"What is this for?"

"I see that none of you are bad people."

"We can't accept this spiritual stone. Isn't it just for one night?"

"It just so happens that we have just returned from fishing and are about to return to the village."

"Just drop in together."

When the leading man saw the other party handing over the broken spirit stones, although he felt a little moved, he decisively shook his head and refused.

The men at the seaside all rely on the sea to make a living and rely on their own strength. They just want to stay for a night, how can he accept such a valuable spiritual stone?

These spiritual stones are worth their harvest from fishing for more than ten years!

But since the other party is so generous, he is obviously not a bad person. There is nothing worth worrying about in their shabby fishing village.

While talking, the man called his companions to return towards the village, and shouted for Chen Daoxuan and others to follow.

Seeing this, Chen Daoxuan and others naturally said nothing and followed the man to the fishing village.

On the way, they also learned the name of the lean man in the lead, Wang Dayu.

"Haha, my name is simple because my father wants me to catch big fish every time I go to sea."

"I think you all look like nobles in the city. I wonder where you come from?"

"Why did you come to such a remote place to play?"

Wang Dayu was also a talkative person. Chen Daoxuan and others did not ask anything on the way, but his mouth never stopped, telling all kinds of information in detail.

After all, he is a man who was born and raised by the seaside, and he has no evil intentions. In addition, in this miserable place, you can't even see a stranger on weekdays. It's not easy for him to have a guest, but he has endless things to talk about.

Chen Daoxuan and others were also very relaxed, chatting with Wang Dayu all the time.

"By the way, Brother Wang, what is the name of your village?"

Dongfang Han, who looked like a young swordsman, suddenly asked.

"What a waste, my place is just a poor village. It doesn't even have a name. When people come here, they always say it's from a fishing village."

Wang Dayu scratched his head in embarrassment. Their village didn't have a proper name. It was usually called a fishing village.

Not long after...

Everyone followed Wang Dayu back to the fishing village.

When many fishermen saw unfamiliar faces, they curiously poked their heads to check.

Fortunately, Wang Dayu was leading the way and greeted many neighbors. Although everyone was curious, they had no other ideas.

After drinking some water at Wang Dayu's house, everyone looked at the simple little house.

Originally, only Wang Dayu and his wife lived there. The two of them were not very spacious, so there was no room for everyone to live together.

"I will go to my eldest sister's house to sleep first. I can sleep under the shed in the warehouse outside at night."

"Haha, we don't have a decent house in this small place. You are all nobles from the city. If you are not used to living here, you can only live here for one night."

He obviously gave up his house for the other party to live in, but the honest man scratched his head and said with embarrassment and shame.

It seemed that he was not able to entertain everyone well, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

"Brother Big Fish, you don't have to go to such trouble."

"My follower knows a little bit about cultivation, so it's no problem to build a building on the ground."

When Chen Daoxuan saw this, it was naturally impossible for him to let the honest man sleep outside, let alone to let his old lady with limited mobility give up the house to them.

But this man by the seaside was so damn honest. When Chen Daoxuan saw this, he immediately decided to stay in this fishing village for the time being.


"I didn't expect it. The nobles are all from the city. The immortal master with his cultivation level doesn't need to squeeze into this shabby house."

Wang Dayu was stunned for a moment, and then looked at everyone with more awe.

Although their physical fitness is not bad in this small fishing village, they do not practice any martial arts, and they cannot leave this small fishing village to practice in those big cities.

All fishermen are in awe and envy of the immortal master.

Bai Ling'er was signaled by the gaze of the pavilion master, so he came to a flat land. Under the awe-inspiring eyes of many fishermen, he spent more than an hour condensing the sand into bricks, and simply piled them into a slightly exquisite small yard.

As an immortal, she can naturally do it with just one thought, or even do it better.

But the Pavilion Master also said just now that she only shared the same path of cultivation, so naturally she did not dare to overdo it.

Even so, the villagers in the entire small fishing village had expressions of shock, envy and awe.

Chen Daoxuan smiled and nodded at the fishermen who were watching, then walked into the small courtyard on his own.

Leng Yanran and others followed closely.

It wasn't until everyone entered the small courtyard that many fishermen watching from outside swarmed up and surrounded Wang Dayu.

They kept asking the immortal master where he brought him back from, and what they were doing in the fishing village?

"I just happened to meet him when I came back."

"But don't worry, that guy seems to be very kind and not a bad person."

"Besides, the followers around me are all immortals. If you really wanted to have any bad intentions towards our small fishing village, we would have been killed and fed to the fishes by now."

Wang Dayu's head got a lot bigger when everyone asked him. It wasn't until everyone calmed down that he opened his mouth to explain.

"That's the truth."

"How long did the guy say you're going to stay?"

"Big Yu, please talk to that little brother and see if you can keep him here longer?"

An elderly man in the fishing village slowly walked out of the crowd, and his old voice made everyone instantly quiet.

"Say yes and spend the night."

"I guess you'll be leaving tomorrow?"

Wang Dayu scratched his head and said.

"If we can let that little brother stay in our fishing village for a while, maybe the children in our fishing village will be appreciated by the immortal master."

"Follow that young master, leave this small fishing village and go to the big city!"

The old man said slowly.


"That makes sense. What the patriarch said makes sense!"

"Big Fish, talk to that young man and see if you can stay longer?"

"Although our fishing village is poor, we can cook fish for that young man in other ways every day!"

The surrounding villagers' eyes also lit up, and they all agreed.


"I'll tell that guy to give it a try."

Wang Dayu couldn't win over the villagers, so he could only walk to the newly built small yard with a red face. He waited for a long time and wanted to turn back, but he saw that many villagers had gathered behind him.

All I could do was knock on the door.

The one who opened the door was the swordsman.

"Brother Wang, you are here just in time. My husband just asked me to tell you that he would come to the courtyard for dinner tonight."

Dongfang Han was now dressed in powerful attire and carrying a sword on his back.



"Then, I'll be shameless and won't refuse."

Thinking of the villagers' request, he simply agreed.

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