Fantasy Script: I, The Supporting Role Of Destiny!

Chapter 25 Qi And Blood Like A Dragon, Innate One Breath! (For Collection)

The shock of ‘Ye Tian’ was shocking to the point of astonishment.

He recognized at a glance that the aura on Gu Shaoshang's body was the 'Gang Sha Qi'.

This is no small matter.

Gang Sha Qi can be condensed and turned into supernatural powers.

However, this is within the realm of supernatural powers!

In the physical state, it may be able to absorb Gangsha, but it cannot resist Gangsha, because there is no such ability to 'tame' the seed of Gangsha.

If the seed of Gangsha cannot be tamed, naturally it cannot be wielded like an arm.

Or, surrendering one or two strands is also a tree of duckweed, without roots.

However, the gangsha on the surface of Gu Shaoshang's body is not just one strand or two strands.

"He is only in the physical state, how can he resist Gang Sha?"

Ye Tian was horrified, without the power of supernatural powers, no matter how strong his physical body was, he would not be able to resist him.

Not only Ye Tian...,

Accompanied by Gu Shaoshang's movements, there were exclamations of surprise under the martial arts stage.

"Gang Sha?"

"How can he resist Gang Sha?"

"Could it be that he isn't in the physical state?"

"Impossible, he didn't show any supernatural power!"

The disciples of the Absolute Beginning Sect were in an uproar.

After the initial shock, there was a voice of conviction.

They all had eyesight and could tell that Gu Shaoshang hadn't broken through to the supernatural realm.

Because once the supernatural powers are achieved, the physical body will produce supernatural powers, which can be used by emissaries to practice supernatural powers, so that they can connect the world from themselves.

Therefore, there is a huge difference between these two Realms!


In the air, the headmaster Li Fangying looked at Gu Shaoshang on the martial arts stage: "This junior brother has something."

"It's unheard of that the physical body can resist Gang Sha."

On the side, there were other peak masters who exclaimed: "It's incredible, how did the physical body resist Gangsha?"

"The fact that the imperial envoy Gang Sha means that he has the ability to fight against the supernatural powers, because the power of Gang Sha can be transformed into a supernatural power when it is integrated with the power of supernatural powers."

As the peak masters spoke, they couldn't help looking at retired elder Ouyang Xun.

"Could it be that this is the speciality of Xianfeng's inheritance?"

"However, Gu Shaoshang only got the inheritance for two or three days!"

Ouyang Xun's stooped body, old body, looks ordinary, but he is standing in the air.

At this moment, there is a smile on his face, which looks extremely profound.

"As expected of Senior Brother Lu Xianzhi's second-generation disciple."

Ouyang Xun praised slightly, but in fact he also had some doubts in his heart: "Even Senior Brother Lu Xianzhi, he has never heard that he can have such strength and power when he is in the physical body..."

On the martial arts stage.

When Gu Shaoshang's Gang Sha unfolded, 'Ye Tian' was terrified.

He was both surprised and angry.

Surprisingly, Gu Shaoshang was able to control Gang Sha in this Realm.

The one who was angry was the gangsha of Gu Shaoshang, the imperial envoy, whose source was his cut off 'True Water Gangsha'.

The Yanwu stage is just that big.

In just this moment, Gu Shaoshang was already approaching him like a thunderbolt, like a torrent.


Suddenly, 'Ye Tian' felt a blur in front of his eyes, like a majestic river, ruthless and fierce, rushing towards him with the power of heaven and earth.

Gang Sha is the extreme Qi in the world, and it has various wonderful functions.

However, no matter what kind of gangsha, they all have some common characteristics.

fierce! violent! Great power! Bring the power of heaven and earth!

The supernatural power state, the sign is that the supernatural power is born in the body, which can control the supernatural power, control the power of the heaven and the earth, and connect the world from the body to the ditch.

However, now that Gu Shaoshang is out, it seems that he has already crossed that hurdle.

The strength of gangsha is better than many supernatural powers!


At the nick of time, 'Ye Tian' blocked with both hands.

But what followed was numbness in both hands!

The gangs of great rivers, the evil of real water, bloom in front of your eyes!

There is also a strange force, from his hands, hit the body of 'Ye Tian'.


"It's not just the True Water Gang Sha!"

'Ye Tian' is horrifying, this horrifying is no small matter.

"His Gang Sha is already going to turn into a supernatural power?!"

Just a few days ago, 'Ye Tian' saw Gu Shaoshang returning from blocking the river.

At that time, at most, Gangsha had just been collected.

However, to collect Gangsha, as long as the seed of Gangsha is suppressed, it can be absorbed in the body.

This is another concept from the thorough use of gangsha!

On top of this, completely taming Gangsha and turning it into a supernatural power is another concept!

However, how long?

Gu Shaoshang not only used Gangsha for his own use, but also turned it into a 'supernatural power'.

How is this possible? !

In horror, the pupils of 'Ye Tian' trembled slightly.

Gu Shaoshang has already moved since then.

His body seems soft yet firm, like layers of waves, First Stage followed by First Stage, turning into incomparably fierce.

The Qi and blood in his body, First Stage after First Stage, pile up and push the body, unadorned, unpretentious, fierce and unparalleled.

Seeing the shock of 'Ye Tian', Gu Shaoshang was not surprised.

He himself is also aware of how horrified he is in the eyes of outsiders with his changed strength.

At this moment, Gu Shaoshang seized the opportunity without hesitation.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him!

"Innate one qi!"

Qi and blood in the body surged, blending with Gang Sha, and changed in an instant.

This is the method of Innate's qi, and it is also the reason why 'Ye Tian' feels that it is not gangsha.

Gein, this is not pure Gangsha power, but turned into 'Innate Qi'.

If the fist hits, if it is popular, it will fall to the ground!


Like thunder on the flat ground, and also like surging waves.

Everything fell on 'Ye Tian'.

In the eyes of others, Gu Shaoshang was surrounded by a strange innate qi, rushing to the side of 'Ye Tian'.

Just for a moment.

Just a split second.

The figure of 'Ye Tian' flew upside down!

Such as a ball being twitched vigorously.

Mixed with the unbelievable and painful murmur of 'Ye Tian'.


The person is still in the air, and a mouthful of blood has already gushed out!

The horror in 'Ye Tian''s heart is also the first stage followed by the first stage.

The moment the attack landed on his body, 'Ye Tian' not only felt the fierceness of the 'Innate Qi', but also felt the power of Gu Shaoshang... beyond imagination!

That is a strength that far exceeds that of the physical body, even stronger than his supernatural power!

"It's nothing more than supernatural powers. How could his physical body be so strong?"

This thought flashed through 'Ye Tian''s mind.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes blurred.

Innate's qi of chaotic light flickered, and Gu Shaoshang had already rushed forward.

Before 'Ye Tian' landed and the blood was still spraying, he had already seen the figure of Gu Shaoshang again.

More precisely, fists!

Strong and unparalleled fists!

Qi and blood are stacked, with Innate's fist!

A strong crisis suddenly beat wildly in the heart of 'Ye Tian'.

Can't stand it!


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