Fantasy Script: I, The Supporting Role Of Destiny!

Chapter 127: The Confident Jun Haoran, Heir Of Mysterious Taoism

In the communication space, Gu Shaoshang's victory over Double Pupils' Luo Fu caused the communication space to vibrate.

In this case, no one will challenge Gu Shaoshang.

After all, Luo Fu, who was almost invincible in the communication space before, was defeated. Who can think that he is stronger than Luo Fu?

People are all waiting, waiting for the number one 'Jun Haoran' to show up to fight Gu Shaoshang and stop his invincible momentum.

It was this battle that made Gu Shaoshang's reputation not only limited to the communication space.

Starting from the Tongtian Pagoda, the reputation of Gu Shaoshang spread among various upper realm forces.

"The invincible Double Pupils of the Luo family are defeated!"

"Who did you lose to?"

"In the Tongtian tower, lost to a person from the lower realm."

"Its name is Gu Shaoshang, who swept the entire Tongtian Pagoda and is invincible in the same realm, except that Jun Haoran was not defeated."

"The lower realm? In that prison place, there is such a supreme arrogance?"

"It's hard to imagine, if it is in the upper realm, what kind of talent will it reach."

"From the lower realm? Doesn't that mean that there may be opportunities to recruit?"

The reputation of Luofu, the Double Pupils, is also very famous in the upper realm.

Now, with Gu Shaoshang's complete defeat of Luo Fu, Gu Shaoshang's reputation has also spread among the major forces in the Upper Realm.

As a result, under such circumstances, some forces have moved their minds and started to solicit.

"Mansion Master, Gu Shaoshang fought that Double Pupils Luofu, and we won the battle!"

Among the Zhongzhou Academy.

Zhou Xiu couldn't calm down, and reported the incident to Palace Master Li Ju in shock.

It's unbelievable in itself, because it's too amazing.

After Gu Shaoshang entered the Tongtian Pagoda, he has been paying attention, and even sent his disciples in to report and communicate in real time.

Now, as soon as he heard such news, he immediately reported it to the old Palace Master.

"Gu Shaoshang, who was also the Cultivation Base of the Eighth Stage, defeated the Double Pupils of the Ninth Stage! Now in the Tongtian tower, no one even dares to attack Gu Shaoshang!


Mansion Master Li Ju couldn't be calm when he heard the news.

"He can actually do it..."

The old palace master murmured that he had doubts when he heard that Gu Shaoshang was going to use Eighth Stage Cultivation Base to push the Tongtian Tower to be invincible.

But now, when I really heard the exact news, I was naturally shocked.

"Gu Shaoshang has not yet reached the upper bound, and has not touched the perfect upper bound rules, but he has been able to reach this point..."

The old man took the initiative to say: "If he went to the upper realm, how can there be any rivals among his peers?"

After finishing speaking, the old palace master sighed: "It's a pity, it's a pity that now I, Zhongzhou Academy, have to rely on him to make a statement.

After sighing, the old palace master was also very cheered up: "That's good, he has behaved like this, he must have already become famous in the upper world."

"In comparison, there will be some big forces in the upper realm who are willing to spend some money and use their means to lead them to ascend to the sky and break through the realm!"

The old palace master was very excited: "Also, the other talents of my Zhongzhou Academy also have some opportunities."

On the side, Zhou Xiu reminded: "Mansion Master, Gu Shaoshang's road to invincibility has not stopped yet."

"In the Tongtian Pagoda, on top of the Double Pupils, there is another 'Jun Haoran'."

"If Gu Shaoshang can beat that Jun Haoran again, he will be completely invincible in the Tongtian Pagoda. At that time, my Zhongzhou Academy will definitely become famous!"

The old Palace Master shook his head when he heard the words.

"That Jun Haoran, who came from an ancient force, is born Supreme, not weaker than Double Pupils."

"If Gu Shaoshang is on Ninth Stage, there are more possibilities.

"but now..………"

The old palace master shook his head, obviously he didn't have much hope for this point, because he vaguely knew some of Jun Haoran's origins.

"Everything is possible. We couldn't believe it before. Can Gu Shaoshang be invincible in that Tongtian Tower?"

