"But this guy is a bit too big."

After Chen Daoxuan finished speaking, he looked at Yi, who was being controlled by the chains of laws, and frowned slightly.

As if he heard his words, Dayi looked ferocious, and with his remaining consciousness, he began to slowly shrink his body.

Finally, it turned into the size of a normal human being, and the law chain also shrunk year-on-year, keeping him in a sitting position.

"Yeah, sensible."

"In this case, this Pavilion Master will see what you want to say."

When Chen Daoxuan saw this, he couldn't help but nodded and praised, then turned and left directly, with the law chain and Dayi following behind him.

Zhan Zhi and Di Yi looked at each other.

He turned his questioning gaze to the Human Emperor Wu Shou.

Among the three people present, in terms of relationship, it seems that the Human Emperor is slightly closer to Senior Chen.

If the Human Emperor didn't go, the two of them would not dare to go to Senior Chen's territory.

"Go and have a look."

Emperor Wu said calmly, and then followed Chen Daoxuan not far behind.

She was also curious about what Dayi would say after he woke up.

At least, it would also let her know why Dayi suddenly lost his mind.

Logically speaking, Dayi was already the Nine-Lives Immortal Emperor at that time, and he was infinitely close to the legendary realm of transcendence!

What on earth caused Dayi to be in the situation he is in now!

If she doesn't figure it out, if she reaches the Nine Lives Immortal Emperor in the future, wouldn't she also be in danger? ?


When Demon Clan Immortal Emperor Zhan Zhi saw this, he no longer delayed and followed suit.

Di Yi maintained his three-legged Golden Crow body, increased his speed a bit, directly passed the two of them, and came to Chen Daoxuan's side.

"Senior, if you don't mind it, why don't you accept your grievances temporarily and ride back?"

Di Yi's mind has not changed, and he still wants to try to see if he can stay by Senior Chen's side. If such a detached and terrifying existence can stay by his side, his path will be extremely broad in the future!

Even from what Senior Chen said just now, Di Yi felt that his guess might be wrong. Even if he was detached, he might not be as capable as Senior Chen!

Maybe, he is already a being above the transcendent realm. As for what is above the transcendent realm, Di Yi has no idea at all!


"Okay, let's make do."

Chen Daoxuan groaned and did not refuse.

Hearing his agreement, Di Yi was overjoyed. The real sun fire on the back of the three-legged Golden Crow body converged and flew directly to Chen Daoxuan's feet, letting it land firmly on his back.

In addition to where Chen Daoxuan stood, the wings of the three-legged golden crow also exuded the terrifying true sun fire. Although the temperature was so terrifying that even the immortal king could not resist it, it was still too hot for both the Nine-Life Immortal Emperor Dayi and Pavilion Master Chen. Nothing to worry about.

All I can say is that it's a little warm, not enough to make you sweat.

"It's so shameless!"

When the Demon Clan's Immortal Emperor Zhan Zhi saw this scene, he couldn't help but grit his teeth.


The Human Emperor didn't say much, but she had a headache when she thought of Chen Daoxuan being so powerful. She was worried that she couldn't squeeze his neck back, and unknowingly, she had some admiration for such strong men. However, as the Human Emperor She, however, would not let her emotions affect her.

"Haha, I'm jealous..." As soon as the emperor felt that Emperor Zhanzhi's face turned a little darker behind him, it felt even happier.

Being able to serve as a mount for a being like Senior Chen, maybe in the future when he is in trouble, Senior Chen will help him at will!

The road is wider!


Small fishing village.

Immortal Lord Fuyuan of the Sea Clan, who was sent by the Dragon King of the South China Sea, has arrived at the coast.

With just one glance, I discovered the small fishing village decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations.

"A small, inferior race."

"The sixth son of Beihai lives here, which really embarrasses our Hai Clan."

Immortal Lord Fuyuan frowned, feeling very unhappy that Zhu Wanqing lived in a small fishing village with low-level mortals, as if it had lowered their status as a sea clan.

"The Dragon King has ordered that the Sixth Princess of the North Sea return to the Dragon Palace of the South Sea with this Immortal Lord as soon as possible!"

Immortal Lord Fuyuan's voice sounded over the small fishing village.

In the small courtyard.

Hearing this shout, Zhu Wanqing was stunned.

She originally wanted to wait until it got dark before finding a chance to leave.

Unexpectedly, the Hai Clan came to the small fishing village first!

"Looking for you?"

Dongfang Han held a piece of hay in his mouth and glanced casually at the imposing Immortal Lord Fuyuan in the sky, without taking it too seriously.


"I have to leave quickly. Can you please help me, Miss Dongfang, to bring a message to my husband?"


"Forget it, if I have a chance, I will find it back and tell my husband in person!"

Zhu Wanqing struggled for a moment, and then without thinking too much, he directly rose into the air and headed towards the Fuyuan Immortal Lord.

This Fuyuan Immortal Lord is a powerful person from the South China Sea Dragon Palace. Although she has never seen him, she has heard of his name.

It is said that he seems to be very resistant to the human race, thinking that the human race is an inferior race, and has repeatedly proposed to the Dragon King to clean up the human race on the edge of the South China Sea, but the Dragon King never allowed the Dragon Palace to be born.

"Thank you Immortal Lord Lao."

Arriving in front of Immortal Fuyuan, Zhu Wanqing cupped her hands slightly and said.

Although she is the sixth son of the Dragon King of the North Sea, she still has the due respect for an Immortal Lord of the Sea Clan. After all, this is the South China Sea, not the North Sea.


Fuyuan Immortal Lord just nodded silently and let him stand beside him.

"That Miss Wan Qing is actually the Dragon King's child!?"

"Wouldn't that mean that we can have good weather when we go fishing in the future!?"

"After finishing Mr.'s wedding tomorrow, I will build a temple statue for Miss Wanqing to bless our village with good fortune!"

Villagers from some small fishing villages came out one after another after hearing the voice just now.

Unexpectedly, the Dragon King's children would actually help renovate the houses in their village and improve their life in their small fishing village!

What a good man...

It seems that these sea people are all good people!

Many villagers even knelt down and worshiped the aloof Immortal Lord Fuyuan, praying for smooth sailing when they went to sea in the future.

Unexpectedly, this move made Immortal Fuyuan very disgusted!

If you are fishing, isn’t that just to attack them, the sea tribe? ?

Are you asking him to go smoothly?

"Inferior races..."

"It doesn't matter, it's hard to get out."

"It's time for a change of taste."

Immortal Lord Fuyuan grinned, opened his mouth, and took a deep breath at the small fishing village!

The fishermen in the small fishing village seemed to be frozen, maintaining the posture at that moment and making no movement.

The three souls and seven souls directly followed the terrifying suction force and headed towards the mouth of Fuyuan Immortal Lord.

In the small courtyard, Leng Yanran and three others rushed out of the courtyard. They carried the jade pendants given by their master, and their spirits were intact and not affected.

Bai Ling'er also relied on the strength of the Immortal Realm to prevent her soul from being sucked out.

But how could those mortals in the small fishing village resist?


Leng Yanran, who was wearing a bright red wedding dress, gave a sharp shout and rushed forward with the God-killing Spear in hand, even if it was an Immortal Lord!

"Follow Senior Sister!"

Li Yourong shouted to Dongfang Han, and they both stood up and followed the senior sister!


The third update is coming, and the treasures are pushing for more updates. In the past few days, the number of reminders was less than 3,000. At least there is motivation to push for more updates!

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