so restless that it is difficult to enter concentration. How can he practice with peace of mind?

It shouldn't be...

Practicing under the enlightenment tea tree, even a pig shouldn't have such a hard time getting into the state.

Just as Pavilion Master Chen was frowning and thinking with a trace of doubt.

The second disciple Li Yourong also walked out of the main hall.

With a sad face, he walked towards the Wudao tea tree.

As I passed by Master, I couldn't help but mutter a few words.


"I've been practicing on the mountain every day, and I feel like I can't make any progress."

"If this continues, I don't know if there will be any problems with my state of mind."

"Forget it, it's better not to tell Master, so as not to worry Master."

Li Yourong muttered with a grimace as he walked past his master and came to the foot of the small tea tree.

He glanced at Yan'er and murmured: "It seems the same is true for junior sister."

Then he crossed his legs and planned to enter meditation practice, but his whole body was in a state of wandering, unable to enter the state.

? ? ?

Three question marks appeared on Pavilion Master Chen's head again.

"What about me?"

"This is definitely for me!"

"My teacher is not deaf!"

The corner of Chen Daoxuan's mouth twitched. This second disciple was simply too much. When he passed by him, he whispered under his gaze, saying that he was afraid that he would worry!

This was obviously told to him face to face!

"What happened to these two guys today."

Just when Chen Daoxuan was worried about whether his disciple had any mental problems due to participating in the Xianwu Conference.

Could it be that meeting the Immortal Emperor affected his state of mind?

I have long heard that cultivators with low realms may become fearful and despair of the path of cultivation if they see beings with too high realms. shouldn't be.

Those Immortal Emperors, one or two, should not be too honest in front of themselves. Even if the disciples see it, they should not have any fear of the way of cultivation!

Shouldn't he feel more confident that his master is awesome?

When Chen Daoxuan thought of this, he planned to get up and ask the two of them if they had anything on their minds.

But in the direction of the main hall, the eldest disciple Leng Yanran slowly appeared.

Compared to the two people who had sad faces, the eldest disciple Leng Yanran looked much normal and her face remained calm.

"Phew...fortunately, there is still a normal one."

Chen Daoxuan was relieved when he saw this. At least there was a major disciple who made him worry less.


When Leng Yanran passed by the master, she sighed for no reason.

With a confused look on his face, he quickened his pace and without saying anything else, he went directly to the Enlightenment tea tree and took a look at the two junior sisters who were in deep concentration.

Like them, he himself had not been able to enter the state of cultivation for a long time, frowning and crossing his knees.


"No, is there anything I can't tell my teacher directly?"

Chen Daoxuan was stunned. He froze on the wicker chair and felt that his head was as big as a bucket.

He scratched his hair hard, but he still couldn't figure out what kind of medicine his three disciples took today!

Why don't any of them have any intention to practice and are still looking sad!

Is there really something wrong with cultivation?

But, he has never practiced!

He really has no experience here!

Just when Pavilion Master Chen was thinking hard and couldn't come up with any results, he planned to go up and ask.

Another charming and beautiful figure walked out of the hall.

"See the Pavilion Master."

Bai Ling'er bowed to the pavilion master.

Seeing the frowning and confused expression of the pavilion master, I felt happy, knowing that the first step of the plan had been successful.

"No gift."

"It's weird."

"What happened to these three little guys?"

"Has Butler Bai taken action to undermine their confidence?"

Chen Daoxuan frowned and looked at Bai Ling'er and asked.

He also knew the character of his three disciples and accepted Bai Ling'er rashly. The three of them must have been dissatisfied. Could it be that they were shocked when they proposed to compete with Bai Ling'er, the immortal?

If so, he would reconsider Bai Ling'er's stay.

After all, he originally thought that the other party was a capable secretary, but if she was so insignificant, she almost ruined the Taoist aspirations of his three disciples on the first day she arrived.

Regardless of whether the secretary can do the job, she can't stay.

"Ling'er doesn't dare!"

Bai Ling'er quickly knelt down and handed her over with a pitiful expression.

After seeing the Pavilion Master's thoughts, she didn't dare to show any signs of neglect.

"Ling'er gets along very well with her three sisters."

"There was no discussion or attack."


"They must have been in the mountains for a long time."

"If Ling'er's guess is correct, the master of the pavilion probably doesn't take them out to play much, right?"

Seeing that the pavilion master's eyes softened again, Bai Ling'er breathed a sigh of relief and continued.


"I just went to participate in the Xianwu Conference. Does it count as going out for fun?"

Chen Daoxuan couldn't help but think about it. It seemed that... he had never taken his disciples out to play.

Every time I have to go out because of something.

Over the years, the three disciples have indeed only been practicing hard on the mountain.

"Of course that doesn't count."

"Pavilion Master, with your realm and longevity, it is obvious that you no longer care about these mundane things."

"But please think about it, Sir Pavilion Master. The three young masters are not even a hundred years old now."

"You are still just like a child, how can you just focus on cultivation on weekdays?"

"If this continues, sooner or later something will go wrong with my mood."

Bai Linger analyzed it very seriously.


"It seems to make some sense!"

Chen Daoxuan couldn't help but take a breath, he really hadn't thought about this.

Although he is not much older than his disciples, in the Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace, his Taoist heart will receive unlimited blessings, and he will not have any negative emotions because he has not been down the mountain for too long.

"Then, in your opinion, how to solve it?"

Chen Daoxuan glanced at Bai Linger appreciatively and asked.

"Of course, let the three young masters release their natures first. After they have had enough fun, they can then practice in a down-to-earth manner."

"Of course, these are just the minor opinions of the slave family. Everything still has to be decided by the Pavilion Master."

After Bai Ling'er finished speaking, she stopped talking and quietly waited for the master of the pavilion's intention.

However, judging from her brief contact with the master of the pavilion, he is still very concerned about his disciples and should not refuse this request!


The third update is here, and the kids should have been waiting for the rest of their daily lives for a long time!

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