Fantasy Script: I, The Supporting Role Of Destiny!

Chapter 234: The Buddha Ascended The Throne, Invite The Buddha To Teach The Dharma!

Putuo took Gu Shaoshang directly into Lingshan.

"This is Arhat Hall, this is Shami..."

On the way, Qiwei Gu Shaoshang introduced various buildings on Lingshan Mountain.

Finally, Putuo took Gu Shaoshang and entered the center of Lingshan in person.

"Later, I will take you to see a Buddha, who will personally lay the foundation for you."

They arrived at a Buddhist temple.

Not long after, Gu Shaoshang heard the sound of a bell reverberating above the Lingshan Mountain.

In an instant, Gu Shaoshang felt as if the entire Lingshan Mountain had come to life.

"Such a big movement?" Gu Shaoshang was taken aback.

On the side, Pudu explained with a smile: "After all, I want to be a disciple of the Buddha, so naturally I want Lingshan to witness together."

Putuo said: "It's not just Lingshan, since you are a Buddhist son of Lingshan, then my Lingshan will announce it to the world, let the world know, and add another Buddha son to my Lingshan.

As he spoke, Putuo looked at Gu Shaoshang: "You will become famous in all over the world, but you will also face many challenges, will you be afraid?"


Gu Shaoshang shook his head, his eyes even sparkled a little: "I'm not afraid of challenging 11 or something, but I'm afraid that there aren't enough challenges!"

"it is good."

Putuo looked at Gu Shaoshang appreciatively: "If you have such a mentality, you will be able to secure your position as a Buddha in the future.

"I am different from the weak Bright Realm, everything should be fought."

"Perhaps, when you are a disciple of the Buddha, there will be challenges, but don't be afraid.

"I see."

Gu Shaoshang nodded, indicating that he was fully aware.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Above Lingshan, the sound of Buddha bells echoed.

The continuous shaking of the entire huge Lingshan Mountain, even tens of thousands of miles around, can be clearly heard.

"Lingshan Buddha Bell rang, a total of six beeps..."

All of a sudden, not only Lingshan trembled, but also countless practitioners around Lingshan became aware of it.

"Is there a new Buddha child about to be born?"

"Six Paths Lingshan Buddha Bell is indeed a sign of the establishment of the Buddha!"

"Unexpectedly, although a Buddha child has just fallen from Lingshan, a new Buddha child has been born now!"

"The Buddha bell in Lingshan rings, and everyone in the world can witness it. Let's go! Let's witness together!"

Suddenly, tens of thousands of miles around Lingshan trembled.

However, people quickly figured out what happened and why.

"Prepare to witness together, this new Buddhist disciple of Lingshan, write down his face, and don't neglect in the future!"

The practitioners around the Lingshan Mountain are all inextricably linked to the Lingshan Mountain and can be regarded as vassals.

At this time, they didn't dare to be negligent, and each prepared a congratulatory gift, and they wanted to go to Lingshan to witness together.

Gu Shaoshang and Putuo waited for a while.

Putuo suddenly moved.

"The time is up, you and I are equal to the Great Hall of Great Heroes on the Lingshan Mountain!"

The next moment, Putuo took Gu Shaoshang to the 'Mahatma Hall' to accept the ceremony of becoming a Buddha.

Gradually, in Gu Shaoshang's eyes, there were alien creatures with strong dark aura, one after another.

The more powerful the alien creature, the stronger the dark aura, and the more uncomfortable it made Gu Shaoshang.

However, he didn't dare to reveal the slightest clue, and kept hiding it.

"If we can find a way to take over the Hei Ling Mountain in this foreign land, I'm afraid we can directly make great contributions to the world of the Three Thousand Regions."

Gu Shaoshang even thought to himself, but it was just a thought.

He honestly followed Putuo to the Daxiong Hall.

Inside the Daxiong Palace, looking up, everyone has a strong aura.

Even Gu Shaoshang can't spy on many of them through the system.

