"Haha! I'll come too!"

Yin Zhan was not to be outdone, the golden armor on his body shone brightly, and the spear in his hand spewed out light blades, killing into the group of alien demons, invincible.

Under the fierce attack of the two, the mobile team followed closely behind and mended the knife, tearing a hole in the interception of the alien troops, and everyone gradually rushed out.


Among the two demon king-level powerhouses, Mo Xiu, who was not injured, resisted Elder Qingxue with all his might, while the injured Bozhu pulled out his hand and wanted to intercept everyone.

"Gun team, fight that demon king!" After

Chen Mu finished the order, he immediately took out his rune gun No. 3 and loaded it with rune bullets.

As soon as Bozhu saw everyone's bullets coming, he was like a frightened bird, and his body instinctively fled backwards.

He fled for a distance before he realized that this batch of hidden weapons was not the kind last night, and it was not a big threat to him.

His face fluttered, turned red, and he turned back to chase again.

At this time, the Weijian battalion seized the opportunity to breathe and had already passed through half of the interception force.

Just as Bozhu approached the Weijian camp again, Chen Mu issued an order again.

"Gun team, attack the Demon King!" Another

volley was fired, but this time, Chen Mu also fired a shot.

Bang bang bang!

Bozhu swung out a huge palm, and the magic power in his palm was churning, full of momentum, blocking all the bullets of the gun team.

However, one of the bullets, extremely powerful, passed through the giant palm and shot hard at Bozhu's body.


Bozhu couldn't help but burst into foul language, but unfortunately humans couldn't understand the language of the alien demons.


Bozhu was blown backwards by the explosion of the rune bullet, and his body was drenched in blood.

Taking advantage of this gap, the Guardian Sword Battalion rushed forward a few hundred more steps, seeing that it was already about to break through the encirclement of the alien demons.

However, at this time, everyone in the Weijian Battalion was already very tired, and the two salvos of the gun team just now had also weakened the firepower suppression of the Weijian Battalion, and casualties had already begun to appear.

Through his divine soul, Chen Mu found that the encirclement of the alien infantry had approached more than five hundred meters, and if he didn't rush out again, once the encirclement was completed, it would be doomed.

He gritted his teeth and threw the ten delicate mechanics out of the ring.

As soon as Fu Shu No. 1 came out, he began to shoot wildly, and his firepower was several times stronger than that of the team members who used Fu Jian Gun No. 2, and the pressure on everyone in the Sword Guard Battalion was immediately greatly reduced.

"Let's go!"

Everyone seized the opportunity to finally break through the encirclement of the elite demons and rush towards the Broken Blade Mountain!

"Hmph, I knew there would be such a hand!" As

the Winged Alien approached the Sword Guard, fifty Talisman No. 1 suddenly rose from the ground and strafed the Winged Alien, causing them a lot of damage at once.

Chen Mu had already discovered that the Winged Alien Demon was eyeing the air, so he mobilized Fu Zhi No. 1 to ambush under Broken Blade Mountain in advance.

The last time I shot down the mountain on Broken Blade Mountain, the distance was too far for Fu Zhi No. 1's firepower to be fully exerted, and at this time, the alien demon approached Fu Shu No. 1 to know how terrifying its lethality was.

With the support of Fu Zhi No. 1, the Wei Jian Battalion finally came to the foot of Broken Blade Mountain and went up the mountain one after another.


Bozhu rushed over again, and the vitality of the demon who had reached the level of the demon was extremely tenacious, and although the bullet of the rune gun No. 3 could hurt him, it was not fatal.

Bang, bang,

Chen Mu no longer skimped with rune bullets, and fired two shots at Bo Zhu.

This time, Bozhu was on guard, and the rune bullets only knocked him back, but they couldn't inflict any more damage on him.

In the distance, the ten Fu Shame No. 1, which had been dropped by Chen Mu before, exploded one after another, and the power was extremely terrifying, blowing up a vacuum belt of the rushing demons, so frightened that Bozhu in the air did not dare to move for a while.

Fifty Talisman No. 1 quickly slain the Winged Demons, and they fought and retreated, quickly retreating to the foot of Broken Blade Mountain.

At this time, the guns and shells of the Weijian battalion had already climbed to the top of the mountain and began to attack the alien soldiers surrounding the mountain, and the alien demons under the mountain gradually suffered a large number of casualties.

Bo Zhu knew that he couldn't help the Wei Jian Battalion now, so he was so angry that he stomped his feet, but in the end he could only order the army to retreat.


This battle was very thrilling, and after review, Chen Mu was very glad that he did not choose to attack the side of the siege ladder, but chose to attack the camp of the winged aliens.

If you attack a siege ladder, there will be more troops intercepted at that time, and it will be more difficult for them to break through.

This time there were casualties in the Guardian Battalion, five members of the team were killed during the retreat, and a dozen others were seriously injured and could not participate in the battle for a short time.

Where is there an immortal in the war, although everyone in the Sword Guard Battalion is a little sad, they can accept it calmly.

Those who died or were crippled in the war could get the bereavement benefits promised by the imperial court and Chen Mu, and the most important thing now was to keep the Absolute Sword City, which was the best reward for those who died in the war.

"Give everyone half an hour, and after half an hour of rest, we will go down and fight a wave of guerrilla warfare. "

The number of troops left behind by the alien demons this time is only about 30,000, and just now Chen Mu bombarded the two-winged alien military camp and the battle of Fu Shame No. 1, killing and injuring a large number of their two-winged aliens.

The original 4,000 or so Winged Demons are now only about 1,000, and it is difficult to hinder themselves.

The total number of enemies killed today may not be as large as yesterday's, but the ones killed are all elite aliens, and now there should not be many alien elites left in the alien army camp, and the ambush they worked so hard to before has also been exposed, and now is a good time to fight guerrilla warfare with them.

Half an hour later, with Chen Mu's order, the people of the Weijian Battalion who still had combat effectiveness immediately descended the mountain.


A series of hand-held artillery roared, and the Guardian Sword Battalion fought and ran at the same time, causing heavy casualties to the alien army.

The two demon king powerhouses attacked the Sword Guard Camp several times, but they were stopped by Elder Qingxue and Chen Mu's Rune Gun No. 3, and finally it slowly turned into a tug-of-war.


At dusk, the main force of the alien demons attacking Absolute Sword City finally retreated.

On the siege battlefield of Sword City, the alien demons once again achieved a small victory, annihilating about 40,000 defenders of Sword City, while only destroying more than 20,000 themselves.

However, the guerrilla tactics of the Weijian Battalion for an afternoon brought more than 10,000 casualties to the alien army.

Now, the Alien Demon Army is less than 90,000 people, and there are only more than 60,000 fighting troops left in Absolute Sword City.

"Very well done! Chen Mu, the demons should launch a general attack tomorrow!

At that time, your Sword Guard Battalion will become a key force, if you have any requirements, just tell me, I will try my best to meet you.

After Bai Jinglong knew the achievements of the Weijian Battalion, he already regarded the Weijian Battalion as the most important force, and there was even a hint of flattery in his tone.

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