Chen Mu stopped and looked back at the law enforcement team leader in surprise.

"I remember that there was an explanation in the disciple's handbook that the sect teleportation array was within a range of ten thousand miles, and there were thirty third-grade spirit stones for one person.

There are four of us, so I gave you a fourth-grade spirit stone and twenty third-grade spirit stones, how can it not be enough?" If

you take the mountain road from Chen Village to Wentian Pavilion, the journey must be more than 10,000 miles, but if you only count the straight-line distance, it is only more than 9,000 kilometers, and it is indeed within 10,000 miles.

"You guys are from the wilderness, right? The hall master of the Rune Hall has ordered, the cost of teleporting from the wilderness will be increased tenfold!" Chen

Mu's face sank after hearing this, he didn't expect He Xiao to play such a game.

However, the various facilities of the Wentian Pavilion are all maintained by the Rune Hall and the Formation Hall, so He Xiao does have the right to decide the price of the teleportation array, and for a while, he really has no reason to resist.

"Brother, don't give it! He Xiao is bullying, we don't have to pay attention to them.

Chen Duo couldn't help but scold.

"Shut up, you dare to talk about Hall Master He, follow me to the Law Enforcement Hall to receive the punishment!" the

law enforcement team leader sneered and raised his hand to grab Chen Duo's shoulder.

"Get out!"

Chen Duo is not a master to be messed with, as soon as she raised her shoulders, pale golden flames rose from her shoulders, and the palm of the law enforcement squad leader felt like grabbing a red-hot soldering iron, and she hurriedly retreated with a painful cry.

"Bold! Dare to be disrespectful to our

Law Enforcement Hall! Arrest this person for me and send him to the Law Enforcement Hall to receive punishment!" With

the order of the law enforcement team leader, more than a dozen law enforcement disciples immediately formed a joint formation and surrounded Chen Mu and the four of them in the middle.

"Righteous Heart Sword, one sword rushes into the nine heavens!"

A giant sword phantom rose behind Ah Huo, and a terrifying aura erupted, and more than a dozen law enforcement disciples were taken by the momentum, but no one dared to make a move.

"This, the power of this sword, at least in the late stage of the True Spirit Realm!" The

law enforcement team leader is named Yao Xinghan, his father is one of the elders of the Rune Palace, and he has a great friendship with He Xiao, the master of the Rune Palace.

This time, the order issued by the hall master of the Rune Palace, his father had specially told him to behave well and find an opportunity to humiliate these barbarian disciples.

He had investigated that Chen Mu and several other barbarian disciples were only in the early stage of the True Spirit Realm, and the members of the law enforcement team were all composed of True Spirit Realm disciples, and as the leader of the law enforcement team, he had reached the middle stage of the True Spirit Realm.

But he didn't expect Ah Huo's real strength to be so strong, he was completely unsure of taking Ah Huo's sword, and now he began to feel that it was difficult to ride a tiger.

In a panic, he took out the communication jade card and wanted to contact other law enforcement disciples to come and support.

But as soon as his communication jade card was taken out, Chen Mu teleported to his side and snatched the communication jade card in his hand.

Yao Xinghan was stunned all of a sudden, he felt that Chen Mu seemed to know his actions in advance, he took out the action of the communication jade card, and people who didn't understand thought that he was deliberately handing the communication jade card to Chen Mu.

In an instant, he woke up and struck at Chen Mu with a palm, but Chen Mu had already left the direction he was going to attack in advance.

"You guys are so bold! Can't you do it with my law enforcement team!" Yao

Xinghan relied on his identity as a law enforcement disciple to attack Chen Mu unscrupulously.

In the face of Yao Xinghan's aggressiveness, Chen Mu was furious in his heart and no longer kept his hand.

In just a dozen moves, Yao Xinghan was knocked to the ground like a sandbag by Chen Mu, spitting blood from his mouth and his breath was sluggish.

Since Chen Mu comprehended the 'Prophet's Eye', his strength had improved a lot, and the middle stage of the ordinary True Spirit Realm was no longer in his eyes.

"If you don't want to end up in the same fate as him, get out of the way for me!" Chen

Mu didn't want to entangle with these people, and walked away towards the main road.

Many law enforcement disciples, you look at me, I look at you, they didn't dare to make a move, so they had to silently get out of the way and let Chen Mu and the others leave.


At noon, inside the Law Enforcement Hall.

"Hall Master, you have to be the master for me!

Those barbarian disciples were extremely savage, not only insulting the elders, but also beating me to the point of serious injury, completely ignoring our Law Enforcement Hall.

Yao Xinghan limped to the law enforcement hall and complained to Wang Jun, the head of the law enforcement hall, about Chen Mu's atrocities.

"Okay! I already know this matter!

Hall Master He actually increased the teleportation fee of the wilderness tenfold, and he really did have something wrong with this matter.

Wang Jun sighed.


Yao Xinghan wanted to say more, but was interrupted by Wang Jun raising his hand.

"Don't worry! Although Chen Mu and the others have his reasons.

But the country has national laws, and the family has family rules, and in any case, he should not hurt the people of the law enforcement team.

You go out first, and I'll punish them according to the rules of the Heavenly Pavilion.

Yao Xinghan showed joy on his face, saluted Wang Jun, and turned to leave.

Not long after Yao Xinghan turned to leave, a female law enforcement disciple walked in and reported to Wang Jun.

"Hall Master, Elder Mo has sent a message that the Pavilion Master has summoned the hall masters and hall masters to the main hall to discuss something. "

Pavilion Master?"

Wang Jun showed a surprised expression, and asked the Heavenly Pavilion Pavilion Master rarely interfered in the affairs of the outer gate, and basically let Mo Fei, An Ruhai and several other senior deacons and elders of the outer gate handle daily affairs, but he didn't expect to personally convene everyone today.

"Okay, I see!, stand down!" "



Ask the Heavenly Pavilion, inside the outer gate of the Great Hall.

Above the main hall, a majestic man sat in the center, his appearance seemed ordinary, but his body revealed endless majesty.

"The main purpose of convening the elders here today is to select disciples to join the cabinet, I wonder if you have any recommendations?"

There was silence in the hall for a moment, all digesting the sudden news of the pavilion master.

There is no fixed way to recruit the cabinet disciples of the Wentian Pavilion, and all matters are decided by the Wentian Pavilion Master himself.

Generally speaking, every three or five years, the Heavenly Pavilion Lord would go to the outer gate to ask the opinions of the hall masters and some powerful elders, and they would recommend some outstanding disciples, and then the people sent by the cabinet would conduct a unified assessment.

The cabinet examination is extremely difficult, and there is also a certain danger, and there are at most one or two people who can pass each time, and sometimes there is no one.

Therefore, sometimes there are really no good enough disciples under his subordinates, and the elders of each hall will not even bother to recommend them, so as not to ask for hardship.

"Pavilion Master, I recommend a disciple named Ge Yu, who is extremely talented in runes..."

The hall master of the Rune Hall took the lead in speaking and recommended his own disciple.

Immediately after that, there were elders who recommended their disciples to the Pavilion Master of the Heavenly Pavilion.

"I recommend a disciple named Ye Tianlan

...""I have a personal disciple named Niu Buqu

...""I have two disciples in the Overlord Palace..."


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