Fantasy Script: I, The Supporting Role Of Destiny!

Chapter 387 Ancient Clan Secret Xin, Eternal Magic Eyes!

"How did you see through my hiding before?"

Gu Shaoshang pretended to be puzzled.

The ancient bird explained: "I have a pupil technique, and I can see the Shattering Void delirium, so I can see the hiding of the fellow daoist!"

"Pupil surgery!?" Gu Shaoshang was a little surprised and said, "How can pupil surgery have such an effect?"

Gu Yuan'er hesitated a little, but still explained: "This is my family's Talent's supernatural power 'Eternal Magic Eye', which can see through all falsehoods and judge the spiritual Qi of heaven and earth."

"Your Excellency is..."

"I'm from the ancient tribe." Gu Yuan'er said helplessly.

Gu Shaoshang did not hide his surprise, and immediately said seriously: "But that ancient clan from thousands of years ago?"

Gu Shaoshang knew about the existence of the Gu Clan in the Taling Old King's narration.

In the dark foreign land thousands of years ago, the most powerful force was not the imperial clan, but the ancient clan!

According to legend, the ancient emperor mastered the most powerful and ancient supernatural power in the dark foreign land!

In the ancient clan, there is a kind of pupil technique passed down by blood, which can see through all illusions and see through the flow of spiritual qi.

This means they can learn the Cultivation Technique simply by seeing it in action!

Any formation is useless in front of them, and they only need to glance at it to find the key to the formation.

Didn't expect the ancient emperor to disappear suddenly one day!

The soul lamps left by the ancient clan were also extinguished, and the news of the ancient emperor's death spread like wildfire.

All of a sudden, those forces that had enmity with the ancient clan were ready to move.

You must know that the ancient clan, which was the strongest clan back then, has made many enemies.

Coupled with the countless magical powers and Cultivation Techniques in the clan, it naturally aroused the covetousness of many people.

So all of a sudden, almost everyone is staring at the most powerful clan in the past!

Not long after, someone couldn't help moving people.

In the beginning, it was only a small-scale conflict, and with the fact that the ancient clan's own background was still there, they did not suffer much damage in this conflict, and on the contrary, they still had a considerable advantage.

But what followed was bad news, because everyone suddenly found that the ancient emperor seemed to be really dead!

Otherwise, under such circumstances, how could he not show up?

So the next step is to attack them in groups, and almost half of the forces in the dark foreign land have taken action, including the top forces such as the Overlord Clan and the Emperor Clan!

The so-called tree falling and Husun ​​scattered, when the ancient clan fell into the end of the road, all kinds of extermination followed.

Because when everyone calms down, they feel a little scared!

What if the ancient emperor didn't die? What if he came back later for revenge?

What if another powerful Tianjiao appeared in the ancient clan, revive the ancient clan one day, and seek revenge against them, what should we do?

Ever since, in order to prevent these possible occurrences, the people of the ancient tribe began to be hunted and killed in all directions!

It wasn't until later that the ancient people seemed to have completely disappeared, and the nitrate gradually subsided.

That's why Old King Ta Ling showed such a surprised expression when he saw Gu Yuan'er.

He is very aware of the impact of this incident back then, no wonder he was so surprised when he saw an ancient man appearing aboveboard.

"Yes." Gu Yuan'er did not deny it, but admitted it openly.

Originally, he had already thought about what to say after the other party denied it, but now Gu Shaoshang was at a loss as to how to answer it.

Seeing Gu Shaoshang's embarrassment, Gu Yuan'er also smiled and said: "Don't be so surprised, we Gu people have nothing to hide now.

"What do you mean by that?"

Seeing Gu Shaoshang's doubts, Gu Yuan'er said: "A few years ago, the Holy Maiden of the new generation of my ancient clan betrothed the little Bawang of the Ba clan."

"I see." Gu Shaoshang sighed with emotion.

In other words, the current Gu Clan is already a member of the Ba Clan.

With such a strong backer, it's no wonder they dare to come out in an open and aboveboard manner.

Of course, the more important reason is probably because too much time has passed after all, and many things from the beginning have already been settled.

The current Gu Clan doesn't have the ability to take revenge, so everyone takes it for granted that they no longer have such a big intention to kill the Gu Clan.

"It's just a pity that the little overlord of the overlord clan was beheaded by Lingshan Buddha at the Tianjiao gathering, which made this marriage impossible to continue." Gu Yuan'er suddenly sighed with emotion.

...asking for flowers...

As soon as these words came out, Gu Shaoshang was immediately speechless.

After being stunned for a moment, he opened his mouth and said: "But it may not be a good thing for you ancient people, right?"

Gu Yuan'er glanced at Gu Shaoshang in surprise, then nodded and said, "That's true, but how did the fellow daoist think of this?"

"It's very simple, the marriage between your ancient clan and the tyrant clan is just to seek protection.

Now even though the marriage is not successful, but the love is still there, so it can be regarded as the achievement of the goal.

And if they really get married, the Gu Clan will always be controlled by others in the future, which is not what you want to see.

The current situation is actually just right, right?"


After hearing Gu Shaoshang's words, Gu Yuan'er showed a rare smile.

"As the fellow daoist said, the current situation is indeed favorable for my ancient clan, but it's a pity that the Holy Maiden..."

Having said that, Tongue let out a long sigh.

"Holy Maiden has already prepared to sacrifice her feelings for the clan P, but the king has become an ominous sign of losing her husband before she gets married. I don't know what the clans will talk about her."

Among the big families, these reputations are naturally extremely important.

It is conceivable that this Holy Maiden will naturally become a topic of discussion for others after encountering such a thing.

Whether it is sympathy or vicious speculation, it is bound to affect her reputation in the future.

It's no wonder that when Gu Yuan'er mentioned this, she felt unfair because of it.

"Hasn't the Bazu expressed anything?" Gu Shaoshang could only change his words and ask.

"An Elder from the Tyrannical Clan had planned to accept the Holy Maiden as his apprentice, but the Holy Maiden refused.

"Then she now..."

Just when Gu Shaoshang was about to ask where to find the Holy Maiden, Shaming and the others walked over and said: "Fellow daoist, I've finished my repairs and can go!"

Hearing this, Gu Shaoshang couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

He originally wanted to find out the whereabouts of the Holy Maiden, and maybe he could take this opportunity to devour the other's blood and cultivate the Eternal Magic Eye.

But since he was interrupted now, he could only choose another day to ask again. .

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