The reason why he can compete with Ah Huo now is because of his soul cultivation.

In addition to influencing the enemy's spirit, the spirit can also allow itself to easily perceive the opponent's movements, thereby increasing combat effectiveness.

So it's no wonder that when he was admitted to Wentian Pavilion, Ah Huo was rated as super by Wentian Pavilion, and his martial arts cultivation potential was only rated as upper-middle.

However, Chen Mu was not discouraged, after all, he majored in Divine Soul, and martial arts was only a minor.

Chen Mu was cross-legged on the bed, and the spirit stones placed around him spewed out rich spiritual power, and under the traction of the Spirit Gathering Array, they surrounded Chen Mu's side.

The four grade spirit stones that Chen Mu placed were all four-grade spirit stones, if he hadn't borrowed funds from Liang Yu, he wouldn't have dared to be so extravagant.

As he desperately absorbed the spiritual power from the outside world, the spiritual energy in the sea of qi became thicker and thicker, and there were already signs of liquid.

Breaking through from the Qi Cultivation Realm to the True Spirit Realm is the process of compressing the spiritual power in the Qi Sea and transforming it into liquid.

This process itself was extremely difficult, and for many ordinary cultivators, it was normal for the peak of the Qi Cultivation Realm to naturally break through to the True Spirit Realm, and it would take ten or eight years.

But Chen Mu is also a formation mage and has resources, and under the stacking of resources, it is much easier for him to break through.

The night of cultivation passed quickly, and in the morning Chen Duo and a few people came to find Chen Mu and found that he was cultivating, and they didn't disturb him.

In the afternoon, Chen Mu finally felt the opportunity to make a breakthrough.

"Condensation, condensation!" he

pinched the magic trick in his hand, his face was solemn, and an angry Buddha statue appeared behind him.

Inside the sea of qi, there seemed to be a huge pressure pouring into the outside world, and the aura began to shrink inward, and finally, a drop of golden liquid condensed in the dantian.

"It's a success!"

Chen Mu breathed a sigh of relief, with the first drop of spiritual liquid being born, the remaining spiritual energy would be slowly transformed into spiritual liquid.

The time it takes to do this varies from person to person, but for him, it should all be converted within two or three days.

After having the first drop of spiritual liquid, even if Chen Mu had stepped into the early stage of the True Spirit Realm, his spiritual power after turning into spiritual liquid was more condensed than before, and now Chen Mu hit casually, and his power was at least doubled.

After all the spiritual energy in his body was turned into liquid, Chen Mu's spiritual power could break out of his body, and his power could be doubled, which was not at all the same as the strength of the late stage of the Qi Cultivation Realm.

The aura broke out of the body and hurt people in the air, this is the most obvious feature of the True Spirit Realm, from then on, his means of attack are no longer limited to physical contact, many martial arts that could not be cultivated before, Chen Mu can finally start cultivating.

"Well, I'm a little hungry, let's go get something to eat first!" ......

After another two days, Chen Mu finished transforming the bloated spaceship in his hand.

With the addition of the space shuttle rune, this spaceship can teleport within 100 meters, and with its own amazing speed, it is difficult to catch even a strong person at the level of a demon king.

With a way out, Chen Mu and the others were fearless, not only were they not afraid of the war that was likely to occur, but they were looking forward to it.

Everything was ready, Chen Mu had nothing to do, and began to study the demon core he had dug before.

As a talisman master, it is a habit of him to do physical analysis of materials that he has never seen.

After studying for a while, he tried to input a little spiritual power into the demon core, but he didn't expect that as soon as he injected a trace, the magic core slammed and cracked into pieces.


Chen Mu secretly said that it was a pity, this was very valuable.

He had also heard others say before that the demonic qi of the alien demon was extremely repulsive to spiritual power, but he didn't expect that just after injecting a trace of spiritual power into the demon core, the demon core would shatter.

However, this reaction of the demon core made Chen Mu have an idea, that is, to make a bomb.

Chen Mu's divine soul was powerful, and he could clearly see the process of the demon core shattering after the aura had just entered the demon core.

As soon as the demonic qi and spiritual energy in the demon core came into contact, it began to boil, and then a huge amount of energy burst out in all directions, which caused the demon core to shatter.

This process is very similar to the reaction of explosives, which makes Chen Mu have many ideas.

But after the alien demon invaded the Panhuang Continent for so many years, no other talisman had discovered this?

That was obviously impossible, so Chen Mu was not in a hurry to do the experiment, but went out and went to the bookstore to inquire about this information.


Two or three hours later, Chen Mu did find a lot of information in the bookstore about the use of the magic core.

He even found a way to make a magic nuclear bomb, much to his ecstasy.

No wonder so many forces are buying the magic core, it turns out that they have long discovered the characteristics of the magic core explosion.

But after some understanding, he found that the method of making the magic nuclear bomb was too troublesome, and it didn't seem to be very practical.

The key to creating a magic nuclear bomb is the absolute balance between demonic energy and spiritual energy.

And the method that is circulating now is to use the powerful divine soul of the talisman master to isolate the demonic energy in the demon core, and then find another cultivator with similar spiritual power strength to inject spiritual power into the demon core.

With the control of the spiritual power of the talisman, the spiritual power injected by the cultivator will not be in contact with the demonic qi for the time being, and after the injection is completed, it is confirmed that the spiritual power on both sides is completely balanced, and the talisman will then fuse the two powers.

The process of fusion should be cautious, the slightest carelessness will cause a magic core explosion, even for some experienced talismans, the success rate is rarely more than ten percent.

The final magic nuclear bomb is indeed extremely powerful, and can often kill and damage the enemy across a large realm.

However, this method of manufacturing is difficult and dangerous, and the success rate is still low, so except for some big forces that will make some armaments as the bottom of the box, ordinary talismans rarely make them.

After Chen Mu finished reading the information about the magic nuclear bomb, he fell into deep thought.

The reason why the traditional method of making demon core explosives has such a high failure rate is that the focus is on artificially controlling the fusion of spiritual power and demonic energy.

However, his own rune core has powerful computing power, and if it is used to control the proportion of spiritual power and demonic energy, then it is basically impossible to deviate.

Moreover, this fusion process can also be accurately controlled through standardized actions, so the problem of failure rate can also be solved.

From this point of view, Chen Mu felt that he was fully qualified to achieve mass production of magic nuclear bombs.

However, it is still in the theoretical stage, and whether it can be realized still needs to be studied and verified.

In addition, the method of manufacturing the magic core bomb that Chen Mu is seeing now is a method that is open to the outside world, in fact, the application of the magic core by the major forces may not be limited to the use of making bombs.

Therefore, Chen Mu now has a deep interest in the demon core, and as long as he continues to study, he may be able to discover other secrets.


In the evening, Chen Mu returned to the inn, and before the inspiration for his magic nuclear bomb was implemented, he saw the guards of the City Lord's Mansion.

Bai Jinglong asked him to rush to the City Lord's Mansion as soon as possible, and it seemed that there was important news to be announced.

Chen Mu didn't say much, he went out directly and went to the City Lord's Mansion.

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