"Let's go, Xiao Mu, I'll go to the mission hall with you! By the way, go to He Xiao and ask for a bet.

Ming Lao laughed and was in a good mood.

On the way back, he had already learned what Chen Mu had done in Absolute Sword City.

With the record of the Wei Sword Battalion, let alone betting with one disciple, even if you compare the record of all the disciples this year, there is a possibility of winning.

According to the practice of calculating merit in the imperial court, the leader of the demon hunting group can get at least 30% of the group's record.

So this time with He Xiao's bet, Ming Lao can be said to be a sure winner, so it's no wonder that he looks like a spring breeze.


The mission hall is located directly in front of the Wentian Pavilion Exchange Center, and all the tasks of the Wentian Pavilion are issued from here first, and then picked up and completed by the disciples.

The people who usually stay here the most are those old students who have been in Wentian Pavilion for more than three or four years.

The old students who have been in Wentian Pavilion for three or four years have basically stepped into the True Spirit Realm, and they can be regarded as an elite class in the entire human society.

They have a certain strength, which can help Wentian Pavilion complete difficult tasks, so as to obtain contribution points and exchange them for the cultivation resources they need.

Not everyone is like Chen Mu, who has many means to earn resources.

For many ordinary disciples of the Heavenly Pavilion, they had to spend a lot of time every month to complete the tasks issued by the Mission Hall, so that they could exchange for enough resources to continuously improve their cultivation.

When Chen Mu and Ming Lao came to the Mission Hall, there were already thousands of people waiting here in the Mission Hall.

"Haha! Old Monster Ming, you're finally here!

You came so late, I thought you were afraid to see me, so you couldn't come out of your residence. He

Xiao was waiting at the door of the mission hall, and beside him, Ge Yu, who was dressed luxuriously, was also there.

Ming Lao didn't bother to argue with him, deliberately pretended not to see him, and pulled Chen Mu straight into the mission hall.

Seeing Ming Lao's appearance, He Xiao became more and more proud, and deliberately led Ge Yu to Ming Lao and Chen Mu's side.

"Old Monster Ming, it is said that the Absolute Sword City where your disciple went was attacked by alien demons.


the reinforcements of the Six Princes arrived in time, and our disciples in Absolute Sword City were able to return safely.

You don't need to be too upset, after all, your disciple's life is still saved!hahahaha..."

Now outside the Absolute Sword City, all the rumors are the merits of the Six Princes, although He Xiao went to inquire about the news of the Absolute Sword City, but unfortunately the inquiry was not exhaustive.

Although most of the soldiers and local residents of Absolute Sword City knew about the existence of the Sword Guard, they did not dare to spread it due to the pressure from above, so the outside world only knew about the Six Princes, but only a few people knew about the Sword Guard.

Although he was robbed of the credit by the six princes in terms of reputation, after all, the Wei Jian Battalion had killed tens of thousands of alien demons, and even if the imperial court was corrupt, the six princes still did not dare to deduct the record of killing alien demons, and he just took advantage of it in name.

In fact, Chen Mu didn't bother to grab this reputation, he still remembered the instructions of the third uncle before coming to Middle-earth, so he didn't like to be in the limelight, and now that someone wants to be in the limelight, he can't ask for it.

"If you don't speak, no one will treat you as a mute!Shut up, you!" Ming

Lao really hated He Xiao's chatter, and scolded angrily.


He Xiao's face turned red when he was scolded, but he thought that he was going to get the 'Nine Heavens Blazing Sun Pen' in Ming Lao's hand in a moment, and he suddenly felt a lot better, snorted coldly, and said no more.

Not long after, the deacon of the mission hall walked to the high platform of the main hall.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am Elder Lin Jin, the deacon of the Mission Hall, and now I will give you the rewards for completing this year's training tasks.

After Lin Jin finished speaking, a light curtain list immediately lit up behind him, with dozens of people's names on the list, and the corresponding demon hunting exploits were displayed behind the names.

"On the list, the demon hunting achievements are displayed in order from low to high, and two points of demon hunting merits are rewarded with one contribution value, and those with less than two points will be discarded.

If you see your name, put the identity nameplate on the Wentian compass below to receive your contribution points. Following

Lin Jin's gestures, he could see dozens of Wentian compasses side by side under the high platform, which were often seen in the Wentian Pavilion.

The Wentian Compass is a unique talisman of the Wentian Pavilion, on which you can trade contribution points, such as receiving rewards, exchanging exercises, exchanging the duration of the cultivation room, etc., all of which need to be completed on it.

It is said that all the Wentian compasses in the Wentian Pavilion are connected to a powerful artifact, this artifact is called the 'Vientiane Disk', and it is now placed in the Wentian Pavilion Cabinet.

The spirit of the Vientiane Disk will strictly enforce the various rules formulated by the master of the Wentian Pavilion, and maintain the stable operation of the contribution value system of the Wentian Pavilion, and no one can cheat for personal gain under his control.

After Lin Jin finished speaking on the stage, he retreated to the side of the high platform, and soon there were disciples one after another, coming to the stage to receive the reward.

According to the official Demon Hunting merit calculation system, killing a low-level demon soldier gets 1 point of Demon Hunting Merit, and a low-level Demon Warrior is 100, so as to follow the hundred times upwards, the intermediate level is generally five times that of the low level, and the high-level level is five times that of the intermediate level.

However, killing a special alien race, or alien nobles, will have another record bonus, so the whole calculation method is very complicated, and the empire will record the merits of the demon hunter according to the actual situation, and will not let the demon hunter suffer.

Although the demon hunting merit is issued from low to high, the disciple with the lowest demon hunting merit also has seventy or eighty points.

The first year's training task is the face of the new disciples, even if the strength is poor, no matter how bad the disciple is, no matter how bad the disciple is, he will try his best to get some demon hunting merits, so the demon hunting merits of these disciples are not low.

Half an hour later, most of the disciples of the mission hall had received their rewards and left one after another, while Chen Mu and Ming Lao were still waiting quietly here.

While Chen Mu was waiting, he met with the three of them, including Styx, Ah Huo, and Chen Duo, and also said hello to Yin Zhan, Zheng Fengdao and more than a dozen other disciples who had participated in the Weijian Camp.

At this time, there were only forty or fifty people left in the entire mission hall who had not received the reward, and He Xiao began to feel a little uneasy.

The Absolute Sword City was besieged, and it was the army that really killed the enemy, and it stands to reason that it is difficult for scattered monks like them to be brought into play on the battlefield, why are their names not on the list of achievements until now?

He saw Chen Mu and Zheng Fengdao greeting each other, and they looked very familiar, and the uneasiness in his heart became even stronger.

"Pan Xia, eh, your name is out, go and claim the award!" In

Chen Mu's small circle, a heroic woman came out of the crowd and walked to the Wentian compass to receive the reward.

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