"Lao Guo!!"

Kong Yu also followed this time, looking at Guo Tao, who was like a god of war descending and invincible, he burst into tears.

"I said, stay in the green mountains, don't be afraid of no firewood

! Why are you so stupid! Why can't you listen to me once? Why!"

Kong Yu's grief caused his soul to lose control, and with his mournful shout, the weapons that fell all over the ground flew up, flying wildly, killing hundreds of strange demons who surrounded him in an instant.

The reality is a watershed in soul cultivation, before this, the frontal combat ability of soul cultivation was very poor, but after the reality realm, the soul can be transformed into an entity, and the attack method is even more bizarre, and the lethality even exceeds that of martial cultivation at the same stage.

After the spirit erupted, Kong Yu fell weakly and was helped up by the people with artillery.

His outburst brought a rare respite to the Weijian Battalion, and Chen Mu immediately seized the opportunity to lead the Weijian Battalion to break through.

"Defend the Sword Battalion!Charge!" The

battle had reached this point, and it was already out of Chen Mu's control, he didn't expect that these people would fight this battle in such a tragic way, which was much smoother than he had planned.

His always rational mind also felt a surge of enthusiasm.

Is this what you want to protect?

Okay! I'll use thousands of corpses of alien demons as a reward!

Guo Tao's outburst brought the morale of the Guardian Sword Battalion to its peak, and the Guardian Battalion soon passed through the barrier of the alien army and approached the rear of the main alien army.

"Artillery team, the magic nuclear bomb is ready, two kilometers ahead, launch!" At

this time, Guo Tao had already fallen, but Chen Mu didn't have time to be sad, he had to seize the opportunity to keep the Absolute Sword City.

Boom, boom...!The

deafening explosion sounded in the center of the main army of the alien demons, this artillery bombardment was several times more powerful than the usual attack of the artillery team, although it only killed and wounded more than a thousand alien soldiers, but the morale of the alien demons fell to the bottom.

Even if the well-trained soldiers are good, they are all self-conscious, and they participate in the battle for victory, but if they are killed or wounded, and they can't see the dawn of victory, will they still have the confidence to fight?

The 150,000 alien demon soldiers have lost nearly half of them in just a few days, if it weren't for the fact that Bo Mu has been accumulating power for a long time, there would have been a split within the alien demons when they attacked the Absolute Sword City this morning.

And this shelling from the rear has become the last straw that crushes the camel, and the alien army began to rout, and even some alien demons want to escape.

"Ignore the artillery bombardment from behind, the whole army continues to attack the city, and those who dare to take a step back will be killed!" The

situation collapsed faster than expected, Pomu couldn't sit still, and personally killed several escapees, which allowed the offensive to stabilize again.


round of shells flew in, knocking out Bomu's hard-managed morale.

"Rubbish! really a bunch of rubbish!" Bomu

cursed angrily, then took a deep breath to calm his head as calmly as he could.

He has always prided himself on being calm, and there are few things that can make him angry, but he didn't expect that in just a few days, he would almost finish all the fire he could get in a hundred years.

The war has been fought so far, in fact, their plan to capture Absolute Sword City has completely failed.

Now that the morale of the alien demons has plummeted, and there are heavy casualties, even if they can break through the gates of Absolute Sword City, it is impossible for the remaining troops to occupy Absolute Sword City.

After breaking through the gate of Absolute Sword City, as long as the remnants of Absolute Sword City involve them in street battles, relying on their geographical advantages, they can gradually annihilate their little strength in a few days.

The only benefit of his breach of the city gates now is that it can inflict a lot of casualties on the human inhabitants.

Although he likes to kill humans and hunt them, he is the main general, and he does not have a sense of the big picture at all.

"The demons belong! Retreat!"

With his order, the soldiers who had already been holding on to the attack were like amnesties, like lost dogs, and turned around and fled frantically.

"Strong crossbow troops, don't let them go, shoot me!!" Bai

Jinglong was willing to let go of this opportunity to beat the water dogs, he was originally gloomy and gloomy at this time, and even personally led the cavalry troops out of the city to chase and kill the fleeing demons.

"Human commando, I must destroy you!" The

reason why this battle has been lost again and again, Bomu knows very well, it is all because of the Sword Guard.

He was so furious at this time that he even gave up guarding the fleeing main army and rushed to the direction of the Weijian camp alone.

"Your opponent is me!" Bai

Jinglong had been staring at Bo Mu all the time, how could he succeed, and immediately followed him and rushed towards the Weijian camp.

But at this time, Bo Mu took out a dark black pill and swallowed it, and the demonic qi in his body skyrocketed, and his speed doubled, immediately pulling Bai Jinglong away for a distance.

With the help of the medicinal power, it only took a dozen breaths for Bomu to approach the location where the Wei Jian Camp was hiding.


Bo Mu waved his hands, and two giant palms condensed by demonic qi swept through the air, enveloping most of the members of the Sword Guard Battalion and slapping them down.

"Let's go!"

Bai Jinglong, who was desperately chasing behind him, was anxious, watching Bomu attack, but he couldn't do anything.

"Wei Jian belongs, use the instant talisman!" At

the critical moment, the back hand left by Chen Mu played a role, and the members of the Wei Jian Battalion immediately urged the instant talisman and fled outside the attack range of the two giant palms.

"Hmph, there are so many means, this makes me even more interested in killing you!" The

appearance of the instant talisman did not make Bo Mu feel frustrated, he put his hands together, and countless ghost hands stretched out from the ground, grabbing everyone in the Sword Guard Camp.

Bai Jinglong finally rushed over, drew his long sword, and launched an attack on Bomu.


Bai Jinglong's attack, Bo Mu had no choice but to divide one hand to resist the attack, and the ghost hand offensive attacking the Sword Guard Camp slowed down, but it still brought a great threat to the people of the Sword Guard Camp.

Chen Mu also shot at Bo Mu, but the medicine that Bo Mu had just taken didn't know what kind of medicine actually increased his strength by two or three times, and Chen Mu's rune gun bullets didn't even break through his body shield qi.

At this time, there were already members of the Guardian Sword Battalion who were intercepted by the ghost hand, and the ghost had a strong corrosive force on the hand, and the members of the Guardian Sword Battalion gradually suffered casualties.

"Is this the power of the demon king?" Chen

Mu heard the wails of his comrades-in-arms around him, and a sense of powerlessness rose in his heart, under this force, the invention he had painstakingly studied was useless.

Just as he was stunned, a ghost hand pounced on him.


curtain of colorful light rushed out, enveloping the ghost hand, and finally dissolving with the ghost hand.

"Thank you!"

Chen Mu was secretly ashamed, he didn't expect that he had lost his Dao heart just now, if he hadn't saved himself in the dark night, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Styx glanced at him faintly, and after making sure he was okay, she dodged away to save the others.

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