Fantasy Script: I, The Supporting Role Of Destiny!

Chapter 211 Fate Changes, Son-In-Law Ye Tian!

Under the large court, under the eyes of all.

In order to prevent these Tianjiao from dying, Gu Shaoshang didn't care too much.

Even if this move has the suspicion of "strengthening other people's ambitions and destroying one's own prestige", he still said it.

Sure enough, as Gu Shaoshang's words fell, he immediately greeted the gazes of several arrogances.

It's just that this look is not too kind, after all, Gu Shaoshang is doubting them.

"Why do you say that we are not opponents? Haven't fought yet?"

That Tianjiao Xiao Feifan said, he is the blood of the real immortal, the revived immortal blood in his body is very powerful.

Haven't stepped into the fetal realm yet, but in the Dao Palace realm, there is an invincible momentum, unparalleled.

"I was invincible in the first life, and felt lonely, so I proclaimed myself the first life, but I was still invincible in the second life."

Ning Tian, ​​who was invincible in two lifetimes, also spoke, his tone was flat, but his words were not low-key: "I was born in this life, and I want to be invincible, why would I want to fight against a foreign genius?"

As he spoke, Ning Tian, ​​who was crowned the second generation, looked at Gu Shaoshang: "I have heard of your name, and you are invincible in this world, but now that you are proud today, you can't underestimate the heroes of the world."

Ning Tian's tone was preaching, and he didn't seem to be angry at Gu Shaoshang's question.

The other Tianjiao also felt the same way.

"Gu Shaoshang, this battle is about the face of our Three Thousand Regions, so there must be a battle."

In the air, the voice of the leader and strong man came: "You must not disturb the morale of the army like this."

Gu Shaoshang sighed, he had tried his best, but it seemed that these words alone could not stop him.

"I believe what Gu Shaoshang said is not groundless."

Suddenly, another voice sounded, and a person walked up to Gu Shaoshang.

"Yun Tianhe of the royal family!"

"He is the descendant of the Emperor's Conferred Gods technique!"

"Before that, I still got the opportunity left over from the old Heavenly Fate Holy Dynasty in the city!"

Immediately, many voices discussed and recognized the person who walked behind Gu Shaoshang and echoed Gu Shaoshang's words as Yun Tianhe.

At this time.

Yun Tianhe walked behind Gu Shaoshang, with a serious expression on his face: "What Gu Shaoshang has seen has always been correct, and I trust his judgment."

As if to strengthen own's persuasiveness, Yun Tianhe said solemnly: "From what I've seen with the 'Tianzi Wangqi Technique', the luck of these dear friends is somewhat darkened. wonderful."

Gu Shaoshang turned his head, surprised that Yun Tianhe was able to stand up at this time, and stood behind own.

Looking back, Gu Shaoshang performed the 'Tianzi Wangqi Technique', but he didn't see the luck of these people turn black.

Obviously, the Tianzi Wangqi technique is not so magical, it is different from the system.

But here is the problem, Yun Tianhe didn't even see it, but at this moment he was just talking in empty words

There is no doubt that this is to support Gu Shaoshang and increase the persuasiveness of Gu Shaoshang's words.

Sure enough, with Yun Tianhe's echo, the discussions at the scene stopped.

Many people are starting to take Gu Shaoshang's claim seriously.

After all, the name of 'Conferred Gods Technique' resounds through three thousand realms, and it is a top-notch inheritance.

(bbef) As the descendant of the Conferred Gods art of the emperor, in people's eyes, it deserves a lot of attention.

Even the strong leader couldn't help being more serious.

"Even the descendants of the Emperor's Conferred Gods technique say so?"

"So, it's really not good to let these Tianjiao go to fight?"

"But they are currently the strongest in God City, if they are unable to fight, who should fight?"

"Still... let the foreign heavenly pride continue to shout outside the city of God, but ignore it."

The leader-level powerhouse The next moment shook his head, throwing the last thought out of his head.

There must be a battle, otherwise, the arrogance of the foreign land will still be arrogant, and the blow to the three thousand domains is not just about morale, but also about the confrontation between the two worlds in the banquet.

The question then arises, how to ensure that this battle can be won?

The next moment, the leader-level powerhouse suddenly thought of something, and he asked directly without any hesitation.

"Gu Shaoshang, Yun Tianhe...Since you said, Ning Tian and Xiao Feifan are unable to defeat that alien genius"

"So, according to what you've seen, who in the city of God can fight?"

"Or, do you have the confidence to fight?"

This leader-level powerhouse directly threw the question to Gu Shaoshang and Yun Tianhe.

Yun Tianhe was taken aback, he just reciprocated and came to support Gu Shaoshang.

