Fantasy Script: I, The Supporting Role Of Destiny!

Chapter 347 Extremely Cold Demon Abyss, Space Rift!

Gu Shaoshang left the Great Wilderness Mountains with the map he got from Bai Yi and the new booklet.

As for whether the other party will be found by Ba Yuanzi, it is uncertain.

Afterwards, he did not go to the originally planned Cangyun Mountain, but changed the direction halfway and flew all the way to the north.

He wants to go to see the legendary extremely cold demon abyss first, to see if the deepest space crack is real~ as Bai Yi said.

If it was too dangerous, he would have to delay for a while and study the formation of the devil first.

At the same time, since Di Mowen already knew the mission of owning himself, maybe he would set up an ambush in Cangyun Mountain, and now he was just throwing himself into a trap in the past.

After much consideration, Gu Shaoshang traveled northward to the edge of the Great Wilderness Mountains.

Here is a barren plain, without any vegetation, and no animals can be seen.

There was only a straight horizontal moat in front of Gu Shaoshang, as if the whole earth was split into two halves.

And in the broken abyss, there is only a chilling aura coming from the endless darkness.

Gu Shaoshang stood on the ground beside the abyss, looked down from above, but couldn't see the scene inside.

Even if he mobilized the Divine Sense to check, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't reach the depths, as if this place was really a bottomless pit.

"Looks like it's time to spend some money."

Somewhat helplessly, Gu Shaoshang took out a glowing scale from the storage bag, and threw it towards the abyss in front of him.

The scales fell down lightly, and the light emitted changed from strong to weak, until finally completely disappeared.

It was as if this light was swallowed by the darkness until it disappeared completely, and Gu Shaoshang didn't even hear the sound of something falling to the ground from the beginning to the end. It is conceivable that the height of this abyss has exceeded his expectations.

This scale was bought in the square market at the foot of the Sea Clan Shrine.

It is said that it is the scale of a sea beast, its function is only to emit light, it looks extremely beautiful, and can be used as an ornament.

Because of the cheap price, Gu Shaoshang bought a lot of them, and planned to give them to Xia Qingwei and Xiao Guanyin as gifts.

As a result, I didn't expect that it could be used as a searchlight at this time.

"How dangerous is it down here?" Gu Shaoshang asked.

Old King Ta Ling thought for a while, and replied: "There are indeed many violent Spiritual Qi and subtle space cracks in the Extremely Cold Demon Abyss. If you accidentally touch it, you may be injured.

But it's not a special danger, because as long as you avoid those cracks, you basically can't encounter anything that will kill people.

It's just that because there is nothing below, people gradually lost interest in this extremely cold demon ape, and only regarded it as a dangerous boundary.

Listening to Ta Ling Lao Wang's introduction, Gu Shaoshang asked again: "As long as you avoid the space cracks, you will be safe? Is it dangerous in the space cracks?"

"There are many kinds of turbulence in the space crack, if you are accidentally involved in it. The powerful force of space will directly tear your body apart.

No matter how strong you are, it won't work. This is the effect of the law of space.

After hearing these words, Gu Shaoshang couldn't help but become serious.

He sat on the edge of the extremely cold demon abyss, thinking about his current situation.

He has not considered the matter of the formation of the demon lord for the time being. This thing is too dangerous, and he is not sure whether it will work at all.

If he accidentally entered the Demon Realm, he would not be able to decide his life or death.

Other than that, we can only wait for the opening of the battlefield between the two worlds, when Gu Shaoshang may fish in troubled waters.

It's just that it will take a long time to wait in this way, and if the identity is exposed, the previous arrangements will be completely in vain.

All that Ye Shaoshang did was for Yu to win the war between the two worlds.

From the current point of view, the strength gap between the two sides is really too big. If Gu Shaoshang stays on the side of the dark foreign land, it is estimated that it will be difficult for him to be of any help in the future battle between the two worlds

"No, it seems that I have to give it a try!"

Gu Shaoshang stood up slowly and made up his mind at the same time.

He looked down at the darkness under his feet, then closed his eyes abruptly, took a deep breath, and took a step forward.

Then his whole body fell into the abyss like a small stone.

...asking for flowers......

Although he closed his eyes, he could also feel that the surrounding air was rapidly becoming cold, as if he was suddenly placed on the October Ice Field.

At the same time, the wind howled in my ears, it sounded like this dark abyss was roaring.

I don't know how long he fell, but Gu Shaoshang still didn't see any light and shadow appearing under his feet.

After a while, Gu Shaoshang saw a little more faint light below.

But when he took a closer look, he found that the one emitting light was the scale he had thrown down before!

Gu Shaoshang immediately slowed down [The figure slowly landed on the ground.

After he suddenly touched the land, Gu Shaoshang actually had a wonderful sense of weightlessness.


He took a few steps forward, and picked up the half-remained scale from the gap in the stone.

As for the other half, it should be because I don't know where it fell.

"It's really cold here, let's add some extinguishing."

Gu Shaoshang snapped his fingers lightly, and then a mass of white flame rose from his fingertips, which was exactly the heart fire of the Heavenly Emperor from the Imperial Clan.

The Heavenly Emperor's heart fire immediately brought some warmth to Gu Shaoshang, and at the same time the light also illuminated the surrounding space.

With the help of this ray of light, Gu Shaoshang looked at the surrounding environment, and found that it actually looked like an ordinary valley.

It's just that the only difference is that there are no plants here, and some tiny space cracks can be vaguely seen.

Gu Shaoshang picked up a stone from the ground and threw it towards a crack. Then the stone passed through the crack in the air smoothly, and then fell to the ground and became two halves.

Seeing this strange scene, Gu Shaoshang couldn't help but click his tongue, stepped forward to pick up the stone, and looked at the smooth fracture.

This hard stone was smoothly turned into two halves, and there was no unevenness in the broken place, as if it was born this way.

"This is what Lao Wang said, no matter how strong the body is, it is as brittle as a piece of thin paper in front of the power of the law of space."

At the same time, such tiny spatial cracks still exist everywhere at the bottom of the canyon!.

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