"You...don't do this."

"I am the sixth princess of Beihai Dragon Palace!"

"Let me go and we can discuss anything. No matter what you want, this princess can satisfy you!"

"Yes, that's right, we have many beautiful women from the Sea Clan. If you, the little sword fairy, have such needs, I can give you ten or a hundred women from the Sea Clan!"

"If the little sword fairy doesn't like it, this princess can also give you many heavenly and earthly treasures and all kinds of wealth. You can find other women in this fairy world!"

There was panic on the girl's face. Her face, which was originally as white as a porcelain doll, was now even more pale.

Although she also had Tianmen realm cultivation, the confrontation between the two women just now made her clearly feel that she was no match for them.

"Still a princess?"

Unexpectedly, Dongfang Han became even more excited after hearing the girl's words.

Holding the girl's chin with one hand, she looked at her with a leering look. The more flustered the girl was, the more fun she found it.

Branch it——

With a soft sound, Chen Daoxuan was also awakened by the movement in the yard. He rubbed his eyes and walked out of his room.

The Hai Clan girl was stunned for a moment and looked at the young man who suddenly appeared.

The young man looks quite handsome and elegant, but there is no trace of a cultivator in him. He seems to be a mortal!

In an instant, the girl had something on her mind!


With a sound, he used water escape to break free from Dongfang Han's restraints.

When he reappeared, he was already behind the handsome young man. He held a sharp dagger in his backhand and put it on the young man's neck.

Chen Daoxuan raised his eyebrows slightly.

It was so exciting in the middle of the night, but I just vaguely heard something about the princess.

I just went out and wanted to see what was going on, but why am I still being held hostage with a dagger held to my neck?


Dongfang Han had no intention of stopping the girl, but silently gave a thumbs up.

The Immortal Emperor has to kneel down to speak when he sees the Master. It’s not good to take anyone as a hostage, but why should he take the Master as a hostage?

"It's amazing...she can actually kidnap Master."

Li Yourong obviously didn't expect the girl to do such a thing. After being briefly surprised, he looked at the girl with admiration.

"Let this princess go!"

"Otherwise, I will kill him!"

The girl was afraid of the strength of the two girls. She pressed her whole body tightly against the young man's back, and could even clearly feel the young man's broad and warm back, as well as the majestic and powerful heartbeat.

Only in this way can she be safer and not afraid of the other party suddenly rescuing her!

But looking at the expressions of the two girls, I always felt a little weird.

"Don't be afraid. This princess has no ill intentions. As long as you leave this place, I will let you go."

"You advise them... Otherwise, if they do take action later, it won't be of any benefit to you, sir."

Seeing that the two girls were unmoved, she whispered in the young man's ear.


"If you have something to say, why don't you sit down and say it slowly?"

"Also, can you stop being so close?"

Chen Daoxuan felt soft on his back, and he didn't know whether to enjoy it or resist.

"No, the two of them are extraordinary in strength."

"You are trying to deceive this princess!"

When the girl heard this, her face turned sideways, and she pressed closer to him. She stretched out her smooth left arm and directly wrapped it around the young man's neck. The other hand held a dagger behind her back and pressed tightly against the young man's neck.

After hearing the girl's words, everyone present could not help but fall silent.


Just when Dongfang Han and Li Yourong were looking at the Master with great interest, they wanted to see how the Master planned to deal with it.

An angry voice sounded!

Leng Yanran heard the movement in the yard and woke up from her practice. As soon as she opened the door, she saw a scene that made her furious!

A girl who didn't know whether to live or die actually dared to hold Master hostage and put a dagger on Master's neck!

How dare! ! !

And he was so close to Master! ! !

"So strong!"

The girl from the Sea Clan shivered for no reason when she saw another woman who exuded a strong evil aura and did not conceal her murderous intent suddenly appeared.

Just looking at that woman, she felt cold all over!

This woman is even more terrifying than the two just now!

Why are there so many monsters in this rundown little fishing village by the sea? ! !

"Immediately, immediately, put down the dagger and capture him without mercy."

"Otherwise, die."

Leng Yanran's face was a little gloomy, evil aura surged as she waved her hand, and the God-killing Spear slowly condensed in her hand. The terrifying murderous intent caused the temperature in the small courtyard to drop a lot in an instant!

"I just want to get out of here, I have no ill intentions towards you!"

"As long as you let me go to the beach, I will let this gentleman go!"

The girl gritted her teeth but refused to let go. Now this young man was her only chance to escape. If she let go, she would really have no bargaining cards!

"Little sister..."

"There are a total of five people in this courtyard. You have to pick someone who even the Immortal Emperor can't afford to be a hostage."


Bai Ling'er was lying on the eaves, squinting and smiling, watching this scene with interest.

"What's the meaning?"

Only then did the girl realize that there was someone on the eaves at some point, and she didn't notice it at all!

When I looked at it, I was even more shocked!

Although the fox tribe woman has restrained her aura, as a princess of the sea tribe, she has a lot of knowledge. This vixen is at least an immortal emperor, and may even be an immortal master!

Let alone the Immortal King or the Immortal Lord, even an Immortal King here can easily save people from her hands!

Today, I was completely defeated!

"Stop messing around."

"Scare the little guy later."

Chen Daoxuan shook his head helplessly and put his hand directly on the dagger. He took the dagger without using any force.

But according to the girl's feelings, she had tried her best to hold the dagger, but it was still snatched away easily by the other party, seemingly without any effort! ?

This could be a mortal! ?

"Seafood princess, right?"

Chen Daoxuan took the dagger and sat casually at the stone table. He threw the dagger on the stone table and looked at the girl and asked.

"Princess of the Sea Tribe..."

The girl twitched her lips and warned.

"Oh, pretty much the same."

"What is your name?"

"What are you doing in this pavilion master's yard in the middle of the night?"

Chen Daoxuan waved his hand casually, not caring about the details at all, and continued to ask.

"It's a lot different..."

The girl felt very wronged.

"The Sixth Princess of Beihai Dragon Palace, Zhu Wanqing, pays homage to my senior."

"The junior didn't mean to disturb the senior's seclusion. He wanted to leave, but he was kidnapped by the little sword fairy!"

"He, he wants to do something inappropriate to the junior, and the junior will naturally not obey!"

Zhu Wanqing felt aggrieved and told the young man the cause and effect with misty eyes.

She is not a fool. She has naturally understood that the powerful person who lives here is this mysterious young senior who cannot see the depth!

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