Fantasy: Return of the Disciple, Starting with Recruiting the Demon Clan Empress

Chapter 497 Breaking through the Mysterious Immortal Realm

Chen Daoxuan looked around and saw that Da Yi was still trying to break free from the constraints of the Dao Yun Law.

But as if he felt Chen Daoxuan's aura, his struggle was obviously much smaller, and instead of roaring like crazy, he had a look of pain on his face.

After a brief inspection of Dayi's condition, he understood why he fell into madness.

These terrestrial immortal emperors are not like the immortal emperors of the sea clan who inhabit their souls in magic weapons, but directly inhabit their souls in their destiny.

Every time one life is increased, the number of souls residing in the destiny increases by 10%.

Each improvement in life is equivalent to getting more support from the rules of heaven and earth, and being able to draw on more power of destiny.

Dayi has now placed 90% of his soul in Tianming, and it is precisely because of this reason that he cannot wake up.

Once you understand the situation, it will be easier to cure it.

But that destiny does not seem to appear in real time.

How to attract the destiny of heaven and get back the soul of Dayi...

"It seems that when I broke through before, the destiny would instinctively pull at the soul of this pavilion master, hoping that the master of the pavilion would also live in the destiny."

Chen Daoxuan's eyes suddenly lit up and he already had a solution.

Now that he has gone to the South China Sea Dragon Palace, his origin points have accumulated to a very terrifying astronomical figure, and it is just time to make a breakthrough!

[Original point: 6331.285 billion. 】

Even if I haven’t exchanged the harvest from this trip, it will be another huge income!

"Tongzi, exchange this for tens of billions of origin points for me."

Chen Daoxuan thought silently in his heart.

"Senior Chen, how should we deal with this Yi..."

Immortal Emperor Golden Crow asked curiously when he saw Senior Chen's eyes lingering on Dayi for a long time without speaking.

Zhan Zhi also held up his hands and planned to express his opinions, but suddenly he felt the terrifying Taoist charm coming from Senior Chen's body. The strong pressure made the three immortal emperors feel cold on their backs and their legs and feet were numb. So soft, I can’t help but want to worship!

Chen Daoxuan's whole person was surrounded by various Taoist charms. Even though he was wearing a simple gown, he looked at him as if he were seeing an innate god. Apart from awe, there was nothing else he could think of!


Daoyun shot straight into the sky, punching out an extremely huge hole in the clouds that were originally floating above the Tiandao Immortal Palace!

"I'm so talkative, so talkative..."

Immortal Emperor Golden Crow thought it was his words that made Senior Chen unhappy, so he hurriedly bowed down and apologized tremblingly.

But Senior Chen's aura did not stop, but continued to rise!

[Ding, congratulations to the host for breaking through to the second level of True Fairyland! 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for breaking through to the third level of True Fairyland! 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for breaking through...]

A series of system prompts sounded in his mind, and Chen Daoxuan could clearly feel that his strength was increasing rapidly!

Until the last prompt sounded: [Ding, congratulations to the host for breaking through to the first level of the Mysterious Immortal Realm! 】

With the final prompt, in an instant, the purple air spread thousands of miles eastward from the shore of the East China Sea!

In the purple air, there are thousands of spiritual beasts, and the auspicious beasts are soaring!

Golden lamps lit up from the purple air, illuminating the entire East China Sea with a pale golden luster, which was extremely magical.

Outside the island, thick and tall water pillars began to rise on the surface of the East China Sea, and above those water pillars, there were three thousand divine magic forms condensed from the water of the East China Sea!

Like pilgrims, the three thousand gods and magicians all knelt down on one knee in the direction of Pavilion Master Chen of the Tiandao Immortal Palace, and roared incomprehensibly.

The sea tribesmen in the East China Sea felt this sudden change and fled towards the deep sea one after another. Even though they might encounter stronger sea tribesmen in the deep sea and be eaten, in comparison, the strange phenomena on the sea frightened them even more!

"This...what the hell is this..."

The three Immortal Emperors' faces turned pale at this time, and they looked at the three thousand divine magic figures on the sea. Each one was ten thousand feet tall, and they all exuded the charm of a law, not just an empty appearance!

"Three thousand gods and demons seem to be on a pilgrimage!!!"

"What level has Senior Chen reached? Even three thousand magic gods need to pay homage to Senior Chen!!!"

"This is definitely not a realm of transcendence. It is impossible to be worshiped by the magic of three thousand gods in the realm of transcendence. What kind of terrifying realm is this...!!!"

Immortal Emperor Golden Crow's lips trembled as he felt the breath unconsciously flowing out of Senior Chen. His legs softened and he knelt down, looking at Senior Chen's back with awe in his eyes.

The Immortal Emperor Zhan Zhi on the side was one step ahead of Jin Wu. He was already kneeling there in a standard manner, with an expression like those of the Three Thousand Gods, worshiping at the back of Senior Chen!

"Isn't it a bit unsociable not to kneel..."

Human Emperor Wu Shou looked at the two Immortal Emperors who had come with them, and they were already kneeling in obedience. She felt the aura of Chen Daoxuan, and she also had the urge and instinct to kneel down and worship in her heart.

Leng Yanran and other disciples saw the master's sudden surge of aura. Although they were excited, they were not like the three immortal emperors who had never seen the world. After all, the master would always come here every once in a while. But each time the leaked breath is much stronger than the last time!

Chi Yun looked at the master of the pavilion and bowed down devoutly. I am afraid no one in this world can be stronger than the master! ?

Even the Immortal Emperor kowtowed to the great master. He was indeed the great master!


East China Sea Dragon Palace.

Zhu Quance, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, who had just breathed a sigh of relief and felt that Pavilion Master Chen did not take him to heart, suddenly felt a strange phenomenon in the East China Sea.

The little heart couldn't help but feel nervous, and he jumped up from the dragon chair, and hid behind the dragon chair under the strange gazes of many sea clan tyrants in the hall.


"It's not against's okay, okay."


The Dragon King of the East China Sea felt it carefully and found that Pavilion Master Chen did not seem to be showing these strange phenomena for him, and he was relieved.

"Ahem, if you have something to do, please go ahead and leave."

Zhu Quance adjusted his mood, regained the aloof and calm posture of His Majesty the Dragon King, and waved his hands to disperse the curious people in the hall.



Chen Daoxuan did not take their shock to heart, but completely dispersed his soul to cover it up, and used his breath to seduce the destiny to appear.

There was no accident. After he broke through and released his soul energy, he quickly felt a tug.

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