Fantasy Script: I, The Supporting Role Of Destiny!

Chapter 331 Suspicion Of The Auction House, Mystery Of Identity!

"The people at the auction house have noticed me!"

After Gu Shaoshang said this, his expression sank.

"What? How is this possible?" Old Taling's voice was full of surprise, and he asked: "You have never revealed your own identity from the beginning to the end, and I don't see any flaws in your words!"

Gu Shaoshang sneered and said: "Thinking about it now, I was a bit hasty when I took out the bone of the demon bone tiger, and it must have aroused their suspicion.

"And why?"

Gu Shaoshang explained slowly: "The broken bones of the devil bone tiger are not common!

First of all, this is only possible in the Demon Burial Land, and at least it needs to reach the Holy Realm to defeat or repel the Demon Bone Tiger.

It is not a trivial matter for a strong person who has entered the holy realm to enter the place of the devil's burial. Since the imperial clan can control the blood wolf mercenary group, the other mercenary groups should also have their own forces behind them, and they are all staring at the entire place of the devil's burial. .

Under this kind of monitoring, which strong man in the holy realm can quietly enter the devil burial ground and fight a devil bone tiger?"

Hearing Gu Shaoshang's words, Taling Old King said slowly: "It's not unreasonable for you to say that."

"The most important thing is that after the few surviving mercenaries from Gusha go back, they will report the matter to 997 every day.

If Tyrannical Clan really pays attention to the movements in the place of the devil's burial, it is easy to associate this matter together.

Otherwise, I am an ordinary seller, why should I be taken care of like this?

You can actually send a woman from the bully clan to serve me! Why didn't I see that the other boxes were also treated like this?"

When Gu Shaoshang said this, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In fact, the most critical issue is Ba Xuan's identity.

Even if she is only a collateral child of the Tyrant Clan, since she appears here, it represents the identity of the Tyrant Clan.

A dignified family, not to mention a detached state, even a saintly state may not have such a Giving face.

If I really believed in this woman just now, I'm afraid that it won't be long before she tricks me out.

At the same time, Ba Xuan outside the private room took out a sound transmission talisman from the storage bag, and then put it on his lips to read a few words silently, and the talisman immediately burned out of thin air.

Not long after, a man slowly opened his eyes in one part of the auction house building.

"Xuan'er has a message."

"What did she say?"

Next to the man is a white-haired old man (bdbg), if Gu Shaoshang can recognize it here, this white-haired old man is the one who identified himself before.

"This man is very vigilant, and he doesn't leave any flaws in his words and deeds. Xuan'er didn't get any useful information from him."

"Maybe he really doesn't know?" The old man thought for a while and said.

"I can't rule out this possibility!" The man said in a deep voice, "But it's always right to pay more attention. The situation at the Devil's Burial Ground is very tense right now. Any news that may be useful will come in handy."

The old man nodded when he heard this.

"Indeed, if he is really the person who appeared in the blood wolf mercenary group, I'm afraid this kid's identity will be extraordinary!"

"Take a step back, even if they really noticed something abnormal, how would they guess you?"

Gu Shaoshang listened to Old King Taling's question, thought for a moment, and said: "Only Li Hai has seen me attack with all my strength. Unless the dead can speak, Gu Sha and the others know only one side."

When he was in the Demon Burial Ground, Gu Shaoshang only used the Celestial Overlord Body when he was in front of Gu Sha and the others.

In other words, they probably thought that Gu Shaoshang was a bully in their hearts in Gusha, so it is probably the same to pass the news back.

"You mean, the auction guesses that you may also be a Tyrant?"

Gu Shaoshang nodded with a smile: "It should be so, otherwise, he wouldn't be so polite to me."

With the strength of these two saint-level powerhouses in the auction, if they really wanted to know some news from themselves, it would be a very simple matter.

And the reason why they have only been probing so far, and even acted quite friendly, is probably largely because they regard themselves as Tyrants.

In the dark foreign land, the creatures here will only retain a little kindness when they treat their own kind.

"Looking at it this way, it doesn't seem like a big problem?"

Gu Shaoshang smiled helplessly: "Who knows, I can only take one step at a time."

After a few more sticks of incense, Gu Shaoshang noticed that the seats below had gradually been filled up, leaving only a few vacancies.

And as the voices became more and more boiling, a man walked onto the high platform from behind.

"Welcome everyone to our Jincheng Auction House, this auction conference has officially begun!"

Unlike the ceremonial auctions of Sanqianyu, the process here is quite straightforward.

Without any fancy words, without any superfluous elaboration, just with the man's gentle sentence, the auction will officially start.

And the emotions of the people below have also reached the highest level. If not many people can sense the gaze of a strong person in the holy realm from somewhere, I'm afraid they can't help but boil loudly at this moment.

Then a woman came up with a plate in her hand, and the plate was covered with a layer of red cloth, which covered something inside.

"The first item to be auctioned today!"

The auctioneer put his hand on the red cloth, pulled it gently, and then revealed the true content of the things on the plate.

"Refined by Master Xu of our family, a bottle of immortal product melting spirit pill, dry version two!"

“Immortal Medicine Pill?”

Hearing this, even Gu Shaoshang couldn't help being a little surprised. You must know that there are no alchemists who can refine the immortal medicine pill in the three thousand domains.

And the crowd in the audience seemed to be no less surprised than Gu Shaoshang, and many of them were already looking at the stage with some jealousy.

But the auctioneer seemed not satisfied with the current atmosphere, and continued: "I think there are quite a few fellow daoists who are not very clear about the Rongling Pill, so let me explain the efficacy of the Rongling Pill to you!"

The auctioneer gently picked up the vial, then twisted the mouth of the bottle in front of everyone, opening a small gap.

Immediately afterwards, everyone smelled a strong fragrance of Dan, which was as refreshing as coming out of a fairyland.

But the auctioneer quickly capped the bottle again, and then said proudly: "I believe Master Xu's name doesn't need me to introduce too much, the only immortal alchemist in my Tyrant clan, he is highly respected!

And the melting spirit pill he refined has the miraculous effect of dredging the meridians and condensing the blood vessels!

Even for transcendence it is of great benefit!".

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