At this time, Bo Mu and the other three demon kings stood on the shoulders of the Giant Demon, and Yao Yao confronted the three powerhouses of the Absolute Sword City, in case they suddenly attacked and killed the Giant Demon.

The situation on the battlefield in Absolute Sword City is very good, although Bai Jinglong has used all their thunderbolt artillery, it still can't turn the tide of the battle, and now the two sides have entered a war of attrition.

Due to the long-range cooperation of throwing alien demons and giant demons, the consumption ratio of their alien demon army is now lower than that of the guards of Absolute Sword City, and now there are more than 20,000 dead in Absolute Sword City, but the alien magic cube has only lost more than 10,000.

"What are you talking about? Our supplies have been destroyed?"

Bo Mu's originally high-spirited good mood was instantly shattered by Bo Zhu's news.

"Yes, this batch of supplies should be able to save less than 20%, and I have found a human stronghold in the mountains, and they have set up a formation on it, and we can't attack it at all.

Bozhu truthfully informed Bomu of the situation of the battle.

Pomu took a look at the good situation ahead and sighed.

"The whole army retreats!" If

he continues to fight today, he should be able to destroy another 10,000 or so defenders, although his own strength may also be reduced by another five or six thousand.

But if this trend is maintained, his advantage will become bigger and bigger, and in about three days, he should be able to take Absolute Sword City in one fell swoop with his absolute superiority.

But now that the distribution of the enemy's forces is unknown, he does not dare to gamble, for fear that there will be other changes if he continues to fight.

Following his orders, under the cover of throwing demons, the alien army retreated in an orderly manner.

Although the retreat was smooth, there were still many demons killed on the way, and this battle could only be regarded as a small victory.


At the top of Broken Blade Mountain, Chen Mu counted the damage of this battle.

Only two of the mobile team members were seriously injured and needed to rest for a few days, and the others were at most slightly injured and could fight again after a night's rest.

Judging from the results of killing, the effect of the hand-held rune cannon is the best, and several salvos are in the center of the alien infantry group, plus some scattered kills, about four or five thousand alien soldiers have been killed.

However, the biggest result this time was to destroy the transport vehicle of the alien demons and cut off the supply of the aliens.

Without supplies, the demons would not be able to fight for a long time, and the pressure on the defense of Absolute Sword City would be much less.

Now it's time to worry about the alien army, they must take the Absolute Sword City as soon as possible, otherwise their army will soon lose its combat effectiveness.


"Bastard! You said that there were only more than 300 people who attacked the barracks, how did more than 300 people manage to achieve such a great destructiveness?"

Bo Mu, who returned to the camp, and Bo Zhu roughly understood how they were attacked, and then became furious.

"It's a talisman! This group of people uses a very strong talisman, the ball they throw is as powerful as a thunderbolt cannon on the city wall, and there is also a kind of shooting talisman, and the lethality of a single soldier is extremely terrifying.

Bozhu nervously explained.

His face turned slightly pale, he knew that he could not escape the blame, if he hadn't been careless, there would not have been such serious consequences.

"Talismans, could it be the Heavenly Puppet Sect on the human side, but how could the people of the Heavenly Puppet Sect help a small border city like Absolute Sword City?"

He immediately found someone and reported the news of the appearance of special talismans in Absolute Sword City to his superiors.

"Bozhu, you come with me to Broken Blade Mountain, and I will leave it to Mo Xiu to stay behind. "

The camp must have a demon king to stay behind, so Bomu had to let the vanguard general Moxiu stay here, and he led the other three demon kings to set off together to explore the truth in Broken Blade Mountain.


"What? You actually blew up their supply transport truck?

Great! It's really great!

I will definitely report this battle to the imperial court and make a credit for you!" Chen

Mu reported the results of this operation to Bai Jinglong through the communication jade card, which made Bai Jinglong very happy.

"White City Lord, I estimate that after the alien demon army retreats to the camp, their lord will soon lead several demon kings to Broken Blade Mountain to investigate, and please come over as soon as possible to protect our Sword Guard.

As soon as Chen Mu finished saying this, he felt a powerful magic power fluctuation in the distance.

"Okay, you wait for me, I'll bring someone over now." "

Although Bai Jinglong doesn't have a telescope, he also has a magic weapon that can monitor the movement in the distance, but this magic weapon has spiritual power fluctuations and is easy to be detected by the other party, unlike Chen Mu's telescope, which will not be detected by the other party at all.

But now that the two armies are fighting, he is clearly monitoring the other party, and it is difficult for the other party to cover it up, at this time he found that there was a demon king rising into the air on the opposite side, and immediately responded to Chen Mu.

"City Lord Xie Bai!" Chen

Mu cut off the communication jade plate and immediately went to find Kong Yu to prepare with him.

Elder Qingxue also sensed that there were four Demon King-level powerhouses approaching in the distance, and immediately rose into the air, releasing his own aura.

Soon, the Absolute Sword City also had two Qi Dan Realm powerhouse breaths into the air, rushing towards Broken Blade Mountain.


four demon kings took the first step, and almost at the same time, eight huge palms formed by demonic qi slammed down on the top of the Broken Blade Mountain.

Bang bang... Boom!

Elder Qingxue flew out of a red long silk magic weapon and swept towards the eight clutches, blocking six of them, leaving only two clutches missing the long silk and bombarding the protective magic circle of Broken Blade Mountain.

The light curtain of the protective formation flashed away, like a fallen leaf falling on the water, rippling slightly, but it did not shake the formation in the slightest.

Pomu's brow furrowed when he saw the effect of the attack, and then he glanced at the two human powerhouses who were not far away.

"Shoot with all your strength and break this formation!" Although

Bai Jinglong and the two were not far away, it would take dozens of breaths to arrive, which was enough for them to do a lot of things.

The four of them separated, each attacking Broken Blade Mountain in one direction.


! Bang! Bang! The red silk on Elder Qingxue's body flew away, and she actually entangled a nearby demon king, and she herself made a few moves with Bo Mu, although she was suppressed at a disadvantage, there was no danger.

Boom, boom, boom!

The other two demon kings desperately bombarded the formation arranged by Chen Mu and Kong Yu.

Bo Zhu was one of the two demon kings who attacked the formation, and he was still attacking with all his strength, but he suddenly felt two extremely terrifying hidden weapons attacking him.


speed of these two forces made his soul swell, and he didn't care about attacking, and used his strongest defensive secret method, and his body turned into a cloud of nothingness.


bullet was fired into the fog, and the momentum was slowly dissipated by the fog, and finally it was stuck in the center of the fog.

Bozhu was secretly happy, and was about to throw the bullet away, but he didn't expect the bullet to explode suddenly.


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