Fantasy Script: I, The Supporting Role Of Destiny!

Chapter 379: An Exhortation Before Leaving!

In the yard, Huang Shen looked at Gu Shaoshang who was leaving, and felt a little sad for a while.

"It's really hard for my junior brother. I think it's because of my Taichu sect that I have to take over the things that the Queen Mother sect told me!"

Huang Shen didn't know exactly what happened, and could only roughly infer from Gu Shaoshang's words.

In his opinion, Gu Shaoshang must have taken over the task of the Queen Mother Sect for the sake of the Absolute Beginning Sect not being oppressed.

Otherwise, why would the Queen Mother Sect help you unconditionally?

Of course, to some extent, his guess was correct.

Qingxia Peak, inside the Qingxia Gate.

Chen Shan has been living a lot more comfortably recently, he, the head of the sect, has never been so comfortable before!

You must know that although he was the head of the sect on the surface, in the end, those old guys are still in charge of the affairs of the sect.

After all, these old guys have been in the position of Elder for countless years, and he has only just succeeded as the head of the sect.

In addition, the strength of several nearby forces has always been stronger than their Qingxia Sect.

It can be said that internal and external troubles have never subsided!

But since Qing Xuzi called him over last time, everything has changed drastically!

The surrounding 13 major forces disappeared, and all the disciples under their sect were annexed by Qingxia Sect.

This made Qingxiamen become the most powerful sect in the entire Xiling, the king of none!

Coupled with the arrival of Gu Shaoshang, the importance of him as the head of the sect was doubled.

Those Elders who used to tell him what to do, now dare not fart in front of him.

Gu Shaoshang recognized Chen Shan, not these old fellows!

The biggest troubles disappeared all of a sudden, so it's no wonder that Chen Shan is in a very happy mood recently, and he even gained a few catties with him.

What I do most every day is to lie in the hut on Qingxia Peak and look at the sky leisurely.

It's just that he had just lay down not long ago, and the sound of footsteps in his ears made him open his eyes impatiently.

"Who? Haven't I said it many times? Don't bother me when I'm resting!"

"Sorry, I'm pressed for time, so I can only take up your rest time."

The moment he heard these words, Chen Shan jumped up from his chair like a rabbit seeing a tiger!

"Gu... Gu senior!"

Gu Shaoshang smiled and said, "Is Chen Sect Leader doing well recently?"

"Junior is fine!" Chen Shan didn't dare to put on airs any more at the moment, and immediately bowed his body and said: "senior calm down!

Junior really didn't know it was the senior who came, and he thought it was some ignorant disciple from Sect who went up the mountain, so he forgives the senior, don't blame him!"

Chen Shan's tone and appearance were extremely humble.

But it's no wonder, after all, the only reason he can have the present comfort is actually thanks to Gu Shaoshang.

If he offended Gu Shaoshang now, then everything might be back to the original point.

No! Possibly even worse!

Think about those few people who were instantly killed, several of them are stronger than themselves!

Gu Shaoshang didn't intend to pursue it further, but said calmly: "I came back here for two things."

"Senior, please tell me!" Chen Shan said respectfully: "If there is a place where Junior can be used, Junior will die!"

"It's not a big deal, but it does matter."

Hearing what Gu Shaoshang said, instead of being embarrassed, Chen Shan felt a little lucky.

After all, I am now on Gu Shaoshang's boat, if I am really useless to him, then I can only stop here in the future.

But if it can still come in handy, it means that you are still the person the other party likes, and the nature is naturally different.

"First I'm leaving for a while [no one is allowed to go up the back hill during this time!"

As soon as Chen Shan heard this, he immediately said with a solemn expression: "senior, please rest assured, as long as Junior does not die for a day, there is absolutely no way for another person to enter the back mountain!

After today, Junior will place the Immortal Cave on the mountain path, if anyone wants to break in, they have to step on Junior's corpse!"

Gu Shaoshang was momentarily dumbfounded.

"Second thing, all news about me is not allowed to spread, including the thing you met me before.

Hearing this, Chen Shan wanted to agree wholeheartedly, but immediately showed a dignified expression.

Because he is not the only one who knows about this matter, the Elder in the Sect and some individual disciples also know about it.

Naturally, he himself can easily keep his mouth shut and not spread the word, but not necessarily the other Elders and disciples.

Besides, he didn't take care of this matter deliberately during this time, so I'm afraid that these few people are not the only ones who know the news.

Seeing that Chen Shan didn't respond, Gu Shaoshang continued: "But you don't need to be nervous. Although you don't need to deliberately promote it, it doesn't matter if you can't hide it."

Then Gu Shaoshang took out a small glass bead from the storage bag and handed it to Chen Shan.

"This thing is called a psychic orb. If someone inquires about me, you can tell me about it. You don't need to do anything else."

Chen Shan took the orb and immediately put it away carefully, cupped his hands and said: "Follow the senior's order!"

"There is nothing else."

Gu Shaoshang glanced sideways at the foot of the mountain, and said, "But since I asked you to do so many things, it is naturally impossible for 507 to do it for nothing."

With a flick of Gu Shaoshang's hand, several things flew out from the storage bag, including a formation plate, a handful of Flying Sword Magical Item, a bottle of Medicine Pill and a talisman.

"The recording on this disk is a defensive formation, which can resist the attack of the transcendent cultivator after activation.

This Flying Sword is a top-grade Magical Item, I know you are a sword repairer, this sword should be of great use to you.

In addition, this bottle of Medicine Pill can help you break through the current bottleneck, and you should be able to enter the birthplace as soon as possible.

The last talisman is an earth escape talisman, which can be driven by Blood Essence. After use, it can be instantly transferred hundreds of miles away. It is an excellent life-saving talisman.

Now I will give you all these things, which can be regarded as a small reward for you. If everything is safe and sound after I come back, I will give you something else.

After Gu Shaoshang said these words, he pushed all the things towards Chen Shan.

And Chen Shan's eyes were full of excitement at this time, looking at this pile of treasures he couldn't keep his mouth shut.

It was only after a long time that he hurriedly said: "Senior doesn't have to be like this. Junior's current status is thanks to senior. Even without these things, Junior will definitely do his best!"

Hearing this, Gu Shaoshang smiled and replied: "I am not rewarding you, only you are strong enough to help me do these things.".

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