The leader is still a foreign creature sitting on the top seat of the Great Hero Hall, and the aura on his body is extremely strong.

It's just sitting still, but there is a coercion released, which makes people dare not be presumptuous.

The same is true for Gu Shaoshang, who did not act rashly.

The one headed by this is a Buddha on the Lingshan Mountain, named Dari Buddha. According to legend, it is a 'Golden Crow' who became enlightened and surrounded by incomparable.

The strength is also an existence above the 'leader level'.


Suddenly, a powerful and majestic voice called Gu Shaoshang from the mouth of the Great Sun Buddha.

"The disciple is here."

Gu Shaoshang got Putuo Bodhisattva's previous instructions, so he naturally cooperated obediently at this time.

"You have obtained five hundred ways of inheritance at the 'Ascending Dharma Meeting', and you can be my disciple of Lingshan Buddha. Would you like to?"

"The disciple is willing."

Gu Shaoshang lowered his eyebrows and looked down, honest and honest.


The Great Sun Buddha nodded slightly, and said in a loud voice, "Bestow Dharma Clothes and Buddha Artifacts [declare the world!"

Accompanied by his words, the other attendants in the Daxiong Palace started to move and were busy.

"Facsimile a hundred volumes of scriptures again, and self-study supernatural powers!"

With a few words from Da Ri Buddha, Gu Shaoshang's identity was confirmed, and there was a reward for him.

In the Forest of Ten Thousand Buddhas, it is said that there are ten thousand ways of inheritance.

But above Lingshan, there are one hundred and eight thousand volumes of scriptures, and each volume of scriptures is extraordinary, and can cultivate supernatural powers.

At the same time, what ordinary Buddhists can pass on is only a hundred volumes of scriptures.

According to legend, if these one hundred and eight thousand volumes of scriptures are completed, they will be the first Buddha.

But that kind of Realm is too far away, and it can be repaired into thousands of volumes, all of which are Bodhisattva.

Like most Buddhas, they have only cultivated thousands of volumes of scriptures.

"My disciples thank the Great Sun Buddha!"

Thank you Gu Shaoshang, looking decent.

He knows the weight of the Lingshan scriptures, they are all passed down one by one, and they have a long history, so they have a strong reference value.

When he returns to the Three Thousand Regions in the future and transmits these scriptures back, then the threat to the 447 Three Thousand Regions from this foreign land, Black Spirit Mountain, will be greatly reduced.

After the Great Sun Buddha opened his mouth to reward, he closed his eyes and stopped speaking.

However, the reward for Gu Shaoshang was passed on from the main hall to the outside.

"Congratulations Buddha ascended the throne!"

Outside, all the arhats Venerable on the Spirit Mountain congratulated loudly at this time, and the momentum was astonishing.

Even, a black lotus fell from the sky, golden light burst from the ground, and a Sanskrit sound played.

"This exotic Black Spirit Mountain is far, far stronger than the Buddha Realm in the Three Thousand Realms!"

Gu Shaoshang couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional. There are also Buddhist ways in the three thousand domains, and even one domain is the Buddha domain.

However, compared with the Hei Ling Mountain in this foreign land, there is a gap.

"According to legend, this exotic Buddhist gate was created by a Buddha who fell from the former Buddhist realm."

In the words of the old king of Ta Ling, he revealed such a secret: "Actually, many ancient alien creatures are inextricably linked with the former Three Thousand Realms."

Gu Shaoshang shook his head slightly: "No matter what happened in the past, the two worlds are now enemies, and they are absolutely irreconcilable."

Just as Gu Shaoshang was thinking.

Suddenly, someone came out and said in a loud voice: "Buddhist disciples, please 'injure' and teach the Dharma for us!"


Gu Shaoshang immediately realized that the so-called lectures were not preaching, but exchanging ideas.

"Is there someone here to challenge?"

Gu Shaoshang followed the sound, and suddenly a person came into view.

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