Zhou Xiu is very optimistic, and now he is very optimistic about Gu Shaoshang.

"There is also some truth."

The old palace master nodded, but he also had more confidence: "Gu Shaoshang has created many miracles, and maybe he can create some more miracles.

As he spoke, the old Palace Master was in high spirits.

"However, just the miracle created by Gu Shaoshang has given me more confidence in Zhongzhou Academy."

The old palace master stood up: "Now, I will go through the 'Tongtian Bell' to try to see if I can contact other upper realm forces to fight for something for my Zhongzhou Academy.

Gu Shaoshang and Xiao Guanyin talked for a long time.

They even made an agreement.

Xiao Guanyin will look for a suitable place in the upper realm to set up a large formation that can lead to the sky and break the realm.

At that time, he will make some "Ascension to Heaven and Breaking the World Orders" as a wedge between the two, and then he will be able to use these Breaking Orders to guide some people from the Zhongzhou Academy to the upper realm.

In this way, it can be regarded as solving the current needs of Zhongzhou Academy.

After discussing these things, Gu Shaoshang also parted ways with Xiao Guanyin.

Because, he still remembered that Xiao Guanyin's recent turning point was a little special.

So, after pondering for a while, Gu Shaoshang spoke up and gave Xiao Guanyin some more 'pointing'.

"Guanyin, I observe people with Qi, and I realize that you still have unbroken blood relatives."

"According to what you said, the response rate is a team pair."

"So, it should be the ancestor of your heavenly master, and there is still a glimmer of life."

Gu Shaoshang said this.

Xiao Guanyin was taken aback for a moment, then couldn't calm down, and became a little excited: "Young Master Gu, what do you mean..."

"Although I haven't seen it yet, how extraordinary is a generation of array source celestial masters, how could they turn into a stone man and wipe out their vitality without any way to save their lives?"

Gu Shaoshang said: "Perhaps, even though it has turned into a stone man, there is still a glimmer of life left."

"After you go back, you can try to run the "Spirit of Origin" next to the stone man, and you may get some unexpected gains."

Received Gu Shaoshang's instruction, Xiao Guanyin was very excited, even eager to try.

Gu Shaoshang didn't mind either, and said goodbye to Xiao Guanyin directly, and made an appointment for the next meeting.

Subsequently, Gu Shaoshang did not leave the Tongtian Tower either.

However, he did not continue to stay in the communication space, because no one here challenged him.

Simply, Gu Shaoshang went to 'break into the Tongtian Tower'.

Tongtian Pagoda has a total of ninety-nine floors.

After breaking through the ninety-nine floors, you can directly condense a "spiritual embryo" to make up for all the innate deficiencies, and step into the realm of birth with supreme momentum.

It's just that, throughout the ages, there is almost no one who can break through the ninety-ninth floor.

Even in the present age, Luo Fu, the Double Pupils, and Hao Ran, the Supreme Bone Lord, have only passed through the 80th floor.

That's it, it's already the number one position in the checkpoint ranking.

It can be seen from this that it is difficult to break through the Tongtian Tower.

Previously, Gu Shaoshang had broken through the fifty-story Tongtian Tower one after another.

Now he is going to break through the level again, directly starting from the fifty floor, passing through one level...

Upper Bound.

In a mysterious place.

In front of a lake filled with sunlight, there is a young man who is practicing spiritual Qi.

The surrounding Spiritual Qi, almost liquefied, was swallowed by him.

Its physical body tyrannically contained everything, absorbing all these forces into the body.

An old servant quietly appeared beside him without disturbing him, and was waiting quietly.

After a long time, the young man ended his practice and stood up.

The upper body is not wearing any clothes, and the center of the chest can be seen from the bare upper body, which is shining brightly, as if one of the bones is emitting light.

From the bones, there are also innate symbols permeating, gradually spreading throughout the young man's body.

"grown ups."

The old servant was respectful, and although there was a difference in age, he called the young man 'Master'.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

The young adult put luxurious clothes on his body and asked casually.

"My lord, in that Tongtian Pagoda, a great event happened."

·Ask for flowers...

Without any hesitation, the old servant told the matter directly.