But it would be a bit embarrassing to ask him to identify people.

As for letting him fight in person, it would be even more difficult.

Hence, Yun Tianhe looked at Gu Shaoshang...waiting for Gu Shaoshang's response.

Gu Shaoshang pondered.

And therein lies the problem.

He said that those few Tianjiao can't fight, otherwise they will die.

However, the alien invasion is now under the pressure of the city of God, and it is impossible for them to remain indifferent.

While pondering, Gu Shaoshang looked left and right, trying to find other Tianjiao.

However, Gu Shaofen's method is also a stupid way, and he needs to look at the personal attributes and life scripts of others.

That Xiao Feifei snorted coldly: "I have awakened the immortal blood, and I have not yet condensed the Dao embryo, so I am invincible in the Dao Palace realm.

"If I am not as good as that foreign talent, how can there be anyone here who can beat him?"

This Xiao Feifei was a little arrogant, believing that he was strong, he scoffed at Gu Shaoshang's words, and was dissatisfied in every possible way.

Gu Shaoshang's eyes swept over the bodies of the Tianjiao in the city of gods.

Suddenly, he saw an acquaintance.


Gu Shaoshang's eyes lit up, and he called out a name directly.

"Ye Tian, ​​would you like to become enlightened and become invincible?"

Accompanied by Gu Shaoshang's shout, on the city wall, the eyes of many people turned, looking for the person named 'Ye Tian'.

What Gu Shaoshang yelled was obviously the former lone star of the evil spirit, 'Ye Tian'.

What is unusual is that Ye Tian's attributes and fortunes have changed.

One must know that before Ye Tian, ​​his fate fell, and he was worthy of gold.

Today, its qualification is back to gold.

【Name】: Ye Tian

【Realm】: Dao Palace Seventh Stage day

【Fate】: Rich son-in-law (golden)

[Number of Destiny]: Self-interest at the expense of others (purple), protagonist halo (gold)

[Special]: The bloodline of the ancient race, with a broad fetus attached to the body and inherited from the window

[Life script]: The protagonist (once he entered the wealthy "Xiao family" and became a son-in-law, passively absorbing the fortune of the wealthy family to achieve himself, there is a tendency to rise... )

[Recent turning point]: In the battle between the two worlds, he was beaten to the point of death, and the devil's embryo in his body was compatible, and he entered the embryonic state immediately, and his supernatural power soared, absorbing the luck of the wealthy Xiao family, using his supernatural powers, and defeating a powerful enemy. .....

Now Ye Tian's personal attributes have become gorgeous again, and he is still the protagonist's fate.

The most important thing is that his fate has changed, from the original "Lonely Star of the Scorpio" to a "rich son-in-law"!

Today's Ye Tian can draw on the luck of a wealthy family, instead of passively mutilating all the people close to him.

Gu Shaoshang saw this gorgeous attribute, and immediately called Ye Tian out.

Gein, the current Ye Tian, ​​has extraordinary potential, has a magic embryo in his body, and also has a "protagonist halo", and can even face the "Explosive Seed", so he is the best candidate for the battle.


Xiao Feifan was taken aback when he heard the words, and when he saw the person Gu Shaoshang called, he showed obvious disdain on his face.

"Ye Tian? He's just a son-in-law of my Xiao family, and his Cultivation Base is not even as high as mine."

"If I will be defeated if I go out, then I will go to a hundred Ye Tian, ​​and I will not be an opponent of a foreign talent!"

Xiao Feifei's tone was disdainful, he knew Ye Tian.

Gein, the current Ye Tian, ​​is the Xiao family's son-in-law!

This son-in-law is also Fan's brother-in-law!

It's just that Xiao Feifan doesn't like 'Ye Tian' at all.

In fact, many people in the Xiao family look down on Ye Tian, ​​because his cultivation base is too low.

However, because of the blood marriage, Ye Tian had to be admitted into the Xiao family.

Now, someone from the Xiao family is going to the battlefields of these two worlds, so Ye Tian, ​​who has just entered the Xiao family, has also come here together.

"what's the situation?"

Tianjiao at the scene also looked at each other, feeling a little complicated about the current situation.

Even Yun Tianhe couldn't figure it out at this moment.

He also saw Ye Tian, ​​and recognized that Ye Tian was the one he had hit with the sap earlier.

However, Yun Tianhe was as usual, because he thought that the other party would not recognize him.

Yun Tianhe wondered why Xiang Shaoshang named Ye Tian.

"This is Ye Tian's biggest reliance, the luck talisman was taken away by Gu Shaoshang, why does Gu Shaoshang still want Ye Tian to fight at this moment? Could it be that he wants to borrow a knife to kill someone?"

"However, this is too obvious!".

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