Fantasy Script: I, The Supporting Role Of Destiny!

Chapter 154: Supreme Tongtian Dao Tire, Bearing The Name Of Tongtian!

Gu Shaoshang has always been curious about the origin and meaning of the Tongtian Pagoda.

This point, no one seems to know.

Everyone said that the Tongtian Pagoda is extremely ancient and cannot be traced back to its source.

Now, Gu Shaoshang broke through the ninety-ninth floor and became the "Lord of Tongtian Pagoda", and finally had the opportunity to get a glimpse of the true face and secrets of Tongtian Pagoda!

In front of Gu Shaoshang.

Lao Wang, who had turned into a small pagoda, answered Gu Shaoshang slowly.

"Tongtian Pagoda, extremely ancient, comes from the beginning."

"In the beginning?"

Gu Shaoshang was surprised, but the next moment he reacted.

This is the beginning, because it should be that era, which is different from the gate of the beginning.

"In the beginning, it was not long after the birth of the heaven and the earth. At that time, the gods and spirits of heaven and earth appeared frequently."

Old Wang said slowly: "At that time, the human race was weak, but its potential was extremely strong, so there were many powerful creatures supporting the human race."

"Similarly, there are also Innate gods preaching among the human race."

"There was a god in the beginning named 'Tongtian'."1

"The gods of the early days, named Tongtian..."

Gu Shaoshang has realized something.

He was waiting, waiting for Pharaoh to continue speaking.

Under the words of Old King Taling, the era named "the beginning of time" was described.

Tongtian is one of the most powerful Innate gods, and he is widely preached and has many disciples, known as "Ten Thousand Immortals Come to Court"


Its philosophy is that all beings are Tongtian, and they can change their lives by heaven-defying.

However, other Innate deities have a different philosophy.

Since then, the Great War broke out, and the world fell into chaos. Countless Innate gods died in that war that lasted for many years.

Although Tongtian is strong, he is also powerless. Facing the siege of a group of Innate gods, his whereabouts are unknown.

After describing the background of such a story, Old King Taling said slowly:

"Before the great war broke out, Tongtian built the 'Tongtian Tower'." 11 "The original intention was to make it a real Tongtian tool, so that all living beings and even human races can be Tongtian.

"It's just that the haste of the outbreak of the Great War, and the entire Era of Absolute Beginning, were all wiped out in that one battle."

"Tongtian Pagoda was initially a semi-finished product, and it has not yet been fully built."

"However, in that battle, the 'Ten Thousand Immortals' under Tongtian's sect fell one after another, and the thoughts of the Ten Thousand Immortals gathered together, unexpectedly causing strange changes in Tongtian Pagoda.

From the mouth of Taling Old King, Gu Shaoshang understood the origin of Tongtian Pagoda, which is extremely ancient.

At the same time, the significance of Tongtian Pagoda was also understood by Gu Shaoshang.

Because of the great war in the early days, Tongtian Pagoda unexpectedly grew into a spiritual world.

In the late stage of that great war, it was not only the war of gods in the beginning, but also black hands from "foreign lands", who wanted to take advantage of the chaos to plunder the rules of heaven and earth in this world.

"Fifty Dao, Forty-nine Tianyan, and one who escapes."

Taling Old King said solemnly: "It refers to the Innate gods back then, each of them mastered a rule, and Tongtian, it is the 'one

"A great battle in the early days caused many Innate gods to fall, and part of the rules of heaven and earth were seized by foreign lands. It was from then on that foreign lands gradually developed. In the end, the main hand domain, Heaven and Earth, will be born."

In the mouth of Old King Taling, the description is clear.

The Tongtian Pagoda, after the Battle of Absolute Beginning, not only carried the thought of 'Tongtian', but also carried a special thing.

"It's hope, it's chance, it's that escaped one, it's infinite possibilities!

Old King Taling slowly and solemnly said to Gu Shaoshang:

"As the master of Tongtian Pagoda, you will inherit the name of 'Tongtian', shoulder the responsibility of 'Tongtian', and bear the order of Tongtian...


Having said this, Taling Old King asked very solemnly: "Would you like to bear the name of 'Tongtian'?"

Facing the inquiry, Gu Shaoshang did not hesitate at all.

This is something that he can obtain by clearing the ninety-nine floors and becoming the first person in history, how can he refuse.

"I do!"

Gu Shaoshang nodded affirmatively.

"it is good."

