Early the next morning.

The fragrance filled the small courtyard, and everyone woke up.

Everyone opened the door and saw a variety of delicious and delicious food on the table in the courtyard.

"Has your cooking skills improved?"

Chen Daoxuan yawned and muttered in confusion.

But when he saw the sleepy second disciple beside him who had just come out of the room, he gave up the idea.


"Aunt Lan is here!?"

"Such a big table of food!"

"smell good!!!"

Li Yourong rubbed his eyes and jumped up after seeing the food on the table clearly!


Just at this time, Zhu Wanqing came out of the kitchen carrying a plate. When he saw Chen Daoxuan, he quickly lowered his body slightly and said hello.

After a night, she had already figured it out. Since everyone here had no ill intentions towards her, it would be better to stay here, which would be the safest!

In the entire Fallen Immortal Realm, I'm afraid no one would come to this small courtyard to offend the seniors among them!

This senior possesses two imperial weapons, including the lost nine-pattern imperial weapon Sun-shooting Bow!

Even if her father comes here, he has to restrain himself, and he is afraid that he will try to win over this senior!

"You did it?"

"Aren't you a seafood...princess of the sea tribe?"

"Will you still do this?"

Chen Daoxuan looked at Zhu Wanqing slightly surprised and asked.


Hearing the word seafood, Zhu Wanqing obviously paused slightly, but did not dare to talk back.

"When juniors are usually bored, they will think of ways to cook delicious meals."

"That's why this trivial craftsmanship is there."

"Thank you, senior, for not pursuing the junior's rudeness last night."

Zhu Wanqing explained after placing the last dish on the table.

At the same time, he bowed to Chen Daoxuan and bowed his hands in a polite manner. He really couldn't see that she wanted to hold him hostage last night...


Li Yourong couldn't bear it anymore and his stomach growled.

"Master, she said she was hungry." Li Yourong pointed at her belly and said innocently.

Chen Daoxuan smiled slightly when he saw this and called for everyone to start eating.

At the same time, he also asked Zhu Wanqing to sit down together. After all, he had been busy for so long in the morning and couldn't let people stand and watch.

She is a seafood princess after all!

While eating, Chen Daoxuan also asked him about his next plan.

Zhu Wanqing expressed that she wanted to stay here. If her senior was willing to take her in for a while, she could help with cooking on weekdays.

Li Yourong, who had already tasted the delicious food, raised his hands in agreement, and Dongfang Han also agreed with a smirk on his face.

Although Leng Yanran was a little dissatisfied with the woman who held Master hostage last night and was disrespectful to Master, she did not raise any objection.

Therefore, she stayed in the small courtyard.


A few days passed.

The people in the small fishing village have adapted to the sudden appearance of Zhu Wanqing.

No one asked about the other party's origins. They just thought it was Mr. Chen's connections in the city and found him here.

Moreover, this girl looks like a porcelain doll, very cute and lovable.

Every day in the private school, Chen Daoxuan still talks about some introductory matters of cultivation.

One day, Zhu Wanqing also went to listen to this introductory lecture on cultivation out of curiosity.

Immediately shocked!

She really didn't expect that Mr. Chen would often give her enlightenment by simply teaching some basic methods of cultivation!

This also made her feel how right she was to stay!

As for the old patriarch of the small fishing village, he has made up his mind in the past few days. He must find an opportunity to ask Mr. Chen. If he doesn't mind it, he will help him and Miss Leng handle the big things in the small fishing village!


Beihai Dragon Palace.

In the magnificent hall.

The North Sea Dragon King looked at the message on a special shell magic weapon in his hand.

[Fourth brother, your sixth son is now near our Nanhai.

To avoid delaying the important matter, I will temporarily invite her to the South China Sea Dragon Palace to wait for the plan to begin.

————The Dragon King of the South China Sea. 】

"Wan Qing..."

"That's all."

"It won't necessarily get to that point."

"With that guy working together inside and outside, nothing will happen."

The Dragon King of the North Sea looked at the message from the third brother on the special shell magic weapon. After a moment of silence, he sighed and simply replied "Received".

"Someone's coming."

"Send Immortal Longxiao to the South China Sea Dragon Palace and follow the Sixth Princess to ensure her safety."

After all, the Dragon King of the North Sea was worried that his daughter would be wronged outside, so Shen Sheng directly sent someone to the Dragon Palace of the South Sea.

At least there are people of his own there, so that Wan Qing can rely on him and won't be wronged.


At the same time, Hades is millions of miles away.

The sound of violent impact was coming from the specially made cage that was hundreds of thousands of meters long and entwined with countless inscriptions and rhymes.

"It's strange, my ancestor seems to be a little excited these days."

Ming Xin watched from afar. He originally expected that it would take his ancestor about a year to break through the cage.

But now it seems that in less than half a month at most, the cage will be broken!

What seems to be irritating the ancestor?

What can there be?

"That's all. When the ancestors break through the cage, first drag Emperor Wu and others to the outer world and then explore in detail."

Ming Xin lowered the brim of her robe and stopped paying attention to her ancestor's movements.

This Hades is the residence of his Immortal Emperor, and even other Immortal Emperors cannot detect what happens here.

Naturally, no other Immortal Emperor can stop it in advance.

No other Immortal Emperor would have thought that Ming Xin would take the initiative to release Dayi, the Nine-Life Immortal Emperor who had lost his mind!

If he knew about it, other Immortal Emperors would definitely rise up!

Especially now that Zhan Zhi and Di Yi have lost their imperial soldiers, if it happens again, no one knows whether they can suppress Dayi, the terrifying Nine-Life Immortal Emperor again!


In the small courtyard.

Li Yourong was feeding the 'big tortoise' he raised in the pond.

They are all fed with fairy rice brought from the fairy palace. Even ordinary immortals cannot eat this kind of fairy food.

Suddenly, Li Yourong felt a faint flash of light from the corner of his eye.

He turned around and looked at the sun-shooting bow on the wall.

Scratched his head.


"I always felt like the bow just flickered."

Li Yourong simply threw the fairy rice in his hand into the small pond, clapped his hands, and stepped forward to check the bow.

After studying for a long time and seeing that there was no other abnormality, I left with confidence.


After Li Yourong left, the bow glowed slightly again.

In a special cage separated by an infinite distance, the rhythm of the nearly 100,000-foot body hitting the cage was exactly the same as the flashing frequency of the sun-shooting bow.


The third update is here!

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