Chen Daoxuan took out the tea set directly from the system space while listening to Zhen Yuanzi describing various things.

He even took out a square wooden table and two Taishi chairs.

However, after taking a look at the situation of Immortal Zhenyuan, Pavilion Master Chen silently put away a grand master's chair. In his case, there was no need for it...

"Haha, little friend, do you like tea?"

"Hey... when I was at Wuzhuang Temple, I often drank tea and discussed Taoism with my old friends, and then tasted ginseng fruit. It was so happy!"

"It's a pity that in today's vicissitudes of life, even the ancient saints could not survive the immeasurable calamity alone."

"Speaking of which, I still have some good spiritual tea. In today's world, I should drink more and less. It is a priceless treasure."

"But little friend, you are destined to be with me, so please give some to me..."



"My little friend, this is what you are doing!!!"

Zhen Yuanzi watched Chen Daoxuan take out a tea set and changed the subject, remembering the time when he was drinking tea and discussing Taoism with his old friends in Wuzhuang Temple.

As he spoke, he thought about it and took out a jade jar from his long sleeve, intending to share with this little friend that there is no equally good spiritual tea in the world!

But after seeing the tea leaves taken out by Chen Daoxuan, Zhen Yuanzi's eyes widened!

In a fit of excitement, he almost lost control and dropped his jade pot containing spiritual tea.


"Hum, this Pavilion Master doesn't really like drinking tea."

"The main thing is to be idle. It's okay to drink this Enlightenment Tea. How about you make do with it and drink the Enlightenment Tea brought by this pavilion master?"

Chen Daoxuan glanced at the jade pot. He really didn't know much about tea.

I usually drink tea just to relieve my boredom.


"The best innate spiritual roots, enlightenment tea!?"

"This is what you usually drink, little friend!?"


Zhen Yuanzi watched in disbelief as he took out the simple little wooden jar, which was packaged like scattered tea leaves sold in the world, but the tea leaves just exuded the fragrance and Taoist charm, which made Zhen Yuanzi feel like Feeling refreshed!

He himself is one of the best innate spiritual roots, transformed from the ginseng fruit tree.

The Enlightenment Tea Tree is even stronger than him in terms of fundamentals, but even in the ancient times, it was difficult for those ancient saints to find an Enlightenment Tea Tree. This thing must be a great opportunity.

The Enlightenment tea tree from the ancient times only occasionally appeared in the world a few times. Each time, those who were destined to get the Enlightenment tea tree would receive nine taels of Enlightenment tea leaves.

This kid usually drinks Enlightenment tea, doesn’t that mean... he has an Enlightenment tea tree! ?

"Well, that's not just drinking this."

Chen Daoxuan saw the shocked expression of Immortal Zhenyuan and couldn't help but responded casually.

"I see......"

"My little friend, it's a waste of money, but I'd better keep such a precious thing, little friend."

"Haha, I have received my wish, but in my current state, drinking such a magical thing is simply a waste of natural resources."

When Zhen Yuanzi heard this, he felt better.

I guess it was this little friend who specially took out such precious artifacts to share with him. What a good person!

Even if the ancient saints obtained such divine objects, they would not share them with others. Instead, they would keep them carefully for themselves, and only be willing to soak some when they encountered puzzles in their cultivation.

"Occasionally when I get tired of it, I drink juice from other spiritual fruits to change my taste."

Chen Daoxuan shook his head slightly, indicating that it was not that complicated.



Zhen Yuanzi was silent for a moment, and then couldn't help but curse.

God will change the taste when he gets tired of it!

Zhen Yuanzi slowly put the jade jar containing tea leaves into his sleeves, and couldn't help but feel a sense of inferiority and envy in his heart!

Chen Daoxuan didn't take the other party's shock to heart. Seeing that the other party had put away the jade pot containing tea, he simply brewed the Enlightenment Tea.

The fragrance of Wu Dao tea filled the air around the two of them. Zhen Yuanzi couldn't help but stop talking and looked at the tea cup eagerly.

Seeing this, Chen Daoxuan will naturally not be stingy. He is tired of drinking just Enlightenment Tea. Moreover, Xiao Chacha is now going to be promoted again, and the effect of Enlightenment Tea will only get better and better in the future.

However, after pouring the enlightenment tea into the two small teacups in front of him, Pavilion Master Chen frowned and felt a little embarrassed.

He can't feed this Zhen Yuanzi tea with his own hands, can he?

"Your Excellency... can you help yourself?"

Chen Daoxuan asked tentatively.

"Thank you, little friend!"

Hearing this, Zhen Yuanzi thanked him directly. With a thought, he let the tea cup float up, came to his mouth, and took a sip.

"My little friend...although this question may be a bit uncomfortable, dear, you don't really have an enlightened tea tree, do you?"

After sipping the Enlightenment Tea, Zhen Yuanzi felt his soul clear for a while. Unfortunately, he could only taste it like Chen Daoxuan and maintain the operation of the entire Earthly Immortal World. He did not have the opportunity to practice and gain enlightenment.

However, after tasting the Enlightenment Tea, Zhen Yuanzi could also feel that there was a big gap between this kid's Enlightenment Tea and the Enlightenment Tea Tree from the ancient times.

But this is not important. If you have the Enlightenment Tea Tree, do you still need to worry about time?

As the ultimate innate spiritual root, the Enlightenment Tea Tree will become a giant sooner or later. If the Enlightenment Tea Tree recognizes it as its master, then even the ancient saints have never enjoyed such a great opportunity!

"Well, this pavilion master has raised a little Chacha."

Chen Daoxuan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that he could drink tea by himself, then he picked up the tea cup and drank it all in one gulp, speaking casually.


Zhen Yuanzi was silent for a while, having repeated the envy in his heart countless times!

If he could have had an enlightened tea tree by his side, he might not have had the chance to attain enlightenment as an ancient saint!

After drinking tea, Zhen Yuanzi couldn't help but have a much higher opinion of Pavilion Master Chen. This little friend was so mysterious that even he couldn't see through it.

As Zhen Yuanzi opened his chatterbox again, Pavilion Master Chen sipped tea while learning all the secrets from the past. From time to time he asked questions, and Zhen Yuanzi would explain them to him one by one.

One person sat cross-legged on the altar, being sucked mana and blood by the terrifying roots. The other person sat on the Grand Master's chair, occasionally refilling the cups of tea for the two of them.

It was obviously a very strange scene, but it gave me the illusion of meeting old friends.

Zhen Yuanzi even asked Chen Daoxuan many times whether he was a great power from the ancient times like him and what methods he used to gain rebirth.

However, Pavilion Master Chen also stated with great certainty that he had never experienced the ancient era, and was not even interested in the immeasurable calamities and so-called dangers of the ancient era.

Anyway, as long as he sleeps hard, sleeps harder, and sleeps super hard, any immeasurable calamity or danger can be overcome with just a flick of his finger.

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