Seeing that Gu Shaoshang was so straightforward, Pagoda Ling shook the tower directly.

The next moment.

In the Tongtian Tower, all the Tianjiao were forced to exit the Tongtian Tower at the same time!

They all blinked before their eyes and realized again that they had already exited the Tongtian Tower.

"what happened?"

In the Three Thousand Realms, a proud Tianjiao opened his eyes in disbelief: "What happened in the Tongtian Pagoda?"

"Since the ages, there have been unprecedented changes!"

"Could it be because Xiang Shao injured broke through the ninth floor?"

When the Tianjiao woke up, although they didn't understand what was going on, they guessed that it must have something to do with Gu Shaoshang breaking through the ninety-ninth floor!

Some Tianjiao do not believe in evil, and try to hook up and enter the Tongtian Tower.

However, there was silence, and it was impossible to enter the Tongtian Tower again!

"An unprecedented thing throughout the ages! Tongtian Pagoda can't be entered!"

After the Tianjiao tried it, they couldn't sit still and spread the news.

Gu Shaoshang also withdrew from the Tongtian Pagoda.

It is different from others.

In front of Gu Shaoshang, a small pagoda slowly appeared.

And this small pagoda is the real body of Tongtian Pagoda!

As soon as the small tower appeared, a breath emerged.

"what is this?"

Outside, Xiao Guanyin was surprised, and at the same time hurriedly waved his hands to form a formation to cover up all these movements and avoid any prying eyes.

Fortunately, with the help of his ancestral stone man, he can set up this large covering formation, which can cover almost all auras.

However, it was hard to hide Xiao Guanyin's own shock.

"This breath, why is it a bit like the Tongtian Pagoda..."

Xiao Guanyin murmured: "Incomparably mysterious, mysterious, ancient, vicissitudes, with some contemplative thoughts.

Xiao Guanyin was puzzled as to why such a scene would appear.

In the mine.

After the main body of the 'Tongtian Pagoda' emerged, there was a slight shock, and ten rays of light enveloped Gu Shaoshang.

Under such light, Gu Shaoshang fell into a peculiar Realm, accepting the inheritance of Tongtian Pagoda.

At the same time, the Tongtian Pagoda poured into Gu Shaoshang's body with a 'whoosh'.

As soon as he entered Gu Shaoshang's body, he went straight to the Dantian Dao Palace.

Finally, the Tongtian Pagoda, towered in front of Gu Shaoshang's Chaos Dao Palace.

Waves of aura emanated from the Tongtian Pagoda, making the Primal Chaos Taoist even more ancient and mysterious.

Moreover, a unique regular pattern appeared on the Dao Palace of Gu Shaoshang.


There is a voice like ten thousand immortals chanting scriptures, coming from Tongtian Pagoda.

It is also hidden that there are countless arrogances in the past and present who are performing martial arts.

Among them, there are countless supernatural powers, countless methods, and countless thoughts of Tianjiao.

The breath of Tongtian Pagoda is constantly affecting Dao Palace in Gu Shaoshang.

This influence has also been transmitted into the fetal membranes of heaven and earth.

But Gu Shaoshang's consciousness seems to have experienced a historical vicissitudes.

He faintly saw the previous 'Tongtian'

Although, it's just a back view.

But through this back view, Gu Shaoshang saw that Tongtian preached to the common people and taught Wanxian himself.

And Tongtian held the sword to meet the enemy, and the battle ended the entire era of the beginning.

It seems like a lifetime, suddenly like a dream.

Everything seems to be very long, and it seems to be only a moment.

The next moment, Gu Shaoshang woke up.

He felt the Tongtian Tower in his body.

In an instant, the power of Tongtian Pagoda was clear to him.

"It turns out that the spiritual blessing after breaking through the 9981st floor of the Tongtian Pagoda is the blessing of various struggles and struggles since ancient times.

Even, there are some spiritual blessings from the past Ten Thousand Immortals. "

"So, after breaking through the ninety-nine and eighty-first floors, the blessed and cohesive Dao tire is extremely stable.

Gu Shaoshang murmured, understanding the mystery of passing through the Tongtian Pagoda, not only his own transformation, but also a kind of blessing.

Under that kind of blessing, naturally the Tianjiao will benefit even more if they condense the Dao embryo.

But now, Gu Shaoshang broke through the entire ninety-nine-story Tongtian Pagoda and became the Lord of Tongtian, and the benefits he gained were even more extraordinary.

