
Chen Daoxuan hummed a little tune and returned leisurely with his hands behind his back.

Along the way, I still greeted everyone with smiles and nods.

When he returned to the small courtyard, he saw the disciples gathered around the table. Zhu Wanqing had already prepared a table of delicious food.


Leng Yanran said nervously, "Master."

I wanted to ask the old patriarch if he had told Master what Aunt Zhao said, but I didn’t know how to say it, and I was even more afraid of Master’s rejection.


"We'll eat later. Master, I have to tell you something."

Chen Daoxuan glanced at the eldest disciple and then walked to his room.

When Leng Yanran saw this, she looked nervously at the junior sister next to her, and then at Sister Ling'er.

Bai Ling'er smiled and nodded at her.

Only then did she pluck up the courage and follow her master into the room.

inside the room.

Chen Daoxuan sat there quietly. When he saw his disciple come in, he smiled and asked, "Today the old patriarch came to tell me something."


Leng Yanran lowered her head and nervously grabbed the corner of her clothes, waiting quietly for the master's next words.

But Chen Daoxuan looked through the papered window and saw several little heads outside tightly pressed against the window.

He simply raised his hand and placed an isolation ban.

Outside the window, Dongfang Han and others' little faces suddenly turned bitter. Damn it, their desire for gossip is unsatisfied!

I can only wait quietly for my senior sister to come out and then ask her!

"You also know what the old patriarch said, right?"

"Tell me what you think."

Chen Daoxuan looked at his eldest disciple and asked.


"Disciples all listen to Master!"

Leng Yanran whispered back.


When Chen Daoxuan heard this, he was about to continue speaking.

"Disciple thinks, if not, can..."


Afraid of hearing the master say, forget it, Leng Yanran answered in a panic, but the disciple couldn't hold back a complete sentence for a long time.

Chen Daoxuan was not in a hurry and just looked at his eldest disciple quietly.



"Disciple's mind has never changed!"

"Even if the master disagrees this time, the disciple can still wait for the master for tens of thousands of years, millions of years, or even billions of years!"

"Even if it's just a process in this small fishing village and everything is fake, the disciple is willing!"

"The world of mortals refines one's heart...but the disciple only has the master in his heart."

"Master, this time, can you just...even pretend to be like this disciple?"

Leng Yanran took a long breath and plucked up the courage. Although she didn't dare to look into Master's eyes, she said a lot at once.

She didn't know what she was talking about, she was just expressing her feelings nervously.

"You mean, follow what the old patriarch said."

"Simple, hold a happy event in a small fishing village?"

Chen Daoxuan touched his chin and said calmly.


"If Master doesn't want to, even if it's a lie!"

"Just think of it as fulfilling your disciple's wish!"

"Master, may I?"

Leng Yanran nodded heavily, and then looked at the master, with nervous and expectant eyes.


Chen Daoxuan shook his head.


"Disciple understands."

"It doesn't matter. I know this, I know. I can wait another ten thousand years, another million years, and then ask Master again."

"It's okay, Master, don't worry about it."

"Disciple, disciple, please leave."

Leng Yanran was stunned for a moment, biting her red lips. The pain allowed her to control her emotions a little.

He calmly told his master that it didn't matter, endured the disappointment in his heart, and handed over his hands to leave the room.

At this moment she just wanted to go back to her room and stay alone for a while.


"Master, I haven't finished speaking yet."

When Chen Daoxuan saw this, he knew that he had misunderstood, so he spoke.

"Disciples understand that cultivation is the most important thing."

"Master, don't worry, it will not affect the disciple's Taoist mind. In order to be able to stand behind the master at all times, the disciple will never damage his cultivation."

"Master, you don't have to worry about this to comfort your disciples."

Leng Yanran buried her head very low, not wanting Master to see her disappointed expression. Even she didn't know what her expression looked like at this moment, and she didn't want to make a fool of herself in front of Master.

"Being a teacher means."

"At least, we have to gather the people from my Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace together."

"Elder Ao Lan, Xiao Chacha, Yu Youwei, they have to come too."

"It's not possible to do it simply."

"Even the people from my Tiandao Immortal Palace in the Tianxuan Realm, Deacon Chiyun and Deacon Shen Ruo, should come."

Chen Daoxuan said in a gentle tone.


! !

! ! !

Leng Yanran was stunned.

The emotions that were on the edge of the limit collapsed in an instant!

"Tong, agreed..."


There was some disbelief in Leng Yanran's eyes, as happiness seemed to come too suddenly.

He raised his head and looked at Master.

The master was looking at her with a smile and soft eyes.

The scene in front of me was a bit blurry, like a dream.


"Why are you still crying?"

Chen Dao

"Master, do you really agree?"

Leng Yanran's voice was trembling.

"Then, don't agree?"

Chen Daoxuan looked at his disciple's appearance and was a little unsure for a moment.

As a straight man, he was blinded.


Leng Yanran was so excited that she turned into an afterimage and covered the master's mouth, for fear that the master would change his attention.


"Well, let go first."

"I owe you an answer before."

"This time, I will give you an answer."

"Okay, calm down. After dinner, I will ask your two junior sisters to inform me that everyone in the Tiandao Immortal Palace will gather in the small fishing village."

Chen Daoxuan gently took off the hand covering his mouth, and then raised his hand to wipe the moisture from Yanran's face.

After a long time, Leng Yanran calmed down.

But his mental state seemed to be abnormal, and he would giggle from time to time, making Chen Daoxuan look a little scared.

"Master, I'm going out first." Chen Daoxuan thought it would be more appropriate to leave Yanran alone.

After the master left, Leng Yanran couldn't wait to pat her sachet and took out a small notebook.

With an unconcealable smile, he lay down on Master's bed and wrote in his notebook:

[Today in the small fishing village, Master agreed to marry Yanran! 】

Leng Yanran finally calmed down after looking at the details of her daily life with her master written down page by page in the front of the notebook.

But the smile on his face couldn't be suppressed at all.

He carefully put away his notebook, opened the door of Master's room and walked out.

"Where's Master?"

Leng Yanran asked, looking at the junior sister who suddenly came forward to surround her.

"I went to private school and didn't even eat."

"Senior sister, how's it going!?"

"Say it quickly!"

Dongfang Han looked anxious and wanted to eat melon.

After seeing the senior sister's expression, Li Yourong already knew the result, but he also pricked up his ears and wanted to hear the senior sister tell him what happened in the room.

Even Bai Ling'er couldn't help but raise her fox ears.

Although Zhu Wanqing didn't come up to him shamelessly, he still pricked up his ears attentively to hear the result.

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