Fantasy Script: I, The Supporting Role Of Destiny!

Chapter 13 The Gate Of Tai Xuan, The King Of Avatars! (For Collection)

After leaving the handyman's courtyard, Gu Shaoshang was not too anxious, because it was still late at night.

Gu Shaoshang first returned to his own residence to stabilize his own practice, and only waited until after tomorrow to go to the Inner Sect Taichu Peak to get another great opportunity.

In fact, whether it is the "Taoxuan Sutra of Taichu Daoxuan" or "Zhenshui Gangsha", this opportunity is not trivial.

But that's just for itself.

Another great opportunity, but it can make people jump up directly, from a lowly disciple to a disciple of the same generation as the master!

At that time, the resources that can be mobilized and the influence they have are not trivial, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they have reached the sky in one step!

Therefore, Gu Shaoshang is bound to get this opportunity!

Back to own residence.

Gu Shaoshang Lotus Position and practice with eyes closed.

He ran the "Taoxuan Sutra of Taichu Daoxuan".

The 'True Water Gang Sha' in his body is still circulating in his body, and part of it has already merged with Qi and blood.

As long as Gu Shaoshang Closed Door Training for a while, you can completely practice it into 'Innate Qi', so as to achieve your own first supernatural power!

However, Gu Shaoshang does not have the time for now.

Therefore, his practice at this time is still transferring blood.


A sound of rushing energy and blood resounded in Gu Shaoshang's body, gradually getting thicker.

With repeated transports, his blood became heavier and heavier, and the power contained in the blood in his body also gradually increased.

It is said that it is not unreasonable that a drop of blood can cross mountains and rivers when one has practiced in a high realm.

Gu Shaoshang is only in the physical state, and his qi and blood have undergone qualitative changes one after another. The first stage is just a layer of change.

Compared with others, Gu Shaoshang has one more level of change, because he has completed the first day of Tenth Stage.

"I can feel that since I touched the first Tenth Stage, my body is changing every moment!"

"This change is even stronger than the qualitative change of the previous Ninth Stage days!"

Gu Shaoshang's Tenth Stage has not yet been cultivated to the extreme, it is only a preliminary achievement, but he has already felt such a change.

It's hard to imagine how tyrannical Gu Shaoshang's body will be if the Tenth Stage is completed.

"I'm afraid, it will be comparable to some special physiques!"

Gu Shaoshang couldn't help thinking, and at the same time concentrated on transferring blood.

On the Tenth Stage day, the First Stage is a wave, from the First Stage to the Tenth Stage, from the surface of the body to the deepest part of the body.

Slowly, Gu Shaoshang discovered something strange.

In his body, the 'door' became clearer, it was a door representing the Tenth Stage sky.

The First Stage is full of energy and blood. After entering this door, it will come back to life after a while, and a change has already taken place.

This cycle went on and on, causing Gu Shaoshang's whole body to change.

"This Tenth Stage Gate of Heaven...according to the "Taichu Daoxuan Jing", it is a combination of the two Taixuan scriptures, and there are even traces of the first supernatural power of the Taichu Gate, 'Tai Xuan's Gate'."

"So, is this door the 'Gate of Tai Xuan'?"

Gu Shaoshang had guesses, but was sure.

He can only feel the mystery and extraordinaryness of the Tenth Stage Gate in his body.

Suddenly, Gu Shaoshang thought of something.

"Qi and blood pour into this door, and when it comes out again, it can change. If you drive the evil spirit into it, what will happen?"

Thinking of this, Gu Shaoshang could hardly hold back, and tried immediately.

At the next moment, Gu Shaoshang moved Qi and blood, but in it, he added a little bit of real water and evil spirit.

The evil spirit of Zhenshui Gang at this moment was only forcibly suppressed by Gu Shaoshang, and he has not yet fully obeyed.

Therefore, he had to suppress it with Qi and blood.

At this time, he was 'forcibly' driven into the door on the first Tenth Stage day.

A strange thing happened...

Just a moment ago, Gu Shaoshang needed to forcibly mobilize the qi and blood with his qi and blood. After entering that door and coming out to do it again, it turned out to be extremely docile, and could perfectly blend with his own qi and blood.


Gu Shaoshang was surprised, he didn't expect such a change.

"This First Stage door, is it so strange?"

After the initial surprise, Gu Shaoshang thought of something:

"This door is conceived on the basis of the 'Gate of Tai Xuan' in the Tai Xuan Sutra."

"The Tai Xuan Sacred Land's 'Gate of Tai Xuan' supernatural power, known as the 'King of Supernatural Powers', as long as it is cultivated, it must be a true disciple of Tai Xuan Sacred Land!"

"The magical function of this Tai Xuan gate can control all kinds of supernatural powers, so it is very important in the practice of Tai Xuan Sacred Land, and many true disciples may not be able to cultivate it."

"In this way, the change of Zhenshui Gangsha is also understandable."

Thinking of this, Gu Shaoshang was no longer surprised, but excited instead.

"So, I don't need Closed Door Training for ten days and a half."

"As long as you move your Qi and blood and expel the evil energy into the Tenth Stage, wouldn't it be easy to subdue the Gang Seed and practice 'Innate Qi'?"

Thinking of this, Gu Shaoshang immediately acted.

Accompanied by the sound of rushing rivers in his body, Gu Shaoshang kept pumping blood.

During this process, his muscles and bones were constantly humming, and his physique was improving slightly every minute and every second.

In the same way, the true water gangsha in his body also gradually became something under his complete control.

After being transported by Qi and blood, the universe in the body circulates and feeds back Qi and blood.

In this case, time passes by little by little, and one night is gone in a blink of an eye.

At dawn, the rooster crowed, and Gu Shaoshang opened his eyes at the same time.

There was a flash of light in his eyes, which suddenly made a bolt of lightning appear in the void.

"True Water Gang Sha, all surrender!

"Anytime, anywhere, supernatural powers can be accomplished!"

Gu Shaoshang breathed out and turned into an air arrow, piercing through the wall.

He has completely subdued the "Gang Seed" of Zhenshui Gangsha, and he can use it to cultivate the supernatural power of "Innate One Qi" at any time.

But Gu Shaoshang did not make such a choice because he had other ideas.

"My physical body is on the Tenth Stage day, and I haven't fully consummated yet."

"I always feel that it might be a pity to step into the realm of supernatural powers like this!"

"Then... wait a little longer, and wait until the Tenth Stage of the Physical Realm is completely consummated!"

(Seeking for flowers, asking for evaluation tickets, asking for favorites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!)

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