The next day, early in the morning.

Chen Mu took Ah Huo, Styx, and Chen Duo to the City Lord's Mansion together.

Ye Yunxin, the captain of Bai Jinglong's personal guards, personally received Chen Mu and took Chen Mu to the training ground.

"Master Mu, all the three hundred and fifty-nine cultivators who signed up to go to Broken Blade Mountain have arrived, and they are all here!" Ye

Yunxin pointed to the training ground, a group of noisy and noisy people, and introduced.

After Chen Mu and the others appeared, the boiling sound on the training ground gradually stopped, and they all focused on Chen Mu.

Chen Mu also took a closer look at the people in the audience and found some familiar figures in it.

For example, Zheng Fengdao, he was invited by Chen Mu on his own initiative, and he was very simple at that time, Chen Mu just briefly mentioned his plan, and he agreed.

There were some other Heavenly Pavilion disciples inside, but Chen Mu rarely dealt with them and was not familiar with each other.

"Everyone, this is the Wood Master who single-handedly formulated the plan for the garrison of Broken Blade Mountain!

Don't look at Master Mu's young age, he is already a Spirit Rune Master, and he is still a True Spirit Realm martial cultivator.

The next action in Broken Blade Mountain will also be led by him, I hope you can fully cooperate!"

Ye Yunxin's introduction made the following discussion boil again.

"Rune Master, such a young Rune Master, is it a lie?" a

man questioned in a low voice.

"It shouldn't be enough to deceive people, it is said that many ancient schools have secret methods to forcibly improve the realm of the divine soul.

However, the reality that has broken through in this way is all a red yang tribulation, and there is no future at all.

It's really sad and lamentable, that they are pulling out seedlings and fueling them like this, just for the sake of fame. An

old man analyzed in a sighing tone.

"Hmph, I don't care if he is a master or not, as long as he can beat me, I will listen to him, otherwise everything will not be discussed.

Another tall man with a powerful aura shouted.

"Reckless! On the battlefield, the constant support of the talisman is much more important than a martial cultivator like you who only knows how to rush ahead!

Don't make trouble, otherwise I will be unkind to you!"

a woman stared at the tall man who was shouting with a sinister face.


The more noisy the people in the audience became, the more excited they became, and some even showed signs of fighting.

Chen Mu immediately walked to the front of the high platform and raised his hand to press down.

"Everyone, be quiet!" Under

his call, the noise in the audience gradually stopped.

"This trip to Broken Blade Mountain is more than auspicious!

You will be willing to respond to my plan, all of you are benevolent, righteous and brave.

And as the leader of this 'Guardian Sword Battalion', I will definitely do my best to lead everyone to victory!" Speaking of this

, Chen Mu paused and glanced back at Ah Huo, Styx, and Chen Duo.

"I know you might question the strength of a few of us.

In that case, I'll give you a chance.

Me, Ah Huo, and the three of us, you can challenge as you like.

As long as you can defeat any of us in a one-on-one situation, then I will give up the position of the commander of the Sword Guard, and you will vote for a new commander, okay?"

Chen Mu's words caused an uproar, and immediately some people were ready to move.

"Brother, I..."

Chen Duo on the side spoke indignantly, but was interrupted by Chen Mu raising his hand.

"Duoduo, you haven't broken through the True Spirit Realm yet, don't interfere

!" Although Chen Duo was angry, Chen Mu also made sense, and finally gave up sullenly.

"Master Mu, the city lord has designated you as the commander, are you so unruly?"

Ye Yunxin couldn't help but stop him.

"Don't worry! If there is any problem, I will take care of it!" Chen

Mu glanced at Ye Yunxin, his expression undeniable.

"Time is precious, don't come up below the True Spirit Realm!

If you want to challenge now, please jump on the high platform.

As soon as the words fell, there was a whoosh, and a bald-headed golden-armored young man jumped up.

"Yin Zhan?"

Chen Mu was a little surprised, the crowd was chaotic just now, and he didn't even notice Yin Zhan below.

In the assessment of the freshmen of Wentian Pavilion that year, he alone suppressed Chen Mu and the four of them extremely uncomfortable, and he was a fierce opponent.

However, Chen Mu could feel that Yin Zhan was still in the early stage of the True Spirit Realm, so he was still sure.

"Tsk, I didn't expect to see each other for more than a year, you guys are doing well!" Yin

Zhan said with a hearty smile.

Although Chen Mu and the others had some conflicts with him in the freshman assessment, they were in a competition at the time, so they couldn't ask him to release water.

So there was no grudge between them, and Chen Mu didn't take the matter of that time to heart.

"Haha, each other!How

about it, which of us do you want to challenge?"


Yin Zhan's finger fell on Ah Huo's body.

Chen Mu smiled, although Ah Huo had only broken through the True Spirit Realm a few days ago, his true strength was not comparable to the early stage of the True Spirit Realm.

"Okay, let's go down!" Chen

Mu beckoned, and everyone else got off the high platform, leaving only Ah Huo and Yin Zhan.

"Do you know why I'm challenging you?"

Yin Zhan took out his spear and slashed it in the air, like a silver dragon in the air.

"If you want to fight, I don't care!" Ah

Huo's hand grasped the hilt of the sword at his waist, and his expression was indifferent.

Yin Zhan smiled, and a monstrous battle intent rose up in his body.

"Because I can feel that you are very strong, stronger than

them!" "That's because you underestimate them too much!" Ah Huo didn't

want to discuss this topic anymore, so he took the lead.


A sword light slashed upward, splitting the momentum emanating from Yin Zhan's body into two halves and going straight to the middle door.


Yin Zhan turned his spear like a windmill, blocking Ah Huo's slashing.

"Eat me, one move!, Mixed Yuan One Air Gun!"

A round ball condensed by spiritual energy appeared at the top of the spear, exuding an aura of annihilation, and stabbed towards Ah Huo.


invisible sword wave hit Yin Zhan's mind, and he was in a slight trance, and the spear stabbed into the air.


ball of spiritual power at the tip of the spear flew to the ground, blasting a huge pit on the ground.

Chen Mu smacked his tongue on the side, the power of this shot was not weaker than the full force of the martial cultivator in the middle of the True Spirit Realm, and it seemed that the inheritance behind Yin Zhan was not simple.

After some temptation, the two found that the other party was not easy to deal with, and entered a protracted battle.

Yin Zhan's marksmanship is fierce and domineering, while Ah Huo's swordsmanship is mighty and endless.

The shadow of the gun and the sword light kept intertwining, and this power was not at all like the battle in the early stage of the True Spirit Realm, even in the middle of the True Spirit Realm, many of them could not fight with such power.

"Hahaha! You are really strong!It's worth using my real skills!" The

golden armor on Yin Zhan's body suddenly surged with light, and the tip of the spear also erupted a half-meter-long light blade.

The momentum on his body changed, like the reincarnation of an overlord, and he was brave and unparalleled.

Peerless Overlord Spear!

Ah Huo's

long sword was unexpectedly hit by Yin Zhan's domineering blow, and he was knocked out of his hand and flew away.

And Ah Huo's body also flipped two circles in the air and retreated to the edge of the high platform.

"Ah Huo!" Chen

Mu couldn't help but exclaim, for a swordsman, the sword is life, and now that even the sword has flown out, can this battle still be won?

Chen Duo also stared at Ah Huo on the stage, clenching his fists, extremely nervous.

Just when everyone thought that this victory and defeat were divided, they didn't see it, and the long sword that was flying and spinning in the air suddenly stopped.

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