"The Double Pupils, Luofu, lost to a person."


The young adult showed some interest, "Double Pupils lost? Who lost him?"

"He is a proud man from the lower realms."

The old servant said: "It claims to be the 'chaos body', its power is impressive, and it is only the Eighth Stage day, and it has defeated the Double Pupils of the Ninth Stage day.

"Moreover, he has to complete the achievement of 'Invincible in the Same Land'. I want you to come forward and fight him."

The old servant said: "Now, in the Tongtian Pagoda, no one dares to fight him anymore, only waiting for you to come forward, my lord.

"Eighth Stage days, whoever defeated the Double Pupils?"

This young adult is none other than the mysterious 'Jun Haoran' who ranks first in the Tongtian Pagoda in breaking through the barrier.

He was also a little surprised when he heard that Gu Shaoshang was only Eighth Stage: "So, Gu Shaoshang is really strong.

"Or, the strength of the Double Pupils has regressed?"

When Gan Na mentioned this possibility, Jun Haoran shook his head and denied it.

Double Pupils' Luo Fu is absolutely inferior, there is no doubt at this time.

But even so, it was defeated by Gu Shaoshang of Eighth Stage, which only shows one thing.

Gu Shaoshang is too strong!

"Chaos body... I have never heard of it."

Jun Haoran became interested in Gu Shaoshang, but he didn't know anything about the 'Chaos Body'.


He asked the old servant beside him: "Do you know about the so-called 'chaotic body'?"

The old servant shook his head: "I know that there are divine bodies like the Sacred Body in the world, but I have never heard of a 'chaotic body'.

"However, according to the fact that Gu Shaoshang showed enough power of the chaotic body in the battle, there are many strange things."

As he said that, the old servant told Jun Haoran some information.

There was some surprise in Jun Haoran's eyes.

"The chaotic body... unexpectedly has such a strange physique, which can tolerate all kinds of things, evolve all kinds of things, and even be immune to Magic power.

Thinking about it, Jun Haoran came up with an idea: "I don't know, how is it compared with my Supreme bone?"

On the side, the old servant said: "No matter how strange it is, it's hard to compare with the Supreme bones of adults."

"The Supreme bone is a natural Supreme, and there is a Supreme technique in the bone. Once it is cast, even the power of Double Pupils is irresistible."


The old servant pointed out one thing: "My lord, your body, under the nourishment of the Supreme bone these years, is incomparably tyrannical, and has surpassed all divine bodies in the world. Sacred Body, not the weak body of the Double Pupils


This remark, which seems to be a compliment, is actually the truth.

Jun Haoran nodded slightly, agreeing to this.

"Then Gu Shaoshang, want to complete Invincible?"

"Are you still saying that you want me to play?"

Jun Haoran had an idea and a decision: "If that's the case, then satisfy him. 11

"Exactly, as my last battle before condensing the Tao tire."

After this battle, I can try to condense my 'Supreme'. "

The old servant respectfully said, "Your Excellency, this battle must be won.

"Combining the 'Supreme' will surely come naturally."

Jun Haoran's eyes were far-reaching, and he looked into the distance.

"Heavenly fetus is a kind of Realm.

"The Tongtian Pagoda has ninety-nine floors, but the seventy or eighty floors are already extremely difficult."

"After passing the ninety-nine and eighty-one levels, you can get feedback, which can partially transform the spirit, and then combine with my Supreme method to condense the 'spiritual birth'. 17


Jun Haoran shook his head: "I don't know what kind of rewards I will get after breaking through the ninety-nine-story Tongtian Tower."

"My lord, don't think too much.

The old servant said at the side: "From ancient times to the present, there are historical records that those who can break through the eighty-first floor are extremely rare. If your lord can break through the eighty-first floor, you can leave your name in the Tongtian Pagoda."

up. "

"Once the 'Supreme Embryo' is condensed, the future achievements of adults will be limitless and bright.

"No matter what, we must continue to go to Tongtian Pagoda."

"It's just right, let's break through the eighty-first floor and defeat that Gu Shaoshang in one go.

Jun Haoran is confident and indifferent, as if everything is under the counterhand. .

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