Today's Gu Shaoshang, who can be called the "second generation Tongtian", is also the master of the Tongtian Pagoda.

In this way, Gu Shaoshang can get the Tongtian Pagoda to be self-contained, and the guest spirit in it has been added for countless years.

With such blessings, Gu Shaoshang can directly condense an unprecedented 'Tongtian tire'.

Once the Tao was completed, Gu Shaoshang almost melted into Tongtian Pagoda's countless years of accumulation.

It was also at that time that he truly accepted the inheritance.

In old days, Tongtian Pagoda was built.

However, Tongtian, the Innate god, did not leave any inheritance in it.

But later, the Tongtian Pagoda absorbed the idea of ​​Wanxian, went back to the origin, and recorded the countless talents of heavenly talents, countless strange physiques, etc...

These were all extracted by the Tongtian Pagoda and turned into a brand new inheritance.

Therefore, once you accept the inheritance, you will have some Tongtian power.

Gu Shaoshang faced a choice.

"If you want to condense the Dao embryo, I can help you now.

"In the past, the thoughts of thousands of immortals in the early days, and the pure thoughts of countless arrogances in the past and present are gathered together to form a supreme Tongtian Dao Embryo!"

The voice of Old King Taling entered Gu Shaoshang's mind.

"In this way, you can reproduce part of Tongtian's power in the future, and you can also be invincible in the world."

Old King Taling asked if Gu Shaoshang could set foot on the Daotai Realm right now.

Also, the picture shows the Supreme Tongtian road tire.

Faced with this choice, Gu Shaoshang pondered for a while.

In the end, he shook his head slowly: "No."

Gu Shaoshang thought about it, but still rejected Old King Ta Ling.

He already has a decision.

"Supreme Tongtian road tires... are indeed very tempting."

"But then, I'm just the second Tongtian."

Gu Shaoshang's eyes gradually became firmer: "This is not what I want."

Gu Shaoshang whispered, with a decision.

The 200 "Tongtian Pagoda, can help me condense the Dao tire, and has some blessings...but it can never be used as a guide. 11

"I have my own road."

"Heaven and Earth Membrane, Green Lotus Seed, Immortal Sutra, Chaos Body..."

Gu Shaoshang's thoughts gradually became clear, and his eyes gradually brightened.

"My way, unshakable."

"On the basis of these, coupled with the blessings of the eternal thoughts accumulated in the Tongtian Pagoda, let me condense the Dao Embryo!"

"This is my way!"

Gu Shaoshang has made up his mind.

Moreover, now he has the Tongtian Pagoda to recognize the Lord.

Old King Taling was silent and could only obey Gu Shaoshang.

However, he was still a little unwilling: "Gu have to think about it.

"If you accept the Tongtian Pagoda, then after some smooth sailing, you can climb to the top and become the strongest in the world.

"If it's something else...but it may have a future

Not servant. 17

"I've thought about it."

Gu Shaoshang shook his head, his mind was determined.

Seeing this, Old King Ta Ling sighed and stopped persuading him.

He has already understood Gu Shaoshang's character, and the things he decides cannot be changed by others.

This is also a trait of a strong man.

However, facing such a supreme inheritance, Gu Shaoshang's heart is still as firm as iron, which is beyond the imagination of Ta Ling Laowang.

"Indeed, if he follows Tongtian's path, he will only be the second Tongtian and cannot be stronger.

Old Wang couldn't help but think in his heart: "But if we follow his own path, maybe we will create a legend."

"The present him is the 'escaped one' of the present age.

Gu Shaoshang was not in a hurry to condense the tires, although his own accumulation was enough.

However, the external environment is also an influencing factor.

Gu Shaoshang wants to ensure that he is under completeness, and starts to condense the Dao embryo, so that his own Dao embryo can be conceived from the Dao Palace.

Therefore, there is no room for loss.

Gu Shaoshang got up and looked at himself.

Immediately, the current personal attributes appeared in his eyes.

【Name】: Gu Shaoshang

【Realm】: Dao Palace Tenth Stage day

【Fate】: Rebel (gold), Tongtian (gold)

[Number of Destiny]: One who fled away (gold), talent peerless (gold), qi and blood like a dragon (gold)

[Special]: The Second Generation Tongtian, The Immortal Sutra......

A brilliant golden light appeared in front of Gu Shaoshang's eyes. .

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