Leng Yanran and others felt that the four figures all had complicated expressions on their faces.

I don’t know how to face them and how to tell them what happened in the small fishing village.


Li Yourong shouted softly.

"Let's go back to the small fishing village first."

"Wait for Master to come."

Leng Yanran felt a little heavy at this time. If they had not come to this small fishing village, I am afraid that the small fishing village would not have suffered this unreasonable disaster.

Bai Ling'er was a little worried about the safety of young master Dongfang Han. After struggling for a moment, he gritted his teeth and said: "You two young masters, please wait for the pavilion master in the small fishing village first!"

"Please go to the young master's side to avoid any accidents!"

After Bai Ling'er said that, he turned into a stream of white light and rushed towards the depths of the South China Sea, chasing the young master just now.

Now that she has joined the Tiandao Immortal Palace and seen the master's methods and realm, she will not make a decision that is unfavorable to the Tiandao Immortal Palace.

Even though he knew that the Immortal Emperor was unwilling to go to the deep sea, he still chose to take the risk for the safety of the young master.

Leng Yanran and Li Yourong did not speak to stop him.

They know that if an accident does occur, Master can take action in time!

Leng Yanran even regretted a little at this moment, why she didn't stab her in the heart with the God-killing Spear immediately, the Master would definitely come!

The main person did not expect at that time that the Immortal Lord of the Sea Clan who came to look for Zhu Wanqing would suddenly take action against ordinary mortals in the small fishing village!

The two looked at each other, both seeing the anger and guilt in each other's eyes.

Then he slowly fell down and arrived not far from the coast, just in front of Wang Dayu and the other four.



"Isn't that Miss Yanran!?"

"Miss Yourong is here too!"

"Sure enough, the people around Mr. Chen are not ordinary people. They can all fly like immortals!"

Wang Dayu couldn't help but look envious as he looked at the two people falling from the sky.

"Miss Yanran, what are you wearing?"


"It's the wedding dress for my wedding to Mr. Chen the day after tomorrow, right?"

"Hehe, she's so pretty. If I can find a woman who's one-tenth as good-looking as Yanran, I'll be like smoke rising from my ancestral graves."

When Wang Dayu saw the two girls falling in front of him, he couldn't help but scratch his head and greet them with a smile.

The three people behind them also joked with joyful faces: "You kid has beautiful thoughts, are you worthy of it?"

"If you can marry a mother-in-law, your family's ancestral graves will be smoking!"

The four of them did not notice that Miss Yanran and Miss Yourong looked strange at this moment.

When Wang Dayu saw that Miss Yanran didn't reply for a long time, he thought it was his joke that made Miss Yanran unhappy.

"Uh, Miss Yanran, don't get me wrong, we are just talking openly."

"By the way, the big day is the day after tomorrow."

"Why did you come here?"

"Look, this is what we have gained from this trip to sea. It is much richer than usual!"

"Hehe, I will definitely make your wedding to Mr. Chen a success!"

Wang Dayu scratched his head and apologized, while showing off the piles of fresh sea fish that each of the four people was dragging.

"Brother Big Fish..."

Leng Yanran was confused, not knowing how to explain the situation in the small fishing village to him.

"What's wrong!?"

"Isn't it Mr. Chen who regrets it?"

"Could it be that Mr. Chen's family knew about it and came to the small fishing village!?"

"Miss Yanran, don't worry. When we get back, we will support you!"

Wang Dayu was stunned when he saw this, and then quickly spoke to comfort him.

After all, Mr. Chen is a noble son in a big city.

“Small fishing village…”

"problem occurs."

Li Yourong said softly.

"problem occurs?"

"What happened?"

"Haha, I understand. Has the village prepared any surprises?"

The man next to Wang Dayu looked puzzled, and then looked like he suddenly understood.

The other three people, who were originally nervous, suddenly smiled when they heard this.


"You guys, you must calm down later."

"Everything can still turn around."

Leng Yanran could only sigh, and then moved out of the way, allowing Wang Dayu and others to return to the village to take a look.

In confusion, a few people quickened their steps and soon returned to the village.

When they arrived at the entrance of the village, they saw many villagers beaming with joy, and many others were worshiping the sky.

But when I looked up, there was nothing in the sky.

"It's weird."

"Aunt Zhao, who are you worshiping?"

Wang Dayu was a little confused, walked towards Aunt Zhao, and asked.

But Aunt Zhao never made any move.

Only then did the four of them realize something was wrong. It seemed as if the villagers had been stopped.

And the village was completely silent, so quiet, so quiet that it was a bit scary...

"Aunt Zhao?"

Wang Dayu gently pushed Aunt Zhao, who was kneeling and worshiping the sky.


Aunt Zhao actually leaned over and fell to the ground.

"Zhao...Aunt Zhao!?"

Wang Dayu was startled and quickly leaned over to help him.

The other three people also noticed something was wrong and tried to test the other villagers, only to find that the entire people in the small fishing village had lost consciousness and became like walking zombies. Their body temperature was very abnormal, leaving only a little warmth!

"What...what happened?"

"what happened?"

"Miss Yanran, what happened..."

Wang Dayu murmured in horror, took a few steps back, and then ran home like crazy without waiting for Leng Yanran to reply!

Upon seeing this, the other three people immediately dropped the fish and ran towards their homes.

Wang Dayu returned home and opened the door with a clang.

Seeing the old woman washing vegetables in the yard, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But before he could call me, his eyes immediately turned red.

If I am fine, if he returns home making such a big noise, he will definitely be scolded and complained about!

But now, I am just like Aunt Zhao just now, sitting on the edge of the wooden basin, motionless, with the wild vegetables soaking in the water.


Wang Dayu stepped forward with a trembling voice.

At this time, Wang Dayu's wife still had a look of uncontrollable joy on her face. Ever since she learned that Mr. Chen and Miss Yanran were going to hold a big wedding in a small fishing village in a few days, the smile on her face had not gone away.

These days, she can't do much to help, so she washes some wild vegetables and prepares some wild fruits every day, trying her best to help.

Wang Dayu carefully put his hand on my mother's shoulder and shook it twice.

No movement...

Just like Aunt Zhao, just like other villagers in the small fishing village!

The lean and dark man's eyes felt a little blurry, and tears flowed down uncontrollably.

"Brother Big Fish, don't be impatient..."

"When Master comes, there will definitely be a solution."

Outside the courtyard gate, Leng Yanran said somewhat complicatedly.

"Miss Yanran..."

"What happened to my mother?"

"Where's Mr. Chen?"

"Is there anything wrong with Mr. Chen?"

The swarthy man wiped his face haphazardly twice with the back of his hand, then turned around and asked with red eyes.

Leng Yanran felt even more uncomfortable when she heard that this man was still caring about them and whether something happened to the master.

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