South China Sea.

Dongfang Han was dressed in men's clothing, and his slightly thin face was full of anger.

Surrounded by dozens of fairy flying swords, holding the Lingxiao Sword as the eye of the formation, he continued to fall towards the depths of the seabed!

Although he is only a monk in the Tianmen realm, he is not that strong in this vast sea area.

Before even reaching the bottom of the deep sea, there were many great evil spirits of the sea clan who had become immortals around them.

But those great villains of the sea clan, after feeling the sharp sword light of dozens of fairy-grade flying swords, retreated far away, not wanting to provoke such existences!

Even if there were some great villains from the sea clan who were interested in those dozens of immortal flying swords, they all gave up their thoughts after seeing that Dongfang Han's realm was only the Tianmen realm.

To allow a descendant of the Tianmen Realm to carry so many immortal flying swords, the backer behind him must be at least an Immortal Lord!

It’s not something ordinary sea tribe villains like them can mess with!

"Little Master!"

"You might as well wait for the Pavilion Master to accompany you!"

Bai Ling'er had already caught up with Dongfang Han who was driving the Zhuxian Sword Formation towards the bottom of the sea.

Dongfang Han ignored it and continued to speed up. Although she was not strong enough, in terms of trump cards and methods, how could the Nanhai Dragon Palace be worth the magical power restriction that the master left on her spiritual platform? At this time, she was simply walking. Bomb, whoever attacks her will face real danger!

Seeing this, Bai Ling'er could only helplessly follow him.


South China Sea Dragon Palace.

Immortal Lord Fuyuan has already arrived at the Dragon Palace with Zhu Wanqing to meet the Dragon King of the South China Sea.

"The sixth son of Beihai has been brought here, my subordinates are resigning."

Immortal Lord Fuyuan bowed respectfully to the Dragon King, received the Dragon King's permission, and then slowly retreated.

Zhu Wanqing had a bitter look on his face at this time.

"Wan Qing pays homage to Third Uncle!"

Although he was extremely dissatisfied with Immortal Fuyuan's behavior, he still bowed to the aloof South Sea Dragon King who was being served by numerous beauties from the sea tribe.

Whether it is her father or the other three Dragon Kings, their daily lives are extremely luxurious.

Zhu Wanqing is already used to this.


"Xiao Wanqing, we haven't seen each other for ten years, how come you and your third uncle are still separated?"

"Come, sit next to Third Uncle."

"Is it fun to tell Uncle San about the outside world?"

The old Dragon King of South China Sea showed a very charitable smile and waved Zhu Wanqing to come to him.

Hearing this, Zhu Wanqing didn't notice anyone else, and directly stepped forward to sit on the rather spacious dragon chair.

The maids of the Sea Clan on the side also hurriedly presented various spiritual fruits, not daring to neglect.

"Third uncle!"

"That Immortal Lord Fuyuan has caused great trouble to our Hai Clan."

"Please also ask Third Uncle to immediately order the Immortal Lord Fuyuan to return to the small fishing village to make amends!"

Without accepting the spiritual fruit from the maid, Zhu Wanqing immediately filed a complaint with the Dragon King of the South China Sea.

In a few words, he told the story of Immortal Fuyuan devouring the souls of all the fishermen in the small fishing village.

"Haha, little Wanqing."

"You're being a bit unreasonable."

"Third Uncle asked you, those fishermen usually go out to sea to catch fish and kill and eat the creatures of our sea tribe."

"Why can't we, the sea tribe, use them as food?"

The Dragon King of South China Sea had no intention of blaming Immortal Fuyuan, but felt that Zhu Wanqing was a little confused.


"But, but..."

Zhu Wanqing was speechless for a moment and was rendered speechless by what Sanbo said.

Indeed, the human race can salvage the creatures of the sea race and use them as food, so why can't the sea race use the human race as food?

This is a world of the weak and the strong.

"In any case, in order to satisfy his appetite, Immortal Lord Fuyuan provoked a terrifying enemy for our Hai Clan!"

"That Mr. Chen definitely has the strength of the Immortal Emperor!"

Zhu Wanqing could not refute Sanbo's reasoning, but he still continued to propose from another angle, allowing Immortal Fuyuan to make up for his mistakes.

Don't offend Mr. Chen!

"The Mr. Chen you are talking about should be just a powerful immortal king."

"There is no way to hinder the great cause of our Hai Clan."

"Immortal Emperor, haha, except now our Hai Clan also has the means to become an Immortal Emperor."

"The number of Immortal Emperors in the Fallen Immortal Realm has reached its upper limit, and no new Immortal Emperors will appear."

The Dragon King of South China Sea said very relaxedly.

He did not believe that there would be another powerful Immortal Emperor in the Fallen Immortal Realm. The so-called destiny was no longer enough to accommodate the emergence of a new Immortal Emperor.


"Mr. Chen holds three imperial weapons!"

Seeing that his third uncle didn't believe it, Zhu Wanqing quickly reminded him.


"You must have made a mistake."

"Haha, let's stay here first. Your father sent a message saying that he sent an immortal king from Beihai to take care of you."

"As for the small fishing village, don't mention it again."

"My Sea Clan's plan has begun. Even if there is one more Immortal Emperor, it cannot stop our Sea Clan from overriding the Fallen Immortal Realm again!"

Hearing Zhu Wanqing's words, he just smiled and shook his head to express that it was absolutely impossible. Instead, he thought it was a lie deliberately fabricated by Zhu Wanqing in order to make him pay attention to the small fishing village.

"Third uncle!"

Zhu Wanqing wanted to say something more, but the Dragon King of Nanhai waved his hand and said: "Take Wan Qing to live in the Crystal Palace."

"Yes!" The two clam spirits took the order and came directly to both sides of Zhu Wanqing, making a gesture of invitation.

Zhu Wanqing knew that it was useless to talk more, and a trace of worry flashed in his eyes.

Mr. Chen will never give up!

At that time, it will be an unforeseen disaster for the Hai Clan!

I don’t know if it will affect Mr. Chen’s view of her!


Outside the Nanhai Dragon Palace.

Immortal Lord Fuyuan had just left and planned to go back to his cave to rest.

After countless years, he finally tasted the wonderful taste of human souls again!

"When our Hai Clan plan is fully launched, we won't have to endure it anymore."

Immortal Lord Fuhai licked the corner of his mouth, still savoring the taste of human souls.

It's a pity that the village is too small, there are not many people, only about a hundred people.

If you can swallow the soul of a city in one breath, that would be delicious!


"Interesting, this junior from the Tianmen Realm is chasing after me without thinking about life or death."

Suddenly, Fuyuan Immortal Lord looked up and felt a familiar aura, and couldn't help but grinned slightly.

It is said that it is difficult for Tianmen realm monks to reach the bottom of the sea.

However, this guy actually possesses dozens of fairy-grade flying swords. With that strange sword formation, he can actually ignore the pressure of the seabed and reach here.

He was also escorted by a strong man from the Immortal Realm behind him. No wonder he wasn't eaten as a snack by the great villain of the Sea Tribe along the way.

That's fine, it's easier for you, hehe...

Not only can you pick up dozens of flying swords for free, but you can also taste the souls of land creatures again.


"If we devour the Immortal Lord all together, we should be able to break through to the fourth level of the Immortal Lord this time when we go back to retreat!"

With a thought in his mind, Immortal Lord Fuyuan went straight up to greet them. He couldn't wait to swallow the two of them and put those immortal flying swords in his bag!

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